OK, Before I launch into this let me state for the record that this thread is meant to prompt debate and that I am in no way shape or form pro unsafe sex - I would not consider playing without using a condom etc etc etc.....
During some research for a project I have been working on I came across some rather starting statistics....
Each year in the UK over 350,000 people are admitted to hospital for smoking related diseases, of those 106,000 will die.
Deaths caused by smoking are five times higher than the 22,833 deaths arising from: traffic accidents (3,439); poisoning and overdose (881); alcoholic liver disease (5,121); other accidental deaths (8,579); murder and manslaughter (513); suicide (4,066); and HIV infection (234) in the UK during 2004. World-wide, almost 5 million die prematurely each year as a result of smoking. Based on current trends, this will rise to 10 million within 20 years.
The point I guess I am making is... If we are all so concerned about our health by being almost evangelical about the use of condoms, why are we far more blase about the other risks we are far more likely to face in our everday lives whether it be smoking, drinking, driving, crossing the road or popping out to get a pint of milk...?
I realise that the lifestyle we chose to lead will place us in a higher risk group than many, and that we are unable to avoid the risks incurred by everday life. But, when you look a the figures do you think we pay undue attention to some risks and ignore others?
Fair enough that the death rate is relatively low in the UK, but if I were you I'd go and look up recorded and estimated infection rates.
It is perfectly possible to live a long and relatively healthy life with HIV, but it requires you to be constantly aware of your own health and to take various combinations of some pretty powerful medication for the rest of your life. It also requires you to take precautions to prevent you from infecting anyone else for the rest of your life.
Personally I'm not paranoid that I'd get HIV from having unprotected sex, I'd be much more worried about the 1 in 9 chance that the person you're playing with has Chlamydia (used to be called NSU before scientists knew what was causing it).
I believe we will find out soon that smoking althought not good for you as by far not as dangerous as we are made to believe.
First I read another stats some month ago where the related more than 200,000 death per annum to alcohol (death through violence under the influence of alchol, negligence, hit and run, homicide, houshold accidents etc all related to alcohol).
My sister works in one of the world leading research centres and they found out that breathing the air in places like Frankfurt, Lodon, NY etc. gives you an intake of poison of the equivalent of 100 cigarettes per day.
The diabetes foundation claims that the present generation is the first one which will die before their parents because of wrong eating habbits and obesity.
What do you think what all the fuss about the filters in diesel cars is suddenly about. Habe you ever seen any government tackling the motor industry?
Without getting into the passive smoking thing - If I smoke and get cancer, I have cancer. People I have sexual contact with have no risk of catching my cancer - it is mine and stays mine. It will not be passed on to others and their children and children's children (unborn that is).
HIV on the other hand could be spread across 100 people in a week, 1000's in a month.
It is about containment.
And it is not just HIV - you don't need me to list the other STD's do you!
Thing is.. regardless of the widely-held view on SH that unprotected sex between strangers is a no-no, it is going on. We all know this. Many of us have started out with good intentions and then thought - 'Well, hey, he/she seems OK. I'm sure they can't be HIV positive. And really, this condom business is seriously getting in the way.' And we also know that even if penetrative sex is being protected there are many, many instances of unprotected oral sex which also carries risk. I have only been to three clubs and not many more parties (so invite me!!!) but have NEVER seen a condom used for oral sex.
But as the original post shows AIDS is not rampaging. So does this mean the risk is being exaggerated for some reason?
Well it's not strictly true that aids is not rampaging, although AIDS itself is often kept at bay and under control by modern drug treatments, HIV is spreading quickly and more so in the heterosexual community now than in Gay community.
Anway, it's simple really, I don't see anyone of the risks as being more of a risk than the others personally. Its about taking precautions while still living your life fully.
I don't smoke as I know it can kill you, I drink in moderation, well most of the time, I eat a varied diet, sometimes junk and somethimes healthy but i get what I need, I look when I cross the road to avoid being hit by a car and I practice safe sex. As I said, simple really.
I've seen a friend die of an aids related illness and for me it's always protected
Much as I applaud the sentiment, these statistics are unfortunately fairly meaningless. Dying 'prematurely' is simply not a very good way of comparing these factors.
A large number of smoking-related deaths are in very old people, and we don't know if these statistics are including people who are (for example) weakened by lung cancer but actually die of something else, and we don't know how they compilers of these numbers are counting people who die through things that smoking gives you a greatly increased risk of - are they all included even if smoking is not necessarily the prime cause of death, or are the figures reduced by the number of people who would have died from these things anyway without smoking? Taking the current thoughts on the damage done by smoking and passive smoking to the logial conclusion, surely everyone who dies of old age does so slightly 'prematurely' because they have been exposed to it?
While the death of an elderly relative is certainly sad, I don't feel it's statistically valid to equate someone who had their natural lifespan reduced by a few months (or perhaps even days) with someone cut down in their prime by one of the other causes.
Are you a lesbian?
Do you want to give up smoking?
If you answered yes to those 2 questions, I have the answer for you -
How did "22,833 deaths arising from: traffic accidents" turn into how safely we cross the road?!!!
It's to do with you having no chance when some mad speed freak is hurtling down a motorway in a powerful car and answering his mobile at the same time. As a nation we have quietly accepted this huge level of slaughter as acceptable so that we can get to A from B at our own convenience. Unprotected driving - far more dangerous than a blow-job in a club.
There is inherrant risk in almost everything we do. However, the overall risk we take also depends on frequency.
If you smoke one cigarette once a month, it is unlikely that this level of use will cause you to fall foul of a smoking related disease.
If you have unprotected sex with an unknown partner, 20 times a day, 365 days a year for 20 years, it is highly likely that you will fall foul of a sexually related disease.
Comparing death rates is meaningless unless you level the playing field by removing the impact of frequency.