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Use of condoms

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I replied to an ad in the Women Seeking Men section of the site a while ago. I've since 'spoken' to the woman quite a lot on Messenger so she could decide if I was the right kind of person for her. Things seemed to be progressing quite well so she suggested meeting tomorrow night.
When I asked if she had some condoms or whether I should take my own she said that she didn't want to use them. This led to quite a heated discussion which culminated in me abandoning the meeting.
Have I acted out of turn here?
I know and am confident that I am clean as I am tested on a regular basis. Here is a woman who is expecting me to put my life in her hands simply because she says 'everything is OK' though. I can't believe that some people would be so irresponsible.
Quote by Mr Writer
I replied to an ad in the Women Seeking Men section of the site a while ago. I've since 'spoken' to the woman quite a lot on Messenger so she could decide if I was the right kind of person for her. Things seemed to be progressing quite well so she suggested meeting tomorrow night.
When I asked if she had some condoms or whether I should take my own she said that she didn't want to use them. This led to quite a heated discussion which culminated in me abandoning the meeting.
Have I acted out of turn here?
I know and am confident that I am clean as I am tested on a regular basis. Here is a woman who is expecting me to put my life in her hands simply because she says 'everything is OK' though. I can't believe that some people would be so irresponsible.

No you haven't acted out of turn at all. In this climate most people would agree that to play without protection is almost suicidal.
For what it's worth I believe you did the right thing.
:shock: Russian Roulette or condoms confused:
Condoms win every time wink
No I dont think your out of turn at all. Safe sex is paramount as far as I'm concerned. No disrespect to the young lady, but you dont know where shes been and what she may have, but on the other coin she may not know either, which is even more of a concern. Im sorry but you did the right thing as far as I'm concerned.
Good on you for sticking to your principles, I feel that unprotected sex is the stupidest risk you can take, especially in this scene where you are having sex with a number of different people, it is way too easy for something nasty to be passed on very quickly.
In the end, you never know if the other person is clean, or the last person you screwed, or the one before them... If this lady has made a habit of unprotected sex with different men she is a very high risk and any self respecting guy would think twice about having sex with her.
I think you did the right thing for sure and I would ALWAYS insist on safe sex myself.
everyone of us should consider the humble condom as our best friend, as i said before on a previous thread...they dont just stop the spread of babies confused
Of course Teppic, babies are the other HUGE risk! The thought of having to contact a number of different blokes to tell them you are pregnant eek!
Double protection for me! lol
we think you did the right thing hun we wouldnt play without em not worth the risk
you are right, condoms are a must
hey mq...if youve ever seen me, you would understand why i want no more little me's running around... blink :borg:
We were Just thinking about starting a post like this one to discuss this matter and how everyone feels on this subject.
We are in total agreement with Calista. There used to be a saying going around when I was younger, It went..."Sex with a condom is like taking a bath in a wet suit"
How I look back now and realise what a stupid comment/ statement it was.
No matter how well you know someone, You never really know them, so unprotected sex with strangers/ others etc.. Is not really a clever Idea.
Anyone prepared to take that chance, Unless with a long term partner with a known and clean sexual history, is clearly a muppet.
One night could be the best of your life with a total stranger, But will this be the night where you dont go home as alone as you think! Play it safe.. Keep it clean.. Keep it Fun!
Anyone offended by the asking of safe sex with someone you havnt truly gotten to know, Isnt worth knowing!
MQ, we may be new, but its a fair bet to say that you were right to insist on protective sex. Stand by your guns!
Rob and Mick
Quote by Bagum_Brothers
We were Just thinking about starting a post like this one to discuss this matter and how everyone feels on this subject.
We are in total agreement with Calista. There used to be a saying going around when I was younger, It went..."Sex with a condom is like taking a bath in a wet suit"
How I look back now and realise what a stupid comment/ statement it was.
No matter how well you know someone, You never really know them, so unprotected sex with strangers/ others etc.. Is not really a clever Idea.
Anyone prepared to take that chance, Unless with a long term partner with a known and clean sexual history, is clearly a muppet.
One night could be the best of your life with a total stranger, But will this be the night where you dont go home as alone as you think! Play it safe.. Keep it clean.. Keep it Fun!
Anyone offended by the asking of safe sex with someone you havnt truly gotten to know, Isnt worth knowing!
MQ, we may be new, but its a fair bet to say that you were right to insist on protective sex. Stand by your guns!
Rob and Mick

You are very wise for two so new worship
Yup, as others have already said, not going through with it is the best thing.
Unprotected sex with someone other than your long term partner? Not worth the risk.
Well given the news today:

There's every reason why you shouldn't go bareback, even more so given the frightening statistic that: "27% of people with HIV in the UK were unaware they had the virus". :shock: :doh: :eeek:
Good on you for standing up for your principles.
You deffinately made the right and only decission and youve not lost anything, after all would you really want to take a risk with someone who would take the risk?
Quote by foxylady 123
You deffinately made the right and only decission and youve not lost anything, after all would you really want to take a risk with someone who would take the risk?

I'd be gutted if the woman was you though, foxy! What an ass!
I know this opens me up to lots of "Oh Yeah" and "Bragging" replys..... but I am gonna ask anyway.....
Anyone know where you can get wide fit condoms.... (and ones that arn't 2ft long) I used to be able to buy them, but can't find them anywhere nowadays....
And before some bright spark says one size fits all.... they may stretch but they are not comfy.... !! wink
Quote by frogster
I know this opens me up to lots of "Oh Yeah" and "Bragging" replys..... but I am gonna ask anyway.....
Anyone know where you can get wide fit condoms.... (and ones that arn't 2ft long) I used to be able to buy them, but can't find them anywhere nowadays....
And before some bright spark says one size fits all.... they may stretch but they are not comfy.... !! wink

I bought some extra-large ones from Ann Summers. I was convinced they'd absolutely envelop my old chap as I'd never thought of it as 'above average' but they were incredibly snug and comfortable. It's just a shame they were so expensive.
No way!
Give this one a very wide berth :shock:
Absolutely no way on this earth. What if youd been ok with it then bang next morning...
" sillyhwoar: I've got warts" or something else.
Nah you did the right thing mate, getting down to the nitty gritty with a stranger isnt a great idea
Quote by frogster
I know this opens me up to lots of "Oh Yeah" and "Bragging" replys..... but I am gonna ask anyway.....
Anyone know where you can get wide fit condoms.... (and ones that arn't 2ft long) I used to be able to buy them, but can't find them anywhere nowadays....
And before some bright spark says one size fits all.... they may stretch but they are not comfy.... !! wink

Check here, I bought a bag of 100 thinking it was a selection pack, turned out I completely misread it! I ended up with 100 extra large....they do the job nicely though. Put a smile on my face realising that extra large ones actually fit! The old dear thought I was being less than modest though.
Well yes I agree it's best to play safe
while on the topic I'm curious to know...
has anyone ever got any nasties or worse
the dreaded big H?
by going bareback with someone they've met through SH?
just curious rolleyes
Quote by dundeecpl
No way!
Give this one a very wide berth :shock:

I agree... you have to question either her motives or her intelligence.
I think if it is a swinging meeting then condoms are a must. Sex with own partner/husband/wife/gfriend/bfriend is a different matter as they are a life partner kind of thing......
You have to be sure that you are not in any danger as the thought of facing your own mortality is not a nice or comfortable one..........
Good on you for stading by your principles. I don't want to play with anyone who goes bareback with multiple people on the swinging/dogging scene.... way too risky.
You definitely did the right thing there in refusing to meet. In this day and age it is not worth taking risks with your life.
Well done in sticking to your principles
Lucy kiss
Quote by tigerbee
...while on the topic I'm curious to know...
has anyone ever got any nasties or worse the dreaded big H?
by going bareback with someone they've met through SH?
just curious rolleyes

I await the results of your ad hoc epidemiology study with interest, though not with bated breath.
Whilst we're hijacking the thread, I wonder about the risks with oral and what protective measures SH members would recommend if any.
Quote by JudyTV
As I write this reply that very subject is being debated on BBC 1 Question Time. In my opinion it is each individuals choice as to whether they use condoms or not, it is also my opinion that I too agree 100% with your decision to do a body swerve around this person. You are right of course, it is your life that is at stake and we should be aware that in certain foreign countries it is not uncommon to find up-wards of 25% of certain populations are infected with HIV, much higher in certain places. Quite a few of those people are as we speak landing in this country at our airports every hour of the day. It does our country credit that we issue free condoms along with advice to any of our youth who need it or want it. Many major towns and cities here in the UK also operate a free "Safe sex pack" to all and anyone who want it. Responsibility is ours and ours alone. I think we ignore this at our peril and the cost of the gamble is human life. Hopefully not mine.

worship :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:
i totally agree with wearing condoms if you imagine every person who you have ever had sex with has had unprotected sex at least twice and every person they have slept with has had unprotected sex at least twice it can get quite scary.
have a look............
example of everyones partners who may have had say unprotected sex at least twice in their lives
1 person=2=4=8=16=32=64=124=256=512=1024=2048=4096=8192=16834=32768 and so on
so the amount of people theoretcilly (please exuse spelling) you could be sleeping with can run into thousands possibly millions. and thats just one person don't forget it takes two to tango. scary hey.