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Using prostitutes mmmmmmmm

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Quote by Freckledbird

Sorry but in reality we are a cheaper version than escorts no matter what way you look at it,

i have to disagree. a swinger is not a cheaper version of an escort. a swinger has sex for enjoyment, not for payment. of course i firmly believe many escorts and prostitutes do enjoy their work, but it is work. a profession, as you said.

I never said a swinger was a cheaper version of an escort i said "WE" are, escorts do it for money we do it for pleasure, so we both do it for gain, but its nice to see you even have someone to give you the thumbs up even though you seen my words in a different context, unless off course like stated before you have a problem with escorts.
i took your use of the word "we" to mean we as members of this site, swingers. i dont think it was inapropriate to do so.
im not sure what youve read into freckledbirds :thumbup: icon to me? and what different context did i see your words in?
i dont have a problem with escorts, if ive made a comment to make you think so would you be so kind as to point it out please, rather than infer.

I was agreeing with what Sexkitten said Solofun, and the bit in red is where you said it - I also read your comment as 'we' meaning the swingers on this site.
when I said we, I meant you or I or anybody else reading regardless of what label you choose, I get the impression by some responses that the problem is more of being associated within the same breath as an escort that is the problem but I might be reading into it wrong , it’s either that or people on here don’t do nsa sex, it might just be that im too open-minded for my own good because when I sit back and view this thread, the way I see it is if I want nsa sex without any commitment I could choose this lifestyle which many do, on the other hand if I wanted no stings attached sex I could visit an escort, In my mind I’d be doing the same thing having nsa sex, so saying one is cheaper might well be true, I wouldn’t come here or join this lifestyle because it was a cheaper option though, so I don’t see what all the fuss is about it was said in a joking kind of way after all maybe just a little cheesy, the only problem I have seen on this thread is the fact someone decided a whore was a more appropriate word for an escort followed by a few other choice words to up the troops and then sat back and watched everyone bite, which is a shame as this seems to be a regular thing nowadays with regards to new posters on the forums.
Warming the Bed
Quote by PoloLady

It was just my view that since this guy's wife did have unprotected oral sex with the prostitute then they should get checked out before meeting people on here.

There were 3 different rooms open relating to 'bareback' in the chatrooms the other day... one room having 70 people in it.
There are members on this and many other swinging sites who are also sex-workers. In the main they are here for the same reason as most other people - to enjoy recreational sex (though some do try touting until they are caught).
There are people on here who fuck more men in one session than some sex-workers do in a week/month.
Who is to say whether that girl you 'know' so well hasn't been for a test and in the two week period waiting for the results to come through didn't drop her pants for one of the guys from the bareback sex room?
So... may be people should just have regular check-ups regardless of where the last casual shag came from.
Well said PoloLady :thumbup:
I've seen 'bareback' sex in swingers clubs and parties many times and i've also been asked a few times to take my condom off in the middle of the act. IMHO having unprotected sex with a swinger is just as risky as having it with a prostitute.
Quote by froggystyle

It was just my view that since this guy's wife did have unprotected oral sex with the prostitute then they should get checked out before meeting people on here.

There were 3 different rooms open relating to 'bareback' in the chatrooms the other day... one room having 70 people in it.
There are members on this and many other swinging sites who are also sex-workers. In the main they are here for the same reason as most other people - to enjoy recreational sex (though some do try touting until they are caught).
There are people on here who fuck more men in one session than some sex-workers do in a week/month.
Who is to say whether that girl you 'know' so well hasn't been for a test and in the two week period waiting for the results to come through didn't drop her pants for one of the guys from the bareback sex room?
So... may be people should just have regular check-ups regardless of where the last casual shag came from.
Well said PoloLady :thumbup:
I've seen 'bareback' sex in swingers clubs and parties many times and i've also been asked a few times to take my condom off in the middle of the act. IMHO having unprotected sex with a swinger is just as risky as having it with a prostitute.
:shock: Opps!
Quote by froggystyle

It was just my view that since this guy's wife did have unprotected oral sex with the prostitute then they should get checked out before meeting people on here.

There were 3 different rooms open relating to 'bareback' in the chatrooms the other day... one room having 70 people in it.
There are members on this and many other swinging sites who are also sex-workers. In the main they are here for the same reason as most other people - to enjoy recreational sex (though some do try touting until they are caught).
There are people on here who fuck more men in one session than some sex-workers do in a week/month.
Who is to say whether that girl you 'know' so well hasn't been for a test and in the two week period waiting for the results to come through didn't drop her pants for one of the guys from the bareback sex room?
So... may be people should just have regular check-ups regardless of where the last casual shag came from.
Well said PoloLady :thumbup:
I've seen 'bareback' sex in swingers clubs and parties many times and i've also been asked a few times to take my condom off in the middle of the act. IMHO having unprotected sex with a swinger is just as risky as having it with a prostitute.
IMHO The point here is having unprotected sexual contact with anyoneis a risk! Each person has to decide how much of a risk they want to take,its a individual choice. Just the same if someone wishes to use a escorts services,have anal sex,a gangbang,go bungee jumping or what ever else floats their boat. Its their risk and their choice...
We can only choose for ourselfs,and protect ourselfs to reduce the risks we see/feel to a level we are happy with. I know what i mean just not sure it comes across well in words.
It takes at least two or more irresponsible and/or promiscuous idiots to give themselves sexual health problems.
Professional sex workers that operate from either premises or agencies are more experienced with sexual skills, health and hygiene and people skills.
Also they are not rabid risk takers. Many have a limited clientele of equally reliable and responsible customers. Many enjoy their work and their customers. There is a relationship which can only be understood by those who use sex workers. The punter and the worker have an arrangement with its own characteristics.
Street hookers are a risk in many ways. Which is why they are illegal.
Swingers have their own unique code and characteristics. This is only understood by the adults involved in the particular relationship they are in. Equally, many are experienced at the art and practicalities of swinging.
However, whereas the worker is disciplined enough to consistently use safe sex, the swinger can be careless, assuming; and more easily beguiled or willing to perform unprotected sex. We all know it happens in various situations.
I think Reggie made an inappropriate statement as the values involved with sex working don't mix/apply to recreationalism. But he's new and it looks like he's taken it on board. The newbie jumping ran its fairly predictable course. But at least a reasoned debate has ensued. So cheesy grins all round then? wink
Morning all,
I must say, I didn't realise that I would have put so many peoples backs up with my first post, but hey I'm man enough to take it.
I would like to thank the people that, well what can I say, stood in my corner and didn't judge me or my wife,and also for the information handed out.
To the people who jumped on me because I was a newbie, well I bet you didn't think that I would stand my groud and some of you even (I think) saw that it was a rather bad taste joke. But it's done.
I could of even edited after the first answer, but I didn't.
Anyway, my wife and I had a chat last night and we have decided to try and get invited to a meet not to far from us in Slough and see how we feel after that.
Quote by solofun
@ sexkittenhfx
Sorry i was just questioning your motives as to why you think you or i are different to escorts or should i say not a cheaper version of an escort, most people who use escorts do it for the purpose of nsa sex, ie no commitment, isn't that what we do if we go out and have a one night stand or swing? the difference being escorts charge money and aren't as selective but surely they both have the same purpose? you could say some prefer the social side of things but some don't and tend to do it for sex, so i can't understand why someone was being jumped on for saying those words even though it was done in a joking sort of way.

i didnt jump on anyone. you jumped on me and more or less accused me of having a problem with escorts when i had made no such value judgement. i feel i, as a swinger or as any joe bloggs, am different from an escort. not better than but different. i dont agree that swingers have sex with others for the same reasons that escorts or prostitutes do. its my opinion.
for the record i agree that reggie was jumped on wrongly.

Quote by solofun
and this is not aimed at you or anyone in particular
Then there’s the clique word that seems to come into these type of debates all the time, that’s all nonsense it bullying pure and simple, there’s some that stick a few words in then set back and enjoy once everyone has bitten, just a read through this thread shows that’s, there’s no clique here, there’s some people who like to bully and some who like to stir things up.

i dont care whether there are cliques on here or not. i come on here to meet my own ends and i think you will find that i say what i want to say when i want to say it rather than follow a group of people. cliques dont worry me. individuals such as yourself who read thangs that arent there, do.
Quote by solofun
I might be reading into it wrong

Quote by Drewxcore
perhaps you should get yourselves checked out to make sure you havent caught anything before u start meeting people off here rolleyes

ok i'm a little late on this subject i'm just reading it and your all already 6 pages in lol
But i just felt i had to reply to this comment......why should they have cought anything just cause they they pay for sex, your no more likely to catch anything off a prostitute than someone off here, i think you'll find many working girls now days insist on safe sex :roll: and i know a few people who have cough things from using clubs and meeting off sites such as these where you NOT paying for sex confused
I refuse to get lumped in with those that have said that the first flurry of responses were down to the fact that Reggie is new. rolleyes
What does amaze me though is that anybody has yet to mention those people on this thread that are merely chiming in because they see it as an opportunity to substantiate their own gripes, there are many chips on shoulders to be found in the forum! (And if you are introspective enough to think I’m talking about you, I’m probably not.)
I already mentioned that they couldve caught something through unprotected oral with anybody. I just think that since this topic has been enough for a couple of people to say it would put them off then they should get them checked out because they had unprotected oral sex, that way if they say in this topic that they have been checked it might reassure some people.
Quote by Reggie2006
Tbh we have not entertained a lady of the night in quite a long time, and there does not seem to be anything wrong downstairs.

Some STI/STD's don't cause symptoms in everybody. banghead rolleyes :banghead:
As I said I've never had sex with any of the escorts, and I had to wear a condom for oral.
Does everyone on here practise safe sex 100%?
I very much doubt it!
no they don't m8 i have met people off here who rant on thread such as this about how important condoms are and jump on people such as you who i have met and had unprotected sex with, diffarence is i admit what i do i'm not here just to keep the regular public happy, i could name names but of course i not ;)
the word hypocrite springs to mind with a few people on this site
Quote by naughtynymphos1
Tbh we have not entertained a lady of the night in quite a long time, and there does not seem to be anything wrong downstairs.

Some STI/STD's don't cause symptoms in everybody. banghead rolleyes :banghead:
As I said I've never had sex with any of the escorts, and I had to wear a condom for oral.
Does everyone on here practise safe sex 100%?
I very much doubt it!
no they don't m8 i have met people off here who rant on thread such as this about how important condoms are and jump on people such as you who i have met and had unprotected sex with, diffarence is i admit what i do i'm not here just to keep the regular public happy, i could name names but of course i not ;)
the word hypocrite springs to mind with a few people on this site
I've looked in some people's profiles & seen pictures posted of women with two cocks in there mouths with no protection.
Quote by Drewxcore
I already mentioned that they couldve caught something through unprotected oral with anybody. I just think that since this topic has been enough for a couple of people to say it would put them off then they should get them checked out because they had unprotected oral sex, that way if they say in this topic that they have been checked it might reassure some people.

And so do the vast majority of people on here... and a few more unprotected things on top of that!
I am asking nicely now... please stop suggesting they are a special case who need to post that they have been for a check-up.
Quote by PoloLady
I already mentioned that they couldve caught something through unprotected oral with anybody. I just think that since this topic has been enough for a couple of people to say it would put them off then they should get them checked out because they had unprotected oral sex, that way if they say in this topic that they have been checked it might reassure some people.

And so do the vast majority of people on here... and a few more unprotected things on top of that!
I am asking nicely now... please stop suggesting they are a special case who need to post that they have been for a check-up.
Thank you PoloLady.

i didnt jump on anyone. you jumped on me and more or less accused me of having a problem with escorts when i had made no such value judgement. i feel i, as a swinger or as any joe bloggs, am different from an escort. not better than but different. i dont agree that swingers have sex with others for the same reasons that escorts or prostitutes do. its my opinion.
for the record i agree that reggie was jumped on wrongly.

"Unless of course you have a problem with escorts"
I was asking if you have, not accusing you of having, which you'll find is a completely different thing. My point was a lot of men and women come on this site for nsa sex without commitment, the same reason most people visit escorts and if you can't see any similarities then that’s your opinion and your entitled to it, just like I am mine, I was sticking to the topic in the post which is why anyone on here would visit an escort "and the cheesy comment that it was a cheaper option here" although said in a joking way, you seem to be looking at it from the escorts point of view which is not what the original poster said, as an example if a couple place an advert on here for a male for a 3sum, or call a male escort for a 3some wouldn’t the outcome be the same thing apart from one involves payment? Or am I missing something. I just can’t see how nobody can see any similarities because I can see them clearly.
anyhow lets leave it at that my main reason for posting on this thread was because i seen simularities in both and thought that people were overreacting to the initial comments, not to start bickering with others.
Quote by Drewxcore
and i'm assuming that your wife and the prostitute wore the eqivilant female condom for oral?
i cant remember what its called

argggggggggggh! why are so concerned about their sexual well being? That's all you have bleeted on about in this thread!!! mad
If Reggi wanted advice on STD's etc., he would have gone to the local 1-2-1 Gum clinic or Brooke Centre or wherever is available! It has nothing to do with you or anyone else whether they had protected sex or not, he wasn't asking for advice on that!
For all you know the lady in question may well have had a test recently, she may also be more safe than you or I as isn't part of their job to have regular checks? As Fabio said, their jobs depend on that.
And apart from anything else, she's still a person with god damn feelings! I only hope she never joins this site god help her.
Rant over.... rolleyes
Quote by jaymar
and i'm assuming that your wife and the prostitute wore the eqivilant female condom for oral?
i cant remember what its called

argggggggggggh! why are so concerned about their sexual well being? That's all you have bleeted on about in this thread!!! mad
If Reggi wanted advice on STD's etc., he would have gone to the local 1-2-1 Gum clinic or Brooke Centre or wherever is available! It has nothing to do with you or anyone else whether they had protected sex or not, he wasn't asking for advice on that!
For all you know the lady in question may well have had a test recently, she may also be more safe than you or I as isn't part of their job to have regular checks? As Fabio said, their jobs depend on that.
And apart from anything else, she's still a person with god damn feelings! I only hope she never joins this site god help her.
Rant over.... rolleyes
hang on why does being a prostitute make you a whore?!
i find that comment very shallow from a so called opened minded adult and having a friend who is a escort i can assure you shes not a whore but a really nice women just trying to make ends meet, there are lots of ways to take payment for sex it does not have to be money i have a few times met men and gone to the pub for a chat where they have bought me drinks then gone onto a club where they have payed and then took me home after, does that make me a whore cause at the end of the day the guys forked out money to get sex from me?! and if it does that makes quite a lot of other women off this site whores too!!!
P.S its called a dental dam and seeing as you dont know what its called am i to beleive you dont use them when having oral with women?
P.P.S well said jaymar :thumbup:
wore = wearing or thats how i see it :shock:
but the word has been said somewhere on this thread but not by drew.
Quote by solofun
wore = wearing or thats how i see it :shock:
but the word has been said somewhere on this thread but not by drew.

yeah he did actually i have highlighted it in the message above
Quote by naughtynymphos1
wore = wearing or thats how i see it :shock:
but the word has been said somewhere on this thread but not by drew.

yeah he did actually i have highlighted it in the message above
NN I sent you a PM a few mins ago!
no he asked if they wore a condom or the female equivelent im assuming he ment a dental damn but i don't see what you are or am i reading the wrong thing?
ok ok i can admit when i'm wrong :lol2:
i have to i usually am i though it was a typo and he forgot the h redface
hey i feel better now i've had my rant anyway but i'm seriously ass kissing now :lol2:
Bless ya NN... from a purely selfish point of view I'm gald it's not just me that reads things the wrong way. redface
Hey your only human, we all make mistakes. and those who admit they did makes a better person. worship
I think its time this thread was sent to heaven, and i don't mean swinging heaven either. biggrin
cocoa , lairdy, well said , naughty nymphos your honesty is for one or two others ....same old same old , untill the next poor sod comes along and it starts all over again, some of you ruin this forum.
Quote by naughtynymphos1
ok ok i can admit when i'm wrong :lol2:
i have to i usually am i though it was a typo and he forgot the h redface
hey i feel better now i've had my rant anyway but i'm seriously ass kissing now :lol2:

NN - :kissmyarse: rotflmao xxxxx