get well soon debbs, hope your on the mend.
sierra x x :rose:
huggs n snuggs to debbs.
I have not have any "real" near death experience but at one period I tended to think about life and death a lot and doing so allowed me to appreciate being alive even when having hard times.
I hope that your neck heals quickly as I wouldn't like the idea of going around with a broken neck and no support to take the heavy weight of the head off of it while it heals.
Just wanted to add my best wishes for a speedy recovery......
loved your posts on the piss-taking thread by the way, you're a match for any of us :thumbup:
Take care
If its any consolation to you i watched a National Rugby League semi-Final last Saturday and the man who got the man of the match (45 year-old) broke his neck back in 1985 playing and was on traction for 18 months in Pontefract hostpital.
Good Luck and lets hope that you recover fully.