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volume of spunk

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Does anyone know of any natural foods or otherways of increasing the amount of spunk on ejaculation besides leaving sex alone for a couple of days--I can't do that!! confused:
biggrin plenty fluids, lots porn, :sticky: :laughabove: :thumbup: keep hands off it few hours
Try spraying Ralgex, or rubbing deep heat, on the area of the scrotum, take care not to get any around the anus though.
It acts to stimulate the flow of blood around the scrotum, this warms them and increases the volume of ejaculatory fluid.
It may not work immediately though, try twice a day over a period of 3 or four weeks.
otherways of increasing VE (volumetric discharge) are to soak the testicle in a glass of warm water each night for 1 week, pat them dry with a soft flannel (or towel if they are like mine), then coat them liberally in Royal Jelly, if you cannot get hold of Royal Jelly Swarfeega or elbow grease will suffice
Drink plenty of freshly squeezed plum or kumquat juice, and eat plenty of prunes/ figs
I doubt if it effects the volume....but... eat lots of fruit and it sure does make it taste jummy! :twisted:
Quote by PoloLady
I doubt if it effects the volume....but... eat lots of fruit and it sure does make it taste jummy! :twisted:

Now I know what to do with the box of clementines left over from Christmas...
PoloLady, do you like freshly squeezed clementine juice? wink
I think Kitkat is having a laugh with that one :twisted: . :idea: I could keep my hands warm in this cold spell though!
Quote by KitKat
Try spraying Ralgex, or rubbing deep heat, on the area of the scrotum, take care not to get any around the anus though.
It acts to stimulate the flow of blood around the scrotum, this warms them and increases the volume of ejaculatory fluid.
It may not work immediately though, try twice a day over a period of 3 or four weeks.
At the gym we sprayed ralgex on are leg muscles before working out,if you spray it on your bollocks the last thing you will think about is shooting your load lol
Apart from abstaining i cant offer any advice except that wasnt the band 10CC the average amount of spunk a man produced?
Im full of useless information confused
Quote by johnnyrubs
I think Kitkat is having a laugh with that one :twisted: . :idea: I could keep my hands warm in this cold spell though!
:shock: I can't believe you would doubt me! I am sure there are lots of people who are prepared to speak up and convince you to try it!
I am sure it MUST work, it all makes perfect sense to me.
As long as it's not blowing like a bicycle pump or throwing up chunky bits don't mind swallowing, but don't quite fancy sitting down to it as a full main course either :shock: Why more?
Quote by spideyuk
(...) PoloLady, do you like freshly squeezed clementine juice? wink

:shock: redface redface redface cool wink
Quote by Cassiopeia
Apart from abstaining i cant offer any advice except that wasnt the band 10CC the average amount of spunk a man produced?
Im full of useless information confused

Seems like a hell of a lot more when you swallow it ! lol lol
Quote by xxxclementine
(...) PoloLady, do you like freshly squeezed clementine juice? wink

:shock: redface redface redface cool wink
:shock: :shock: :shock:
Well Hellllllllo
How did you sneak in without the borderguards catching you wink
:welcome:, pop into the bar sometime and I'll buy you a drinkies
Quote by johnnyrubs
Does anyone know of any natural foods or otherways of increasing the amount of spunk on ejaculation besides leaving sex alone for a couple of days--I can't do that!! confused:

I have heard of ways of making it taste better (pineapple juice seems to be the most common one) but never ways of increasing the "load".
But what's the point? dunno
Quote by raunchyrabbits
Blimey, is it "Revive an old thread" day today or something?

That's not a bad idea! lol lol
try drinkin lots of milk it does not work for me but it could work for you
Funny I tried to ask this question as well as others the other day saying there was nothing suitable on the forum info wise, I got links to threads with no relevance......
Same ole stuff with taste and pineapple......The thread was apparantly locked because of one question, forgetting that there were several...
So I can not help you.
this is an easy one as i found out while living in spain avacodos dont know why or anything else but it does increase your volume :shock:
& a very tasty snack when mixed with a little garlic & lemon juice spread on marmite on toast biggrin biggrin
i remember watching a programme about porn stars on c4 some time ago.
the males used to drink some kind of fruit juice, i'm sure it was pomegranite ?????
Look up peter north on google, he seems to be the cumshot king.
Quote by johnnyrubs
Does anyone know of any natural foods or otherways of increasing the amount of spunk on ejaculation besides leaving sex alone for a couple of days--I can't do that!! confused:

Can i ask the obvious question.....why...?
Clearly, for you, more is desirable....what do you intend doing with it...?
Lots and lots of tomatoes, apparently.....
....or so I'm told
well this must be a subject the welsh are in touch with as the last 3 replies are from my esteemed countrymen....
u could try delaying your ejaculation....... tantric style.
this will create a build up.... plus a heightened experience....................
if u wave your cock as your shooting and really "let go" it should spray, rather than just dribble... its an optical illusion...
Quote by Cassiopeia
Apart from abstaining i cant offer any advice except that wasnt the band 10CC the average amount of spunk a man produced?
Im full of useless information confused

As was "The Lovin spoonfull"
Old bands with dirty minds :P
Try some Maca - good if you are a ram
Maca is a food and originates from a hardy perennial plant cultivated high in the Andean Mountains at altitudes between 11,000 to 14,000 feet. Our maca comes to you in a powdered form for easy and quick use.
Peruvians claim that maca improves memory, combats anaemia, and fights depression. However, maca's actions on sexual function are better researched than its effects on mood and memory. One study showed that maca increased fertility in rats. Then came studies of guinea pigs, rams, and cows, each of which corroborated maca's fertility-enhancing effects. For example, maca significantly increased ram semen volume and sperm count. Maca is frequently referred to as the natural Viagra! lol
the volume varies from man to man
no matter what foods you eat
Quote by DeeCee
u could try delaying your ejaculation....... tantric style.

:shock: How does this work?
Tantric ejaculation??? Is that where you build them up and then don't let him come then bulid him up again? over and over and over?
"Actual amount of semen per ejaculation: 1-2 teaspoons
Average number of times a man will ejaculate in his lifetime: 7,200
Average number of times he will ejaculate from masturbation: 2,000
Average total amount of lifetime ejaculate: 14 gallons"
based on the above information and assuming sexual activity over a period of sixty years, if you abstain for four and a quarter years you should be good for about a gallon of the stuff smile
An amino acid called L-Arginine has always made me spurt more. It also makes the cock harder and bigger. It's good for making you spunk 2 or 3 times in a session also.
It increases sperm and the semen which is more the volume part.
Also Zinc increases the number of actual sperm.
Obviously, stopping yourself just before you spray, then doing this several times. When you do finally let go, you'll have a spurting fountain on your hands.