i got given a speedin ticket an hour or so ago much to my suprise by a gorgeous female copper which i must admit has cusiond the blow abit......but in a vain atempt to persuade her not to give me a ticket i thought i use my world renowned charm on the poor unsuspecting female ha ha ha......i was doin well until another pig wagon turned up with her staff sergant in it then an she started bolockin me in front of them showin off ........so besides the possibel 3 points an 60 quid fine i got a slap on the wrist for wastin police time............................i was in there tho fair doos :doh:
Can I just warn you that some members here are police officers and won't take kindly to you calling a van a pig wagon. Now, the rules are don't be offensive or abusive...
Go forth and post happily.
I wonder why the world renowned charm didn't work?
Err - nope.
Can't think of a reason - anyone help me out?
dats mean hulk go cry now :upset:
oo flirting with a police officer ...to get out of a fine .....naughty but good try
never been stopped meself i have an angelic face and i am a woman driver say no-more ...(you know we are the best at driveing lads)
have to agree you speed you get caught ...good
seen to many accidents .....
that coulda been prevented
i now loads of police men and they look lovely in their uniform but erm out of it ........(that sounds rather bad hey ho)
they lose their attraction
I got out of having an out of date road tax last year by chatting up the officer lol I had been away on holiday came back to find out the tax was 2 weeks out of date and it was a week till pay day so being very naughty I continued to drive the car to work and back for the next 5 days till pay day. On the Friday as I was on the way to the post office I got stopped! Chatted up the very nice officer and he came to the post office with me and then to lunch after.......