All the best Sassy, get well soon x
awwww hunny hope watever it is isn't too serious and that you are all better real soon :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
All the best Sassy. A speedy recovery and see you back in forum soon
Aww hope your recovery is swift and your computer is ready for the assault it is sure to recieve when you are out!! :P
Fire & Stormy xx
Good luck Sasstress!
all the very best
aww get well soon honey, good luck
Earthy xxx
pmsl :laughabove: meaty your a one bad mofo!
but I have to agree, it will be nice to hear the tumble weed wafting thru the forums for a while!
But still we all wanna wish Sassy a speedy recovery!
Hope it goes well Sassy One; the weather's not really good enough for wheeling you around in a bath chair after all ...
I will be thinking of you :bounce: soon.
Will be thinking about you hun take care xxxxx