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WEIGH IN DAY only 8 mails in my box!!!

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11 replies
3 watchers
EDIT Tuesday - come on people, get on those scales please!!! EDIT
Sorry I was away at the weekend so no private reminders, please pm me your new weight by mid-day Tuesday as per usual.
If you find this message slipping please make a response to keep it near the top until tonight, so everyone gets the reminder.
Thanks All
Harvey Musketeer
sad Am really starting to struggle now. How come when everyone else is stressed they stop eating and start wasting away. But when I'm stressed I can't stop chomping. :(
I think I've stayed the same again this week. Anyway I've lost a total of 6lb - but I basically lost that in the first week and have not managed anything since them.
My only excuse is that I'm under extreme pressure at the mo. And in the hope of both destressing and avoiding any weight gain my friends are about to drag me off swimming (for which you can actually read 2 hours of lolling about in the jacuzzi and sauna and 2 minutes of swimming)
On the plus side - no gain. Hope everyone else is doing well.
Quote by celticq
sad Am really starting to struggle now. How come when everyone else is stressed they stop eating and start wasting away. But when I'm stressed I can't stop chomping. :( CQ

I'm exactly the same, give me stress and I seek comfort food and comfort drink.
There's that other chestnut about ending a family argument with a good love-making session. I was always just too damn angry to make love, we always made up over a period of time the following day, guttural monosyllabic breakfasts gradually gave way to conversation, it was always like that.
Harvey Musketeer
Try running a munch... the stress eats up calories, and you feel so knackered aterwards that you cal easily sleep through several mealtimes!
Errrrr........ I think I'm now 12 st 3 lb redface , so I've gained a pound!!!!!!!!!
My Dad is in hospital so meal times have been a bit messed up over the past week, & we spent all of Thursday & Friday evenings in A & E.
One evening Mum & I ended up sharing a pizza! Regular slimming SH addicts may be aware of my deep loathing of pizzas :P , so you will all sympathise with the hell I went through, tasting the olives, salami, onion, cheese, & the................. perfectly baked crust :evil2: :evil2: :evil2: Still, at least I limited myself to only 5 slices of the 12" pizza............. Well Mum had the other 3 mad .
And due to the weather, I've only managed one cycle ride!
Hopefully next week will be better. rolleyes
I have pm'd you mine but I'll add to this .. .I've lost 2 lbs this week ... I though I'd lost more but did have a blowout on a pizza and got very drunk last night (was our anniversary though), so I'm not too disappointed.
I'm not dieting as such though ... just eating sensibly. I've started back at the gym three times a week and also swimming (well up and down the pool once) three times a week so I'm hoping to keep that up smile
C xx
I have only gained a pound!!
Having been hitting the hard stuff (both liquid and solid) i have only managed to gain a pound!
Time for a celebration drink i think folks
*Goes off to look for the absinthe
I've edited the top message to say I've only got 8 weights so far this week so please can you all get on the scales and not leave it to the last minute, or beyond the last minute.
Ta ever so
Harvey Musketeer
No weight lost here either this week but didn't expect to
I was at a party friday night - bottle of wine to be sociable!
New fetish venue opened sat night - another bottle of wine!
Nice meal with a friend sunday night (he cooked) mmmmm - not exactly diet fod either!
Resolved to make a new start and that the break didn't really do me any harm. At least I didn't put any weight back on.
Still noticing that my clothes are looser though - even my beloved leather corset now does not cinch my waist in!! Will have to find a course in clothing alterations at this rate, oh and still not smoking (maybe thats not helping the weight loss) and have saved over £150 since new years day!!!!!!!!!
Hi Ya
Just pmed you babe with what I didnt lose this week.
Fraid I stayed the same, but still happy casue Ive still lost a total of 9lb and if you add the 1lb I put on the first week Ive lost 10lb and people are actually starting to say wow you've lost weight
Well done to everyone who has lost, to those who stayed the same (like me) or even put on dont get disheartened we will get there in the end.
I'm late again :doh: PM sent
I havn't posted before about my aims 'cos I don't really want anything, other than to get rid of a bit of the belly that seemed to appear overnight blink
Well I can now report I am currently wearing jeans I haven't been able to get into for 2 years :bounce: :bounce:
And I'm not really on a diet.
All I have done is knock the Coke on the head and drink water instead, change elevensis from a sausage roll to a banana and an hours walk every evening
Quote by Calista
I have pm'd you mine
C xx

Hey Cali
Hadn't noticed the new avatar - spiffy-doos!!!