“Harvey†Musketeer here with my weight loss report, week 1. Now some people are settling into this and so rather than pick on people I thought I’d limit myself to a bit of encouragement and some warnings of future discipline.
This is not a competition, but I will say that macca100 came tops with a 6 lb loss! I think maybe that might be too much for healthy living and perhaps settling to a couple would be better, but well done you!!
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
All the people who lost between 3 and 5 lbs I think did really well, these were me, celticq, corriefem, lil_Bunny, lil_miz_naughty, Marya, Mrs Cov, Sarflondoner, steve-teeside, Stupot, SurreyBloke, sussex2 (Mrs), and WibblyWobbly. Big pat on back and well done.
:smug: :smug: :smug: :smug: :smug:
Now my experience of the first week of a serious diet is that most people do rather well. We’re keen, taking that extra exercise, and eating less so there’s less to weigh! So all those people who lost just 1 or 2 lbs, well done but COULD TRY HARDER. I know this is a bit unfair, some of us have less to lose, so no names this week. I shall be looking forward to your results next Monday WHEN THE TRUTH WILL BE TOLD.
Finally there’s the name and shame list. These are the people who haven’t even started by sending their weights in: tigersgobounce69, se7endriver, lucyslovely, JGL, jah_2uk, dazandlou (lou), and Calista. I will assume if you don’t write to me that you’re not going to start. Please EVERYONE, pm them with words of encouragement. I will delete you if nothing heard this week. :kiss:
The whole point is, we’re each doing our own thing and hopefully bringing to each other the support and FEAR of having to tell the truth, so anyone who doesn’t care or doesn’t start is going make that more difficult and will have to be given the shove.
We’re going to ACHIEVE aren’t we? Now it's not realistic and not good to go on losing at a fast rate, and if it's too painful we'll give up. So lets agree a modest target, 2 lbs minimum this week, OK? : ... and if you're not taking a little extra exercise remember don't take the lift, and do a short power walk every day.
E&OE (I mean if I've libeled anyone or left anyone out I'll deliver an immediate groveling apology).
Harvey Musketeer.