Seen a couple of threads about similar stuff, was wondering what peoples weirdest feelings have been.
The weirdest one i've ever had is, having a drink from a glass of beer thinking it was water, tasted like the most foulest tasting drink known to man.
There is one more which is quite strange, if you stick you finger in a light socket and turn the light on its as if the light bites you. Now i wouldnt reccommend this, as its prob quite dangerous. But i was about 13 at the time and invincible ;)
ooooooo just tried the tongue thing that is weird!
I once tried spitting on an electric fence to see if it woul sizzle... unfortunately the spit just kinda dribbled and hung from my lip... giving me a huge shock when the end of it touched the electric fence!!! :shock:
not that this is a feeling, more a curious check.
I once dropped cold water on a light bulb to see what would happen.
Turns out the light bulb explodes sending glass everywhere, its not a good idea.
every days a school day.
(hmm not much benefit saying that, sorry for teh random post)
thats weird.
So if your paralysed do you have the same feeling, assuming you are so with an accident.
Just curious
The feeling of coming round after an operation is horrible and weird..... had that a few years ago, not something I'd like to repeat.... Felt like I was dead or in some other place.
When I was in an accident some time ago I got an injection (I think its called an epidural maybe) into my back and I was numb from the head down and it felt like my head on a dead persons body. It was so scary how all I could feel was my head and that was it. That was some freaky crap.
Waking up after an operation and hearing on the TV that there had been a major earthquake in Los Angeles. In my post operative state I thought it was the 'big one' where all of California and the west coast sinks into the sea. I thought OMG! Only later did I find out it was not so bad as that!