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well here goes

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hi am am new here never used a chat room or forum b4 so please be gentle with me
i am a female newly divorced and looking to make freinds
Hi and welcome :welcome: I hope you start to feel at home as soon as is possible we can be alittle jovial alittle tense but never a bore you will have highs and lows and if I am lucky some with me lol seriously welcome and join in when you see a thread you want to comment on also have you thought about a profile so we can read about you what you like what you dont like etc....................... well hope to chat soon.
Good morning nice to see you so to speak. I hope you make all the friends you want. Bruce xx
Welcome! I first became involved in a more sexually adventurous scene after a divorce and I have never regretted it. Good luck and feel free to chat with me via pm if you would like to make contact with someone.
Good morning slackalice,
a very warm welcome to SH, stick around and i'm sure you will be become as addicted as the rest of us lol
Good Morning Slackalice and :welcome:
Hope u have a nice time :!: wink
Hi Alice from another Newbie...the people on here have been really nice, made my decision to get involved an easier experinece.
hi alice welcome biggrin
judy i cnt blive u started on a nebi alrdy 4 using txt speak rolleyes
hya Alice
welcome to your new home, as I am sure you will soon feel as though this is your home
we are a bunch of crazy insane comedians with a penchant for original names who love to talk wierd
serious, you will enjoy the time you spend here, it will be worth your time. You will make friends, you may find people with whom you would like to go further than just frinds, but either way you will have fun, and fun is what its all about after all
oh quick question, care to tell us a little more about yourself wink
Hiya and welcome Alice. It's a bit mad in here lol
Why don't you tell us all a little about yourself?

:cheers: :welcome: wave
oooooo i never thought i would get such a response thanks
sorry for the txt talk but i have 2 teenage children and well i just picked it up trying to keep tabs on them so to speak
i am just looking for freindship at the moment not sure if i can venture out into the world just yet but who knows ................................
i do need a sex life redface who doesnt
Hi and welcome Slackalice! Have fun!
Rick! biggrin
Hi alice
Welcome to the forum. Where ya from? Wanna snog?
Only joking babe.
lol :lol:
Quote by freckledbird
Jules smackbottom you'll frighten her mad

Oooooops, sorry.
Maybe just a quickie then???
Quote by freckledbird
lol who you asking, her or me? wink

Anyone - I'm a tart!
Hi Slackalice,
New? You and me welcome! smile
Hi scoot
Welcome welcome welcome
I don't suppose you wanna snog do you?
Ok ok so I'm being a bit tarty but you gotta give me points for trying!
Woah!! Hi juliet49!!
Do I want a snog? What kind of boy do you think I am....quite right, I'm a tart! I'd love to snog ya.....
Thanks for the welcome as well redface
Quote by slackalice
hi am am new here never used a chat room or forum b4 so please be gentle with me
i am a female newly divorced and looking to make freinds

You are gonna feckin hate it here.
No sleep,sticky fingers,eyes on storks, kitchen full of overflowin,cans and bottles all over the shop.
Sure ya still fancy it?
Lb :love:
Quote by Lazeeboy
hi am am new here never used a chat room or forum b4 so please be gentle with me
i am a female newly divorced and looking to make freinds

You are gonna feckin hate it here.
No sleep,sticky fingers,eyes on storks, kitchen full of overflowin,cans and bottles all over the shop.
Sure ya still fancy it?
Lb :love:
well yeah lazee, there is that, but after a bit it's just sorta normal, so you don't notice it so much! ;)
ello slackalice,
:welcome: to SH! have fun! smile
neil x x x ;)
Hiya and :welcome: Slack Alice Scoot (s) - which do you prefer?
Saw your first post this morning but you were immediately surrounded by male members (did I say that?) so I thought I'd wait until some of the female members had welcomed you.
Never mind the welcome - propositioned morelike. Lucky girl.
See you around - enjoy.

Anyone - I'm a tart!
Anyone ?! Whoo- Hoo I might be in luck :lol:
Hiya SlackAlice......hope you enjoy ya self here..........
I do its a right laugh sometimes........
you lot are absolutely mad smile
well fisrt laugh i have had in ages ta folks
yes julliet i am bi and may possibly snog (and who knows wat else) ya when i get the nerve up to meet ppl xx
i can see i maybe able to fulfill my fantasys here i have a few some very dirty mind you redface
i went in the chat room and ppl there are the same
look out fun here i cum lol
hi slackalice and welcome , just sit back , join in and enjoy the ride biggrin :D H`
Quote by slackalice
hi am am new here never used a chat room or forum b4 so please be gentle with me
i am a female newly divorced and looking to make freinds

Lo Slack, nice to meet you... I'll be your friend :twisted: lol
PS: I've got a story using your nick published on another site, don't know as you'd approve of the genre and content though :lol: