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well well

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having experience of surveylience,I see that I was right,
new people dont get a chance.
all the forum seems to be the people who know each other get on but most adds dont get a look ,or get some stick.
you all critasise me for having a go but why must you all take the piss of other people for trying to have some fun which you all advertise
maby we are all new to this .
I see that an add gets loads of replyes
then an add of someone unknown whith the same sort of add gets no reply , or taken the piss of, so let us in.
we have no problem,just want sex like you
Yeah, whatever.... rolleyes
You're in the wrong forum, anyways.....
You certainly shouldn't be in dogging..... now where to put another whinger? Erm.... gonna have to be the cafe, that seems to be the home of more whingers than cans of Stella at the mo :roll:
All these newbie wingers makes me wonder if they were watching the Channel 5 programmes and thought it was a way to get a quick shag..... dunno
if you don't like it then just try elsewhere...whats the problem
we was all new here once...and after a few well chosen posts you might just find yourself here amonst friends !!!!
Hi John
I'm sorry you feel like that - I know it's awkward when you first join the site ..... we've all been there!!!
You've done just 5 posts in the forums .......... So you're giving people the option to meet up with you, when they have no idea of anything about you.
On the other hand, they can make arrangements with people that they have seen around on the forums, maybe met at one of the munches etc, know they are gonna get on well, regardless if it ends up as a full swing situation or not.
Personally, for me to get an evening out, it takes a whole load of planning ...... I would not risk wasting that evening on someone who could well be totally incompatible (if they turn up at all). Or waste an evening on just a shag! ........ swinging means more than that to me.
This has come across as harsh I know, but every other thread has been about the single guy with no reply - take a look, you could well learn something from it biggrin
Admittedly there are a lot of people who do like the anonymntnimininity ( dunno ) of it all and prefer to know nothing about the people they are meeting - but even then it is usually on reccommendation or reputation.
Whether this is the site for you, I don't know. The reputation of this place is that it is not a 'quick fix' kinda scene - in general I mean, there is always the exception to the rule cool
Anyway, enough of my waffle, good luck in your search :D
Mischief ...... I think I'm in love with your mind!
Well, that's new.... everyone else is in love with her body lol :lol: wink :wink:
Quote by john4252
having experience of surveylience,I see that I was right,
new people dont get a chance.
all the forum seems to be the people who know each other get on but most adds dont get a look ,or get some stick.
you all critasise me for having a go but why must you all take the piss of other people for trying to have some fun which you all advertise
maby we are all new to this .
I see that an add gets loads of replyes
then an add of someone unknown whith the same sort of add gets no reply , or taken the piss of, so let us in.
we have no problem,just want sex like you

Mmm, I think you have issues John so let's try to address them.
Firstly how does your experience of surveillance lead you to the conclusion that new people to the site don't get a chance? Or is this a euphemism for voyeurism or lurking?
Of course it must appear that all the people in the forum - I assume you mean the cafe - appear to know each other. There's a reasonable explanation for this. Every one of us was once a newbie to the site. We made our first tentative posts after delurking and began to interact with other site members through threads and posts. Many of us have met up in purely social contexts such as munches, and others have met for swinging - having got to know people first.
With regard to ads not being looked at or having the Michael extracted, there is no rule which says ads must have responses. Any response is engendered by the quality of the ad. If someone is placing an ad with the hackneyed and worn out 'Fancy a shag, I'm up for it, call me', then it's asking to be ignored or derided. It has nothing to do with whether the advertiser is new to the site or not, it depends on their approach. People demand respect and deserve it no less.
As for taking the piss generally? This site is rich in members possessed of wit, insight, humour and respect. We all tease each other and equally we all support each other in times of need. It's what friends do, and that's what the regular members and posters on the fora are - friends.
And lastly, we all want sex, newbie and regular alike, but there are other things too which this site is here for. Friendship, support and laughter. Points I think you have missed.
To become accepted on the site is to show who you are as a person, and giving of yourself as an individual will make you accepted as part of the family. It may also lead to sexual liasions if you're very lucky.
Bugger! Spent so long on my syntax, the gorgeous Misschief got in there before me and much more succinctly.
Sappho xxx
Quote by Sappho
'Fancy a shag, I'm up for it, call me',

"Sappho" wave
Looks around for Swash-buckling Will who is bound to follow!! :shock: :shock: confused lol :lol:
Ah, but Sappho, you have such a lovely way with words... even if it does take so long for you to write them wink :wink:
Wouldn't say that Sappho hunny (but thank you anyway kiss ) Your posts are always so beautifully written, wonderful long words and proper sentences.
I only done one attempt at a big word and look how that came out!!!
anonymntnimininity ( dunno )

Only reason I didn't change it for one I could spell was cos I couldn't think of one :lol2:
its horrible being new
so stop moaning and get posting and replieing to threads
and come get to know us all
A lot of new commers tend to go for a HELLO ALL approach. Some just come in with advice on a current topic (I for one). While an increasing ammount do go for a good ol' moan about things.
Personnally, which kind of thread would you like to reply too? Somebody that appears welcoming? A bit of good advice? Or somebody who doesn't like everything that is happening?
Patience is a virtue that not many people have.
Ah, stuff it! Red Stiletto has it down pat:
its horrible being new
so stop moaning and get posting and replieing to threads
and come get to know us all

Misschief, I loved the way you spelt anonymity - exactly the way I usually pronounce it when I've had a glass or two! It's one of the hardest words to say without any moistening!
Thanks, Blue!
And Sarge? :twisted:
Sappho xxx
Quote by redstilletto
its horrible being new
so stop moaning and get posting and replieing to threads
and come get to know us all

Well said. I'm still new but one day I just know I will be accepted............................
...................... somewhere !! :shock: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: wink
Quote by Sappho
Ah, stuff it! Red Stiletto has it down pat:
its horrible being new
so stop moaning and get posting and replieing to threads
and come get to know us all

Misschief, I loved the way you spelt anonymity - exactly the way I usually pronounce it when I've had a glass or two! It's one of the hardest words to say without any moistening!

Is this a continuation from the female ejaculation topic, or have i read it wrong?
As for the original point, i think the general impression people have when they first join a site like this is the "easy buck" situation. Where the person assumes they will get something for nothing. It seems thats what the problem is with these newbies ( not that i am an Uber poster of course smile )
Like someone said above its all about patience. Thats all i can say really
I seem to come across like a foutain of knowledge, i dont mean to i am just relaying what impression i get from the topics i have read
Jon, banghead
Like you, I'm a newbie. And like you, my first post was not exactly a welcomed one (though to me it was a valid question to which I was seeking a definative answer to).
Remember, this is cyber world, there are all sorts out there. It takes a lot of time, energy and sifting to find exactly what it is you're hoping to find and what you're comfortable with. This may or may not be it. Be deserning, but don't walk in and insult the people who's acceptance you so obviously crave.
First and foremost YOU should like YOU. Once you're happy with yourself you'll soon make new friends who accept you for who you are.
Now apologise to the nice people and start again.
Quote by Libra-Love
Jon, banghead
First and foremost YOU should like YOU. Once you're happy with yourself you'll soon make new friends who accept you for who you are.
Now apologise to the nice people and start again.

I agree with libra in that you should like you, but i dont think you have anything to appologise for - like everyone else you have a right to say what you think and if you think that newbies are not welcome thaen that is you opinion and your entitled to it.
If anyone ought to be appologising its the regulars for making you feel like that!!
BTW i hope yo dont count me as part of the problem because i am always glad to see new people on here regardless of if they agree with me or not, tops us all getting staid!!
Quote by foxylady 123
Jon, banghead
First and foremost YOU should like YOU. Once you're happy with yourself you'll soon make new friends who accept you for who you are.
Now apologise to the nice people and start again.

I agree with libra in that you should like you, but i dont think you have anything to appologise for - like everyone else you have a right to say what you think and if you think that newbies are not welcome thaen that is you opinion and your entitled to it.
If anyone ought to be appologising its the regulars for making you feel like that!!
BTW i hope yo dont count me as part of the problem because i am always glad to see new people on here regardless of if they agree with me or not, tops us all getting staid!!
Don't think anyone needs to appologise to be honest.
Assumptions have been made both by Jon, in the fact that all of the 11,488 registered users are all piss-takers and not interested in meeting up with him as they're too busy meeting everyone else from the forums and by the regulars who have assumed that he's a prat, just because his first post is one that seems to be a whinge.
I'm always glad to see people who come in and start debate as much as you are. It's the one's who rigidly stick to all their own opinions and refuse to accept that the world isn't just black and white or just right (usually them) and wrong (usually everyone else) that I take exception to.
Yes everyone is entitled to their own opinion as long as they take into account others and accept that there are different viewpoints from theirs.
So Jon, you can either try and play nicely with the rest of us and we all promise to accept you whether we agree or not, or you can decide we're all just a waste of your time and move on to another site which will probably be much the same, but you'll have money taken off you for the pleasure of finding that out.
It's up to you really.
Quote by foxylady 123
Jon, banghead
First and foremost YOU should like YOU. Once you're happy with yourself you'll soon make new friends who accept you for who you are.
Now apologise to the nice people and start again.

I agree with libra in that you should like you, but i dont think you have anything to appologise for - like everyone else you have a right to say what you think and if you think that newbies are not welcome thaen that is you opinion and your entitled to it.
If anyone ought to be appologising its the regulars for making you feel like that!!
BTW i hope yo dont count me as part of the problem because i am always glad to see new people on here regardless of if they agree with me or not, tops us all getting staid!!
I agree whole-heartedly that we all have a right to say what we think. Perhaps I should clarify what I meant by 'aplogise to the nice people'. An apology for un-intended offence caused, or taken, goes a long way in smoothing over ruffled feathers. Right now, I too don't feel very welcomed in this forum by the regulars, barr a few who know who they are. But I'm still here through choice. And I'll either stay on or leave when I'm ready. In the meantime I've met a few great people on this site (not from the forum as yet though) who I've had some great times with who have become very good friend to me, and I hope to do the same on this forum.
anonymntnimininity ( dunno )

Excellent word I have added it to my spell checker dictionary.
Quote by foxylady 123
If anyone ought to be appologising its the regulars for making you feel like that!!

hang on, some one joins the forum a few weeks ago, makes 5 posts... (two of those complaining about the site rolleyes .. and the other three just normal "lets meet" posts).
ie, he has done NOTHING to intergrate himself, has not shown any friendlyness at all.. and yet we should be appologisng to him for not going round to his house to welcome him with cakes and tea????? confused
FFS, can people STOP expecting to be babysat, and take some responsibilty for them selves.
was each and every one of us not a newbie at one point.. the difference is that we made the effort.
Quote by well_busty_babe

If anyone ought to be appologising its the regulars for making you feel like that!!

hang on, some one joins the forum a few weeks ago, makes 5 posts... (two of those complaining about the site rolleyes .. and the other three just normal "lets meet" posts).
ie, he has done NOTHING to intergrate himself, has not shown any friendlyness at all.. and yet we should be appologisng to him for not going round to his house to welcome him with cakes and tea????? confused
FFS, can people STOP expecting to be babysat, and take some responsibilty for them selves.
was each and every one of us not a newbie at one point.. the difference is that we made the effort.
It is because is new that we should be helping him to integrate not expecting him to cow tow to us!! This forum got really boring a week or so ago, we need new ideas and new opinions, it really dosnt matter if they agree with other more established posters.
I have spoke to a number of "llurkets" recently who just will not post for rear of the reception they may encounter. The bottom line is we need to be more welcoming and more accepting
Quote by foxylady 123

If anyone ought to be appologising its the regulars for making you feel like that!!

hang on, some one joins the forum a few weeks ago, makes 5 posts... (two of those complaining about the site rolleyes .. and the other three just normal "lets meet" posts).
ie, he has done NOTHING to intergrate himself, has not shown any friendlyness at all.. and yet we should be appologisng to him for not going round to his house to welcome him with cakes and tea????? confused
FFS, can people STOP expecting to be babysat, and take some responsibilty for them selves.
was each and every one of us not a newbie at one point.. the difference is that we made the effort.
It is because is new that we should be helping him to integrate not expecting him to cow tow to us!!
no... it is because he is "new" he should be helping HIMSELF!
we can then aid it by making him feel welcome!
i know for a FACT that the regular people on here make newbies feel welcome.... if they have the right attitude and are not rude to us.
do you REALLY think that people come on here to be moaned at and insulted.. and then afterwards go out of their way to be nice to the person who has done it?? i think not!
if you feel like doing that, i suggest you get a job in a call centre.
i for one come in here to chill.
if someone thinks the world owes them something that is their buisness.. but i wont be pandering to them!
i wonder where we are supposed to draw the line.
if someone walked up to you in the street and slapped you accross the face.. would you then be helpfull when they came back two mins later asking for directions?????
i think not!
this is no different.
people come on here critising everyone and the site in general.
they cant then expect everyone to bend over backwards and start fawning over them when they decide they want to play.
<<< neilinleeds would like to make it clear that he is staying well and truly out of this one! >>>
bugger i just posted eh?
n x x x ;-)

no... it is because he is "new" he should be helping HIMSELF!
we can then aid it by making him feel welcome!
i know for a FACT that the regular people on here make newbies feel welcome.... if they have the right attitude and are not rude to us.
do you REALLY think that people come on here to be moaned at and insulted.. and then afterwards go out of their way to be nice to the person who has done it?? i think not!
if you feel like doing that, i suggest you get a job in a call centre.
i for one come in here to chill.
if someone thinks the world owes them something that is their buisness.. but i wont be pandering to them!
Oh dear, this is not the understanding and welcoming attitude that this guy needs.
"The Right Attitude" who has the right to judge that???!!!!!!!!!! not me for sure
he has the attitude that he has and the opinions that he has because of his experiences, we should accep t that not beliittle him .
As for getting a job in a call centre if i had to do that id shoot myself, which i i know is a judgement in itslelf, but ive worked to hard to spend all day sitting on my ass saying "how can i help you"But i guess , reading between the lines, tha t what your trying to say is that if i feel that other peoples frames of minds are important i ought to get a job using these skills. Wel i do but then do so many people who interface with the public. But still we are going slightly off track here.
I dont think this guy thinks anyone owes hi m anything other than the right to express his opinion based on his experience and i for one find nothing wrong with that, i applaud him for his courage to stand up for himself
I think the point that's being made here is that it's all down to attitude towards others.
To the lurkers I'd say post a hello thread and explain that you are new to this scene/internet/whatever thing and are unsure of the social etiquette that goes along with it.
Coming in and posting something that could or could not be construde as this site sucks and you're all a bunch of inbread, relation-shagging, sycophants is not the way to win friends and influence people.
Someone once said this site was like a small country pub. Would you walk into a pub after visiting it 5 times (and looking through the window for longer) and announce that? I bloody wouldn't.
On the other hand it is nice to be made to feel as though your welcome somewhere (probably why Foxy likes expensive hotels, rather than the challets at Blackpool :P lol ).
May I suggest you both take 5 mins and chill out, go have a brew, as this is starting to head towards a personal argument and then Jon will never get to have his say as a mod will come along and lock it.
Oh dear, this is not the understanding and welcoming attitude that this guy needs.
"The Right Attitude" who has the right to judge that???!!!!!!!!!! not me for sure
he has the attitude that he has and the opinions that he has because of his experiences, we should accep t that not beliittle him .
As for getting a job in a call centre if i had to do that id shoot myself, which i i know is a judgement in itslelf, but ive worked to hard to spend all day sitting on my ass saying "how can i help you"But i guess , reading between the lines, tha t what your trying to say is that if i feel that other peoples frames of minds are important i ought to get a job using these skills. Wel i do but then do so many people who interface with the public. But still we are going slightly off track here.
I dont think this guy thinks anyone owes hi m anything other than the right to express his opinion based on his experience and i for one find nothing wrong with that, i applaud him for his courage to stand up for himself

well... to help you out a bit, i dont have any desire to "understand" the people who come on here for the purpose of complaining!
i am not a charity worker, i dont post on here for a living.. i do it for fun!
this means that i dont have to go out of my way being nice to hostile and rude people!
end of.
as for the "right attitude" I have the right to judge if someone has the right attitude for ME to want to speak to them, just as everyone else does.
if some one finds that most people chose not to speak to them.. i suggest it is a problem on their side rather than everyone elses all the time.
i assure you foxy, i was not complimenting you in anyway suggesting that you get a job in a call centre, what i was saying that as you seem to enjoy pandering to the whims of rude, arrogant, egotisctical people... and going out of your way to be nice to them.. perhaps it is your calling in life.
i dont think there is a problem at all with anyone expressing their opinion.. what i have a problem with is people telling me i should like and be nice to people on principle.. rather than because they have earnt it.