having experience of surveylience,I see that I was right,
new people dont get a chance.
all the forum seems to be the people who know each other get on but most adds dont get a look ,or get some stick.
you all critasise me for having a go but why must you all take the piss of other people for trying to have some fun which you all advertise
maby we are all new to this .
I see that an add gets loads of replyes
then an add of someone unknown whith the same sort of add gets no reply , or taken the piss of, so let us in.
we have no problem,just want sex like you
if you don't like it then just try elsewhere...whats the problem
we was all new here once...and after a few well chosen posts you might just find yourself here amonst friends !!!!
Mischief ...... I think I'm in love with your mind!
its horrible being new
so stop moaning and get posting and replieing to threads
and come get to know us all
A lot of new commers tend to go for a HELLO ALL approach. Some just come in with advice on a current topic (I for one). While an increasing ammount do go for a good ol' moan about things.
Personnally, which kind of thread would you like to reply too? Somebody that appears welcoming? A bit of good advice? Or somebody who doesn't like everything that is happening?
Patience is a virtue that not many people have.
i wonder where we are supposed to draw the line.
if someone walked up to you in the street and slapped you accross the face.. would you then be helpfull when they came back two mins later asking for directions?????
i think not!
this is no different.
people come on here critising everyone and the site in general.
they cant then expect everyone to bend over backwards and start fawning over them when they decide they want to play.
no... it is because he is "new" he should be helping HIMSELF!
we can then aid it by making him feel welcome!
i know for a FACT that the regular people on here make newbies feel welcome.... if they have the right attitude and are not rude to us.
do you REALLY think that people come on here to be moaned at and insulted.. and then afterwards go out of their way to be nice to the person who has done it?? i think not!
if you feel like doing that, i suggest you get a job in a call centre.
i for one come in here to chill.
if someone thinks the world owes them something that is their buisness.. but i wont be pandering to them!
Oh dear, this is not the understanding and welcoming attitude that this guy needs.
"The Right Attitude" who has the right to judge that???!!!!!!!!!! not me for sure
he has the attitude that he has and the opinions that he has because of his experiences, we should accep t that not beliittle him .
As for getting a job in a call centre if i had to do that id shoot myself, which i i know is a judgement in itslelf, but ive worked to hard to spend all day sitting on my ass saying "how can i help you"But i guess , reading between the lines, tha t what your trying to say is that if i feel that other peoples frames of minds are important i ought to get a job using these skills. Wel i do but then do so many people who interface with the public. But still we are going slightly off track here.
I dont think this guy thinks anyone owes hi m anything other than the right to express his opinion based on his experience and i for one find nothing wrong with that, i applaud him for his courage to stand up for himself