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well well

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56 replies
1 watcher
John 4252 posted last week complaining about the site being cliquey and got 15 replies, some quite lengthy, offering various advice. He did not respond to his own thread and we have no way of knowing if he took note of the advice.
This week he complained again with a very similar post and now has another 27 replies offering various advice. The advice appears mostly sensible, the piss-taking, given the circumstances, seems fairly mild and possibly deserved.
It seems unfortunate that this thread is going the way of recent threads on similar topics and becoming more heated than the original post deserves.
I have tried to avoid posting in here but I can't hold back any longer!! confused :? lol
I am with WBB on this one. I have just read all this guys posts (didn't take long!!) and basically he has contributed nothing apart from having a whinge about the place.
If you were stood at the bar in your local, chatting to your mates when some stranger walked up and said "The people in here are shite aren't they?" what would you say?
Would it be:
a. Sorry mate, welcome to our local. Pull up a stool and give us your opinion of Gary's new car.

b. Just ignore him.
c. Hey, if you don't like it there's another pub over the road. Try that one.
d. Fuck Off !!

I suspect I would go for option "c" but if it was towards the end of the night I think option "d" may come into play!!
rolleyes :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by Libra-Love
Right now, I too don't feel very welcomed in this forum by the regulars, barr a few who know who they are.

Who the hell made you welcome?? How dare they! Wait till the clique find out who it was... there'll be trouble!
*hugs* howyeh doin', chick?
I understand that in times of frustration one tends to just spit things out, regardless, without being precise or specific. The thing is, you seem to have thrown the regulars into one big box. So what I wanted to know is this ; do you want to be made to feel welcomed by the superficial, popular crowed in school, or are you hoping to bond with the more salt of the earth kinda people on this forum?
From me personally (and not a regular) welcome and stay awhile longer ;-)
Quote by Vix
Right now, I too don't feel very welcomed in this forum by the regulars, barr a few who know who they are.

Who the hell made you welcome?? How dare they! Wait till the clique find out who it was... there'll be trouble!
*hugs* howyeh doin', chick?
I wont tell if you don't!
Quote by foxylady 123
As for getting a job in a call centre if i had to do that id shoot myself, which i i know is a judgement in itslelf

:shock: I work in a call centre, does that make me a looser?????
Quote by lilacgem
I work in a call centre, does that make me a looser?????

Looser than what? Not me, I bet. I'm a right bucket.
Quote by lilacgem

redface well i wasnt having a dig at call centre workers. i was just suggesting that they have a lot of ungratefull and rude people to deal with. am sorry for the offence this might have caused to call centre workers (and the odd polite call centre customer confused ) lol.
these people make me laugh... simply because of the assumptions they have and except to be held by others.
news flash - just because people enjoy sex with like minded people it doesn't mean that they want sex with ever 'like minded' person.
nb. the second 'like minded' is used very loosey with respect of yourself.
I often wonder how these people (namely the glut of whinging single guys) find building relationships in the real world???
Quote by JudyTV
Mischief ...... I think I'm in love with your mind!

I dont think I want to marry Misschief.......I think I would just like to sleep with her to see if she makes a nice English breakfast in the morning.
I tell lies a lot too wink .
What do you mean you don't want to marry me!!!!!
May I suggest you get your cute little backside over here and place that ring on my finger :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by Libra-Love
So what I wanted to know is this ; do you want to be made to feel welcomed by the superficial, popular crowed in school, or are you hoping to bond with the more salt of the earth kinda people on this forum?

Which one am I then? confused:
Quote by musketeer
So what I wanted to know is this ; do you want to be made to feel welcomed by the superficial, popular crowed in school, or are you hoping to bond with the more salt of the earth kinda people on this forum?

Which one am I then? confused:
Honey, I don't know you, so you tell me :dry:
Quote by Libra-Love
So what I wanted to know is this ; do you want to be made to feel welcomed by the superficial, popular crowed in school, or are you hoping to bond with the more salt of the earth kinda people on this forum?

Which one am I then? confused:
Honey, I don't know you, so you tell me :dry:
Oh, short memory
Quote by musketeer
So what I wanted to know is this ; do you want to be made to feel welcomed by the superficial, popular crowed in school, or are you hoping to bond with the more salt of the earth kinda people on this forum?

Which one am I then? confused:
Honey, I don't know you, so you tell me :dry:
Oh, short memory
Hmmmm....a few responses to a thread I posted and now I know you? Sorry hun, I can't make any assumptions about you based soley on that.
I've just read this thread - I'm a day late as usual, and much too late to join in, but I do admire very much Misschief's and Sappho's contributions on page 1 of this thread. I would have said much the same, but much less eloquently. Also, like you Sappho, writing:
Bugger! Spent so long on my syntax, the gorgeous Misschief got in there before me and much more succinctly.

I spend so much time checking my syntax, correcting typos, etc. that I'm always beaten to it in any rush to respond to a specific point! By the way, I don't get much action here, so I'm on the lowest rate of sin-tax, how much do you others pay? rolleyes
Quote by Libra-Love
Hmmmm....a few responses to a thread I posted and now I know you? Sorry hun, I can't make any assumptions about you based soley on that.

You are of course quite right...but then, what else is there to make assumptions on apart from rit riteing in a post?
Quote by musketeer

Hmmmm....a few responses to a thread I posted and now I know you? Sorry hun, I can't make any assumptions about you based soley on that.

You are of course quite right...but then, what else is there to make assumptions on apart from rit riteing in a post?
Maybe all that running around is making you a little dizzy here....
I've not come here to annoy myself, or anybody else. So let's call it quits while we're still ahead. What do you think?
Quote by MikeNorth
By the way, I don't get much action here, so I'm on the lowest rate of sin-tax, how much do you others pay?

well obviously mike, as you say, it's earnings related. i am in an untaxed bracket as it were, well below tha tax-code thingie. lol so possibly due a refund soon! ;-)
n x x x ;-)
Quote by MikeNorth
! By the way, I don't get much action here, so I'm on the lowest rate of sin-tax, how much do you others pay? rolleyes

Still on self assessment :cry:
davej ...... I wanted to put the rotflmao thingy but didn't want you to think I was laffing at your self assessment predicament ...
I'm not but ..
Quote by davej
! By the way, I don't get much action here, so I'm on the lowest rate of sin-tax, how much do you others pay? rolleyes

Still on self assessment :cry:
Well i'm not using all my allowance up either , In fact I am not using any allowance up ...although I did go to an exhibition the other day lol
Quote by john4252
having experience of surveylience,I see that I was right,
new people dont get a chance.
all the forum seems to be the people who know each other get on but most adds dont get a look ,or get some stick.
you all critasise me for having a go but why must you all take the piss of other people for trying to have some fun which you all advertise
maby we are all new to this .
I see that an add gets loads of replyes
then an add of someone unknown whith the same sort of add gets no reply , or taken the piss of, so let us in.
we have no problem,just want sex like you

FFS. Do you want some cheese to go with that whine??????? Of course people on this site know each other - most of us take the time to come on here to chat to our friends, NOT just once in a blue moon because we fancy a quick shag.
Daz and i had an ad on here for 5 months - not once did it get any stick, and it also got SEVERAL views - so what have you done wrong?????????
Who takes the piss????? come on, who????? and we "advertise" having fun, because, believe it or not, without people like you, we do have fun!!!!!!!!!
And another thing - you dont necessarily know who the ad is by, people often use different names on here than their christian names. So thats just a load of bollox to start with.
And one last thing, people here dont "just want sex". i have a perfectly good man if thats all i want.
People like you really piss me off, just because you havent made the effort to get to know everyone properly youre making out you're hard done by. well i'll tell you something, YOU'RE NOT. so grow up, get a life, and practice your surveillance skills - if you were that good you would have noticed that a post like this is NOT the way to make friends.
Quote by dazandlou
FFS. Do you want some cheese to go with that whine??????? Of course people on this site know each other - most of us take the time to come on here to chat to our friends, NOT just once in a blue moon because we fancy a quick shag.
Daz and i had an ad on here for 5 months - not once did it get any stick, and it also got SEVERAL views - so what have you done wrong?????????
Who takes the piss????? come on, who????? and we "advertise" having fun, because, believe it or not, without people like you, we do have fun!!!!!!!!!
And another thing - you dont necessarily know who the ad is by, people often use different names on here than their christian names. So thats just a load of bollox to start with.
And one last thing, people here dont "just want sex". i have a perfectly good man if thats all i want.
People like you really piss me off, just because you havent made the effort to get to know everyone properly youre making out you're hard done by. well i'll tell you something, YOU'RE NOT. so grow up, get a life, and practice your surveillance skills - if you were that good you would have noticed that a post like this is NOT the way to make friends.

passes Lou a glass of wine ..... ahh does that feel better honey?
massages Lou's frantic brow .... now breathe deeply and say ... I feel better for that smile
I agree with every word you (and others) have said
Cheers Calista babes, i needed that wine, lol!!!!
I feel SO much better for that!!!!!!! biggrin
It's a man thing many of them have never understood the words "lets have a chat" and when you do find the ones who will chat then you have found a guy worth getting to know more about
i was not going to bother looking at this thread again.. so better not say anything!!! lol