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Weve just tried the chat room !

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36 replies
3 watchers
How scary is that !!!
The most confusing ten minutes ive had since puberty .
It's alright now guys. you can relax now. You're among friends !! lol
I suppose you have to try it to know whether it's for you or not. Does that mean you are staying or going?
You need to have your wits about you in there mate........ a handy club, tear gas spray and riot shield don't go amiss either wink
an a computer processor for a brain, to keep up with threads
welcome back to the slower pace of life, much more fun smile
Quote by Silk and Big G
How scary is that !!!
The most confusing ten minutes ive had since puberty .

If I were you - I would get yourself over to SHAGS for some therapy!
No were not going anywhere , but ill leave the Sh chat room to the expert typing skills of Silk . Ill stick to the more sedate pace in the forum . I only just manage with a nice simple AOL chat format , I opened MIRC and felt like i was in a scene from the Matrix . So ill leave it for now if its all the same lol .
Quote by Alexandra
How scary is that !!!
The most confusing ten minutes ive had since puberty .

If I were you - I would get yourself over to SHAGS for some therapy!
Ill consider that , providing you have someone qualified to prescribe drugs . ;-)
It's OK once you get used to it. It helps if you can see someone you know.
Quote by Silk and Big G
How scary is that !!!
The most confusing ten minutes ive had since puberty .

If I were you - I would get yourself over to SHAGS for some therapy!
Ill consider that , providing you have someone qualified to prescribe drugs . ;-)
Frogter is the Therapist in Residence just now!
I have to agree Big G, far to fast for us poor old one finger typists. And if I may say so, not a friendly bunch, save for Chardonnay, you say hi to the room and they ignore you. sad
That room is so fast....dont get to have decent conversations.
Prefer the relative sanity of the forum !!!!
i like going in and seeing if anyones knows its me ........
the chatroom isn't all that scary!!!!
you've just gotta have eyes like the million dollor man!
Its been my home for the last 6 months.. no matter how hard they try they can not get rid of me!!
See now I went in the other week for all of 5 minutes and didnt say anything and basically crapped myself and left! Wasnt so much the slow typing thing but everyone else talks sooooo much surprised and so fast I just gave up confused
Like JGLebbon I've been known to spend a little time in the chatroom lol :lol:
Yup, there's times when it's so busy that I can't keep up with what's being said, and I'm pretty used to it.
If you're a newbie to the room, I'd suggest you don't try it during peak times - I've seen 120+ people at times and when it's like that it's impossible to keep up. Give it a try outside of evening hours, when it's at its busiest. It's alot easier to follow (and make a contribution) when there's (say) 40 people in...
Above all, give it a miss in that hour after pub chucking-out time unless you want to be really confused loon
The chat rooms easy from what I saw ....
Step 1 you type "anyone fancy a shag"
Step 2 ...higlight it
Step 3 ....Hit control C
Step 4 Control V into your message box
Step 5 hit enter
Step 6 repeat at annoyingly frequent intervals
You also have to learn to ask " are you an f ?" and send unsolicited pms every 4.3 seconds ;)
Still, the macho posturing of one of the ops, in response, was well worth a read rotflmao
And if I may say so, not a friendly bunch, Well you musnt have stayed very long then i think you will find a nice big friendly bunch of peeps in the chat room as is proved at the many munch meets held where a large number of peeps attend and are always friendy maybe you didnt stay long enough ? , I can give you names who joined us only last week who have made friends and love it in there maybe you should try to come in around 6pm its much slower then but i think on the whole we are a big friendly bunch of peeps who enjoy the room .
Hi Lips ...I guess I did overgeneralize a little and I have chatted with some nice people in there in the past.
I know most of the regualr people in there are welll worth getting to know smile but there are a lot of mind numbingly single focussed blokes too. sad
The chatroom can be great fun.
I always find that if i just talk a load of shite, ie, just be myself, that i get on fine!!!!
And if the room is busy. ? Then i just talk shite to the masses !!!!! lol
Lots of love, hugs and kisses
Quote by little
The chatroom can be great fun.
I always find that if i just talk a load of shite, ie, just be myself, that i get on fine!!!!
And if the room is busy. ? Then i just talk shite to the masses !!!!! lol
Lots of love, hugs and kisses

indeed little. i've found uttershite and complete bollox very effective too! rotflmao
neil x x x x ;)
Quote by neilinleeds
The chatroom can be great fun.
I always find that if i just talk a load of shite, ie, just be myself, that i get on fine!!!!
And if the room is busy. ? Then i just talk shite to the masses !!!!! lol
Lots of love, hugs and kisses

indeed little. i've found uttershite and complete bollox very effective too! rotflmao
neil x x x x ;)
I know ! wink
Are we on the same uttershite and bollox wavelength do you think? :shock:
Lots of love, hugs and kisses,
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
And i've just done my first 100th post talking shite !!!!!!!
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Lots of love, hugs and kisses,
Woo Hoo!!!!!(( tm Misschief 2004 )))
glad to see you made it Little. kiss you had me worried back there for a bit! ;)
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
neil x x x x x
Thanks you Lips-ukfor your support of, and in the Chat room. smile :love:
Some people in the Forums seem to forget that they started with SH in the Chat Room (Nielinleeds take note mate) wink
I find the Forums just as unfriendly and cliquey.
Oh yes I do use both media and have no intention of putting one before the other. They both have a roll to play on the site so lets not get all up-tight.
Had me say so Bye for now mad
Who's next on the Bandwagon ??
Fred (aka Medic1) the other one.
I want to die young when I am very very old
fred where did i say anything negative about the chatroom? dunno
i have nothing but love for the chatroom, which is why i began opping it. sadly other personal reasons came into being, and i do it no longer, but i still nip in there from time to time, and even as a old reg i find it hard at times myself, and probably look like one of the cliques cos i talk to people i know?
i do understand a bit about what newbies have to say about the chatrooms and the forums. having said that i also know they are both very welcoming places if you take your time and make effort. i have nothing negative to say about any part of this site. some bits of the site suit people better than others, but anyone can get on here. i know it to be true of both places!
neil x x x ;)
Niel mate
I did not say you did lol
I think you may have missed the "wink" smiley
No cheers mate just beers
Fred(aka Medic1) the other one
Life is like a Sewer, what you get out of it, depends on what you put into it
erm . . . fred . . . yes! i've just read it again, an entirely different way! redface surprisedops: :oops:
<<< has a quick look, and finds it too late to delete his post . . . . >>>
oh well i'll have to stand by what i said then! bollox! :lol2:
looks like the first pints on me fred! ;)
neil x x x ;)
Quote by Fred
Life is like a Sewer, what you get out of it, depends on what you put into it

Fred thats YUK mad
Behave you daft bugger smackbottom lol :lol: :lol:
Dawn :silly:
Hi Guys, I'll keep trying the chat room, at least there they don't get to see how ugly I really am. Any one know of a Beauty, that might be interested in a beast?
xxx lol