Quote by davej
Oh no you've bluddy set me off again!!!! Only just calmed down from the 'diving' incident
Oh god Dave, is that fish ok? :rotflmao: does everything look really weeny and far away to the fish cos it's on the other side of the glass? ..... I don't suppose you can ask it can you :undecided: Are you sure it's gonna get MrsDavej and not scare the crap outta your kids when they come back from the pub??? :shock:
It looks fuckin huge
You swore!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
No missy it's definately gonna get mrs davej cos both the girls have stayed in tonight and theve got these velcro sheets that mean they can't get out of em till well gone lunch time. I'm gonna miss it cos I'm off to golf in the morning, but I'm giggling like a little kid here. I did try Stripes the hamster in there which was impressive, looked as big as a small dog, but the sod was scurrying about and making the thing swing around a bit and I was worried about him building up a sort of motion thingy where the movement just got bigger under it's own steam.
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: