The daughter magnanimously told us today that rather than getting her an Easter egg she would settle for £25:00!!! Good of her eh? :lol2:
I suppose that means the choccy egg in the eggcup with a bunny on the side ain't gonna please her is it? :sad: I think also that on Easter day there may not be an easter egg hunt, very possibly a parent hunt though!
Anyone else compromising this easter/
My kids get a rabbit to slaughter to eostre and they r bloody grateful
I hate the cost of the eggs - try comparing the 'per 100 grammes' cost of an egg with the equivalent brand of bar. But I do love the whole breaking the egg open and nibbling it slowly.
So I reckon it will be 1 egg and a selection of the best quality chocs I can afford. On the basis of quality over quantity.
I rarely eat chocolate but easter egg chocolate hmmmm cant get enough of it dont know why :haha:
I only do the edible bits of Christian festivals so:
Dear Santa, please can I have a Lindt Gold Bunny - you know the one with the ears longer than the average penis, that you can take for walks, and is only in Tesco?
Easter is just another day in our house...
Kids will probably get an egg so as not to feel hard done by but its just another Sunday here..