anything surgical to do with eyes.
Clockwork Orange?
Terry can keep it!
Totally woth RO on the surgical eyes thingy, the thought of it makes me feel sick!.
Spiders and craneflies......then again anything with more than 4 legs
Clowns :scared:
Men who phlegm in the street :gagged:
Vomit - seeing or hearing people do it
Caves, cellars or underground places
Pitch dark rooms :shock:
I've had to nurse people with horrendous bed sores too and the smell from them can really turn your stomach :gagged:
Graveyards make me really queasy, not in a scared way, but especially if I'm eating and anything to do with death comes on the telly, it makes me billious :shock:
I won't put the picture up, but the is here, should you require it
oooohhhhhh with eyes!!!
food should NEVER EVER be looking back at you from a plate :eeek:
and lp, I accept your offer of dinner :twisted: ....and so does Chezza too!!
What immediately sprang to mind for me was The part of "monty Python - the meaning of life" where Mr Creosote the grossly obese "Gourmet" has one too many bites to eat and dramatically explodes !!!! ( Don't watch the clip if you are of a tender disposition)
In no particular order ;
Thick bogey
The smell of a water infection
ewwwwww jane....phlegm *inserthurlingemoticonhere*
Eyes :scared:
Pate ewwwwwwwwwy
Watching people pick bogies and eat them really, REALLY makes me want to heave!
picking and eating scabs.....other people that do it not me :shock: