Someone once told me that all prostitutes were professionals, so if they say they are professionals they want to get paid to have sex with you.
We prefer non professionals.
Quote by Freckledbird
Can I be "practicing"? :rascal:
Quote by adi1567
Hi there folks, on certain adverts I see that people are either looking for, or are professionals. Does this mean that they go to work suited and booted, have managerial or executive jobs and don't get their hands dirty or does it mean that they class themselves as professionals in there chosen profession and have reached this position through time, commitment and qualifications.
Quote by adi1567
Hi there folks, on certain adverts I see that people are either looking for, or are professionals. Does this mean that they go to work suited and booted, have managerial or executive jobs and don't get their hands dirty or does it mean that they class themselves as professionals in there chosen profession and have reached this position through time, commitment and qualifications.