What makes a person? Is it (Nurture) bringing up, education, rearing of a child that makes them into what they are?
Or is it Nature? Their inherit genes that makes a person.
I believe most of who we are is down to nurture and experiences in life that make us what we are, what you put in you get out.
There has been a lot of studying in this subject. I was asked when my twins were born if they could be studied which I agreed too, as they can tell a lot from twins to give them an insight into what makes a person.
What do you think?
Nurture or nature?
i think that its "nurture" that makes us what we are.
"nature" has a definate input..... but i believe that most of our natural traits are pretty similar and the way we act and are depends very much on our circumstances and experience, and ultimately is the deciding factor.
Mmmmmm? Difficult one.
I think "Nature" gives us the basic tools and the predisposition, and "Nurture" is the social conditioning or personal choices made. Looking at twins can give an insight into how this works, however even twins are never in exactly the same situation at all times. Therefore our own separate and individual experiences can modify the way we use these "Nature" tools.
If we were PCs for instance, imagine we were Dell computers running Windows Vista, part from crashing every five seconds, the programmes which are used and the way they are used would differ from one person to the next. Also as different programmes are loaded onto the computer so would it's behaviour change, making it more likely to crash, more likely to slow down etc.
I think this is similar to "Nature" and "Nuture". It is an interplay, neither is static and each can modify the other.
It's interesting I have to admit. If you take a baby of 3 months old, would they exhibit signs of being a psychopath? that same baby turns into a 30 year old killer? what goes wrong along the way?
I still think there is something genetic that shapes a person therefore nurture prevails. The nurturing can go anyway from there on. A young child born into a decent family who wants for nothing, money no object all the love in the world could still turn out to be a horrible person, and it goes the same for people born in to less fortunate families, they can grow up having had nothing, no love no taught values or lifeskills but yet still do alright for themselves.
There's an old saying "show me a child of 7yrs old and I'll show you the man". A person's personality is formed by the age of 7yrs old, nurturing is only a few years in by then.
Genes have a massive impact on who you are. My answer therefore, nature.
You're no doubt right there - I wasn't saying that nurture doesn't play a role. Kids, humans as much as other animals, learn a lot through imitation. My toddler daughter shows me that every day... *sighs*
Even there however I reckon it isn't always straightforward to untangle what's nature and what's nurture. Is kid, seeing mum tense up when entering a new environment, getting fretful because it takes its cues from mum - or is it because the kid has inherited mum's disposition to feeling nervous?
It can be hard to tell, which is why twins are so useful in studying these issues (especially when you get the rare case of identical twins raised apart).