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What do you think of plastic surgery?

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I am fed up with all this so called beauties looking the same and this artificial plastic look the have.
What is your opinion?
Give me God given beauty anytime!!
IMHO nature made us the way we are for a reason and we shouldn't dabble.
Quote by x-man0223
some is nice you know a little here little there the main word for me is a little surgery
but when people go over the top there is no need for it and it looks wrong

as we can see exxy! :scared:
Generally, i don't like it. Like X-man said, when somebody goes over the top with it, it can look bad. There are some examples of stars whose surgery went south, like Farrah Fawcett.
But...I have sympathy with those who are not happy with the way they look and need to do something about it.
I have no problem with plastic surgery. For some people it can be incredibly helpful and help then to find much greater happiness.
I think as with most things it can be abused if overdone. Some people indeed do go too far and look plastic or false.
But if it makes people look and hence feel better then I think it is a good thing.
I have nothing I want to change about myself, now I'm not saying I'm perfect but there is just nothing that stands out to me as being awful that I hate about myself. But if something changed and I wanted surgery then I would definately have it.
Quote by x-man0223
some is nice you know a little here little there the main word for me is a little surgery
but when people go over the top there is no need for it and it looks wrong

as we can see exxy! :scared:
i knew you would say that which is why i added the word surgery
you calling me predictable duel
I think it might be more useful (assuming this was the intent of the original post) to talk about cosmetic surgery rather than plastic surgery, as strictly speaking plastic surgery is a much broader area.
Personally I really can't understand why anyone would put themselves through a surgical procedure that carries an (admittedly small) risk of serious complications and the virtual certainty of discomfort at the very least, purely in order to look more 'attractive'. Despite my fairly numerous deviations from what the media at least would consider handsome I'm happy with what I look like and wouldn't change a thing (unless I could somehow gain the ability to lick my eyebrows whilst breathing through my ears :twisted: ).
Why didn't Gerri Halliwell do something about her bag of spuds nose?
i want as much surgery as this body can handle because i have to to feel complete in many ways.
wheres the scalple sign me up NOW!
Well I think the prime example is Michael Jackson
Quote by x-man0223
i was refering to cosmetic side as people who are in disfigured thru acidents or something then they need it

I know what you meant, I just wanted to make sure we were talking about the same thing, as well as making the point clear to others.
Having said that, there are people who would disagree with your statement about people 'needing' plastic surgery - it's quite a sensitive issue and there are people (Simon Weston for example) who choose not to undergo reconstructive surgery after accident or disease for various reasons. I'm pretty sure you didn't mean to offend anybody (and as far as I'm aware you haven't), but it's worth bearing in mind that even in that situation it's a personal choice.
Quote by x-man0223
i agree that it is a personal choice weather any one has surgery and the last thing i ever want to do is offend anyone i just hate seeing very beautiful people going for surgery that is not needed

But they would probably say that they did need it.
Often how people see themselves has no reflection on how others see them. To you they may be beautiful, but to them even that small blemish may always play on their mind and undermine their confidence.
bhd, yes I ment cosmetc surgery. Surgery itself is a totally differnet matter of course and I have been through it.
As a matter of fact the German NI claims that to 45% of all sugeries in Germany are not neccesarry and the surgeons do it jsut to con people and the NI out of their money.
Just thougt I'd better make clear that I was undre no circumstances intending to have even the slighted go at anyone in this tread (or indeed any other I can recall posting in).
Personally, speaking as somebody who spent an unfeasably long time studying the human nervous system, the things that really amazes/scares me are botox parties. That stuff's an irreversible neurotransmitter antagonist - it works by binding to and blocking the receptor proteins on the nerve cells.
If botox is overdone it can result in people being unable to move their face above the eyes. If it's administered incorrectly it can cause permanent paralysis of other parts of the face. seems a hefty price to pay for a few fewer wrinkles. confused
Quote by G and H
I am fed up with all this so called beauties looking the same and this artificial plastic look the have.
What is your opinion?
I think the inflated rates they pay do go some way to paying for the essential re-constructive surgery that some people need, as well as funding research into developing new techniques that will assist in changing the lives of people that really need it.
As usual, there is not enough of the dosh earned going to those who need it, but if someone wants to thrown their money awy, and there are those who can benefit, get them digging deeper.
Afterthought - they are harming nobody but themselves.
Well i would have full body liposuction, boob lift, and a tummy tuck if your offerering! lol
other than that i will make do! lol i'm ok in the wrinkle department as im a chubby bird so thats one of the excuses i use to keep me looking younger lol
seriously though if it is needed for health reasons be it mental health or otherwise then go for it, just remeber if you overdo it your stuck with it
love peppsxxx wink
i have to admit if i had the money i would have the full works, i'd have my face re done and my body done, i hate the way i look ever since i had the kids my bellys baggy and nothing seems to get rid of it, plus the streatch marks and i'm over weight and all i sem to do is spend my life loosing weight and putting it back on, plus i'm ugly which is something i can't really do anything about, so hell yes if i could afford it i would buy myself the perfect body and a beautiful face, and fair play to those who do, why be unhappy with ur looks if u don't have to be?
wouldn't do it myself but have no objections to others.
I think if I had the money I'd have my boobs "lifted".... because of my yo yo-ing weight since the age of 13 they have become rather saggy!
Also if it was possible I'd have my stretch marks removed - they are the worst thing. I tend to hide myself away because of them, or rather because I don't feel comfortable with people seeing them, so to be free of them would make me so much happier.

I think as long as people are realistic about what can be acheived with surgery, then theres nothing wrong with a bit of a tweek!
I'm getting my 'baby belly' sorted out as soon as possible. Its not a case of dieting or going to the gym (theres only so much that can be done with weight loss and toning), its actual skin that wont behave!
Im sure plenty of mum's out there know what I'm talking about smile
The rest of me is fine, my boobs have 'dropped' abit since the lil' one, but not enough for me to go "OMG get me a surgeon quick!", and I have more than my fair share of stretch marks. But since nothing can be done with the marks, I'm happy to live with them.
If you only want a few bits done, and your not going to put yourself in massive debt trying to look like Elle MacPherson, then I dont see why not!
Quote by duncanlondon
Why didn't Gerri Halliwell do something about her bag of spuds nose?

If were talking about bag of spuds noses.....
Jodie Marsh, sort it out love!!
Ok, bitch moment over rolleyes
4 words....
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Leslie Ash