i can't watch a lassie film...without a lump in my throat...and The Champ!
The only film I've ever cried at was Blood Diamond, and that was this year- maybe I'm getting soft in my old age?
Although I did nearly cry at a TV advert once, probably something like worthers originals- it was an emotional day!!
M xx
My Life Without Me, The Sweet Hereafter, and (already mentioned) Field Of Dreams.
my girl (who didnt ?)
ring of bright water (when the otter dies)
top gun (when lovely goose dies :crazy: )
lion king
8 below (me n son cried our eyes out more than once at this :cry: )
dead mans shoes (at the end when you see what happened to ant'ny :shock:
trainspotting (the baby bit)
switched at birth
theres another one i seen years ago about a young girl who got pregnant had the baby in a barn then abandoned it at the garage in a carrier bag, can never remember the name of it tho
n loads more but having mental blank
I (mr srne) being a big 'ard bloke never cry at films.....
Until miss srne starts to blubber like a baby and then sets me off and we just sit there like two wet soppy blankets :shock:
The last time was quite recently and was the old Elephant Man film with Anthony Hopkins, we went through a whole box of kleenex at the end :cry:
Please don't laugh but the end of The Railway Children gets me everytime. When Jenny Agutta says "Daddy my Daddy"
Nearly filling up writing this FFS
It's a Wonderful Life.
The Jimmy Stewart film does me everytime
I've only recently watched 'The butterfly effect' and it was really moving. I like to get really into every movie and well up near the end of most films. Another that comes to mind is Pass it forward. Never liked the little kid all the way through it but it still got me.
God!,you guys are making me feel sooooo old,can't watch "The ghost and mrs Muir " without getting a bit misty at the end - surprised nobody's mentioned "the colour purple" either