I blub like a baby at certain films, but the ones that made me really cry (with snotsicles aswell) are The Elephant Man, Philadelphia and Green Mile.
There are probably more, but they are the main ones.....I tend to steer clear of the tear jerkers.
me not like snotsicles...most unattractive!!
so what makes u reach for the tissues then?
Watched Steele Magnolias yesterday and cried, but there's Titanic, Beaches, Bambie
etc etc .....
Dead Poets Society.....gets me every time :cry:
films are not one that get me much but been watching Greys Anotomy in the last year and have got very emotional at times
amazing grace,
everyone should have to watch that film at least 3 times to know what grit and determination really is
The Bridges of Madison County. :cry:
I watched Brokeback Mountain last week and i thought it was really sad, didnt cry, but sure had a big lump in my throat..
Suze xx
The list is endless but the ones that always get me are:
Stepmom (always end up blubbering like a baby) , Armegeddon, Top Gun and The long kiss goodnight. But there are many more!.
Steele Magnolias, been my all time fave, i cry b4 the end everytime, cos i know whats gonna happen, ive seen it 100's of times, Always is another :cry: :cry: xj
Who will love my children? :cry: Beaches :cry: The Green Mile :cry: Rocky (dont know which one) where Mickey dies.
In fact, I can cry at almost anything if im in that sort of mood. Even adverts :shock:
Louise xx
Gotta be Beaches for me!! :cry: :cry: