Following a recent post asking what was meant by the phrase “I can’t see you, I need time to think†it occurred to me there are many confusing phrases. They either:
- mean different things to men and women
- are not as they first appear
- are a polite way of saying something else
So, maybe we need a directory of “When I said X, what I really meant to say was…..â€
I noticed I did one last night. I said to someone “you’re funnyâ€.
You’re Funny – you have a great sense of humour which makes me smile and laugh
You’re Funny – you are slightly weird or do slightly strange things
You’re Funny - you are on a different planet!
I have definitly got into trouble by saying things like that before!!! Any advice on how to get out of those sticky situations??!?!?
I suppose it also depends on the person your saying the things too though!!
How about "You're cool"
- You are a relaxing person to be around.
- I enjoy your company.
- I appreciate your attributes.
Alternative meanings......
- You seem like a sucker
- You are easy to fab-off with crappy excuses
- God damn you are so fucking easy. I can't believe my luck!
You're cute - You are cute
You're cute - You're ugly but interesting
You're cute - I can't bring myself to lie anymore than that.
You have lovely eyes - I have little imagination but want to get you into bed
You have lovely eyes - You have great tits
Wanna go for dinner? = I wanna fuck you
Wanna go for a drink? = I wanna fuck you
Wanna go to the cinema? = I wanna fuck you
Kids? Oh, yeah, I love kids! = Goodbye.
It's not you, it's me. = Just fuck off already, I'm bored.
I think we need to talk = Hopefully you'll refuse and I can use it as an excuse to dump you.
What I meant to say was exactly what I said.
Oh shit, why did I say that?
Unfortunately I am stupid.
Where`s the shovel?
Kill me now :scared:
Mmmm curvy = damn another fat bitch!
I love to see you in lingerie = PLEASE! Cover up! Your giving me the wilt!
Work is really busy at the minute =
a - work is actually really busy at the minute
b - the wife/gf is getting suspicious
c - I only wanted to fuck you once
d - you were crap!
I'll give you a call when I am free =
a - I will give you a call when I am free as I want to meet you again
b - I will give you a call when I am free, I am just a bit busy right now
c - I have put you in a queue
d - I will give you a call if nothing else comes up
e - I might call you sometime
f - don't call me
g- damn another fat bitch!
h - You were crap!
I lost yer number:
1. I really did lose yer number
2. Err, I only wanted a shag
3. You were crap
4. Who are you?
How long have you been bisexual? = What are my chances of a threesome tonight?
So what is it that womendo together? = Give me detailed descriptions of cunnilingus.
You seem like a sweet couple: Now Ive seen your pictures, I dont really want meet you ever!
I love your tits:
you ave nice tits
thats the noly thing that is nice
Ive run out of things to say about you
I want some more pictures of your tits
My webcam doesnt work: Im faking it so that I can get some pics of you off msn
My digital camera is broken: Im faking it so that I can get some pics of you off msn
Im at my mums, so cant give you a ring: Im faking it so that I can get some pics of you off msn
You're quiet
You're quiet-You're not making much noise
You're quiet-You have a shy personality I see
You're quiet-What the fuck have I done this time?
Minx xx
mmmmmmm - I'm typing with only my right hand.
aaaaaaaaa - I'm typing with only my left hand.
You're a babe =
a - you are a sexy person
b - you are a bit young
c - I'll say anything to get a shag
d - you remind me of the talking pig in that film
I am genuine =
- I am genuinely interested in the swinging scene and wish to meet like minded people.
- I genuinely want to meet as many people for sex as possible.
- I genuinely want a shag and I don’t really care who.
- I am so ugly I figured this was my best chance of getting laid before I die.