A guy sent me an email saying "I'm a CD, it helps when f**king".....

I asked a friend and he said it might mean "Curved Dick" but I don't know....any ideas anyone?
Quote by artificer
I Think it means he comes tightly wrapped in plastic, has difficulty in getting the business bit out and when eventually inserted is prone to slipping, jumping and playing in places he shouln't while emitting a strange hissing sound...
Quote by SiGo1
Got to admit I thought it was circumcised dick-hence the helps with sex reference
but why has that got to do with help while f#*#ing guess it must be a pyscho thing maybe he thinks if he's dressed like a women he's wearing a strap on thus giving him supper "strapon powers" scooby scooby doooo
Quote by rocky horror
We all have different tastes and that is fine? me i like girls in thigh length wadeerrs, filled with pink custard, heavy duty gardening gloves and a tin foil bodysuit with a BRIGHT yellow so'wester atop her head....now we are talking serious buisness?