i know im blonde but what the hell is bukkuke??????anyone!!
Put it this way, if you like lots and lots of spunk your love it.
loads of men covering you in spermy showers
im so glad you asked that coz i wanted to know as well
its like marmite you love it or hate it
its not for me ,,far to impersonal
more a sport rather than sex !
sort of wayne kerrs public syncranised display
Isn't it buk.....yuk !!!!!!!!!
hmmmmm this discussion could get very messy....hehe :twisted:
It's an adult facial, in case your run out of Retinox Correctione or whatever it's called.
:shock: Not for me thanks, I've just eaten
This picture suggests that Bukkake is the Japanese for shampoo.
Its great, done a few myself and love it!
The more spunk the better!
i prefer to cum on the man
plus ive just washed my hair
tank you
ps i hate marmite blughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh