I hated the 6502, 3 registers and one of them was a dedicated stack pointer, give me a Z80 instead, please.
I was a teenage games programmer in the days of the ZX Spectrum, but my real love was a music programming language for the BBC micro called AMPLE. 16 independent processes, all operations done by filo stack manipulation, rudimentary object orientation, all keywords redefinable and reverse polish notation to boot. You really had to leave the real world behind to be fluent at it, I'd go into a programming trance that took a 10 minute wind-down to get out of well enough to function in the real world.
hehe! I only dared say that because I owned both too!
I did have reply for this, and at the time i probably thought it was funny... then.. I saw SunBunny's Avatar, now all I can think about is where I can aget a christmas tree like that! :shock:
i have my own business...... ensuring the comfort of friends and family...... it involves polishing shoes, making food and drinks, providing clean warm towels, lending books, pens and a listening ear, not finishing the crossword, making sure everyone phones their mothers, turning the fridge to very cold when the beers in there, making folk believe that everything will be ok, removing socks and rubbing feet of loved ones, finding the "lost" things, ensuring a supply of humour, shoulder to cry on, support and "there, there"'s....