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what is every ones profession?

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Quote by neilinleeds

Lol - it's been a while since I coded in Machine Code!!!!!!
68000 assembler
neil x x x :P
68000 on the atari (I think it was a 68010 in there?) and 6502 on the comodor pets.. or was it the BBC micro?.. BBC Micro basic, errrrm, RPG, C# .net a bit... wasnt keen on java despite the similarities with C# and a very very little C and C++
The 6502 was the hardest as I didnt have a compiler... I had to write the assembly language by hand on paper then write the hex code next to it... then peek and poke the data directly into memory from BBC Basic, lol.
Arrrrr thoes were the days... we were so poor ;-) lol
Quote by Reese
Gack! RPG! I used to have to teach that (as no one wanted to learn APL in the early-'80s). Nowadays, I just work as a professional alchemist...
~Reese! surprised

RPG ! ! !
Jeese, Reece, I can't imagine you being involved with Rocket Propelled Grenades.
You come across as so peaceful and serene. When I saw you at the Notts Munch I thought for a moment that you were were the Bhagwan reincarnate. smile
I hated the 6502, 3 registers and one of them was a dedicated stack pointer, give me a Z80 instead, please.
I was a teenage games programmer in the days of the ZX Spectrum, but my real love was a music programming language for the BBC micro called AMPLE. 16 independent processes, all operations done by filo stack manipulation, rudimentary object orientation, all keywords redefinable and reverse polish notation to boot. You really had to leave the real world behind to be fluent at it, I'd go into a programming trance that took a 10 minute wind-down to get out of well enough to function in the real world.
Warming the Bed
Oh Christ... I can't believe this!
Here we are on Swining heaven, and the conversation has descended
into "Bloody 6502, only the Acc, X and Y... give me Z80 any day!".
I just can't get away from programmers!!!! ( lol :lol: :lol: )
Anyhow, the 6502 had more addressing modes than the Z80, so
it made up for having fewer registers. I enjoyed coding on it.
8086 - no fun.
68000 - bit of a culture shock after 6502, odd address errors and so on.
I gave up after 4GL's got replaced by C++.
Guess we're all coders here then? what does that say about swingers/doggers?
It could have been worse, I could have said that my Amiga was better then your Atari ST! bolt
Quote by Bad Cop
give me Z80 any day!".

Ah Z80 - now that floats my boat! ZX81 - 1k of onbaord RAM - bluddy 16k plug in expansion pack that never worked. Having to type in every program on that awful plastic keypad using Sinclair's shortcut basic. Those were the days!
lol :lol: :lol:
Quote by Mister_Discreet

Blimey - I'd forgetton that!!!!! My selective memory will only let me remember the hours and hours and hours spent typing in those programs from the weekly mags, only to have the whole thing crash because I forgot to tip toe out of the room. That, or finally running it and working out they'd put a deliberate mistake in to make you buy the next installment! Mind you, that's how I learnt to program - fixing those bugs. Who'd have thought that after all these years I'd become a real IT professional?
Ah - that's put this thread back on track again. biggrin
mr_d! duel :sparring: come on then ket's have yer! :mad:
have it . . . . . .
move.l #myreplytoyoulot
move.w #9
trap #1
sub #6,-(sp)
myreplytoyoulot dc.b "you're taking the piss now! the ST was the best thing since sliced bread! stuff yer amiga with all them copper lists up yer backside! oh and yeah! i had a miggy too! them copper lists were clever! but i did it on an ST with 16 colours and had 256 colours on *my* screen with tumbling rasters and all sorts! custom chips my arse!! pah! :smug: rotflmao"
with apologies to 68000 purists! it's been a damn long time ok? ;)
n x x x x ;)
I did have reply for this, and at the time i probably thought it was funny... then.. I saw SunBunny's Avatar, now all I can think about is where I can aget a christmas tree like that! :shock:
fancy asking a question that your not prepared to answer yourself ???? hhhmmmmmmmm
I am a sex therapist by the way! lol I used to work for N.A.S.A. before that as a behavioural psychologist - studying the effects space solitude on repressed sexual desires - but the journey to work from the midlands everyday was murder. :lol:
It's late, I've been drinking!!! redface
Sex God
Quote by Riff Raff
Gack! RPG! I used to have to teach that (as no one wanted to learn APL in the early-'80s). Nowadays, I just work as a professional alchemist...
~Reese! surprised

RPG ! ! !
Jeese, Reece, I can't imagine you being involved with Rocket Propelled Grenades.
You come across as so peaceful and serene. When I saw you at the Notts Munch I thought for a moment that you were were the Bhagwan reincarnate. smile
Generally true, but you're forgetting that I'm also an American...and, as such, brought up to heed the words of former President Theodore Roosevelt who'd said: "Walk softly and carry a big stick." lol
~Reese! :o
Warming the Bed
Quote by Mister_Discreet
It could have been worse, I could have said that my Amiga was better then your Atari ST! bolt

I loved my Amiga 500 and 1200. I also have an ST. biggrin
But yes, I remember those days too...
My first really big project was all on punched cards on an ICL 1900 series! All batch processing - no VDU's except as operators consoles! I reckon I could still remember how to use one of those old hand punches!

My uncle used to work as an engineer for S*******ger. He got called to a computer in Russia that was not booting. When he examined it the O/S was on punchcards pushed against the readers with an airbladder.
He said it was the only computer he has ever seen that crashed because it had a puncture.
Master of Sex
i have my own business...... ensuring the comfort of friends and family...... it involves polishing shoes, making food and drinks, providing clean warm towels, lending books, pens and a listening ear, not finishing the crossword, making sure everyone phones their mothers, turning the fridge to very cold when the beers in there, making folk believe that everything will be ok, removing socks and rubbing feet of loved ones, finding the "lost" things, ensuring a supply of humour, shoulder to cry on, support and "there, there"'s....
Quote by neilinleeds
and gimme cobol any day over C++ and all that malarkey. what's all that about eh? dunno
neil x x x :P

Bah! Real programmers use Intercal. (and then go slowly insane...) :shock: