Biwelsh he I do not believe he is speaking for the whole of the UK however, he is stating what appears to be the opinion of a large percentage of the population.
He is allowed his opinion
Medical staff teachers crucial workers etc from abroad, agreed they can help enrich our lifes and society but not all are that kind of migrant some are spongers and offer nothing prefering to create there own gettos, surely you do not see that as a possitive for society
I repeat well done leeds lad
methinks he protesteth too loud...
Minx x
AH once again leeds lad you are not allowed to voice your opinion because others dont like it. I repeat is this democracy.
Fabio why threaten in a round about way violence to some one who does not conform, please ask yourself who is in the wrong
Scooter your quite right I did miss read Fabios reply and appologise to Fabio for that
Yea and where did i make a racist comment ???? I could have said what you want to hear. Maybe then you can laugh and say Told ya !!! Sorry im not that low.
So we have wasted what 2-3 hrs reading and posting becasue i asked an opinion on this country. Then some smart arse comes in and cries HE IS RACIST. The verry thing i was on about in the first place.
So this country is the verry thing i was pointing out what was wrong with this country. This is why there will be racism in this country. This is why there will be riots. Because no one can have there opinion. This is one of my many reasons for wanting to leave maybe for a few years maybe for a few months who knows.
Phew thought it was me who was fooked up but now im pretty sure its this shithole.
I just don't get why everyone want's to rip each others heads off or be better than everyone else.