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What is sexy?

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Is there a certain quality that a person possesses that gives them that sexy appeal to you?
A smile?
Their voice?
Their lntelligence?
Their body?
Their wit?
For me, it's intelligence and wit, if you've got that, then it's most of the hard work complete!
What about you fine folks?
Wit...Once they've got that thye've also got fun, intelligence and sparkly eyes!! A good body helps though....not that I'm shallow!!! ;)
I struggle to quantify sexy... always have.
It can be one or a combo of things. Sometimes it's the glint in the eyes, sometimes the voice, sometimes even the hands - I have an odd thing for hands - then it can equally be their smile, humour, wit, intelligence.
For me it is rarely something predictable like bums or boobs.
I'm a firm believer in the fact that sexy and attractive do not always match up. Just because you are beautiful does not mean you are sexy... does that make sense?
Sexy is .....
....the smile, the sense of humour, the eyes, the lingering looks, the cheeky grin, the confidence in themselves - it is the whole package rather than one particular thing.
Quote by noladreams30
I'm a firm believer in the fact that sexy and attractive do not always match up. Just because you are beautiful does not mean you are sexy... does that make sense?

Oh yes definately. Just because someone is industry standard (whatever that is) beautiful certainly does not make them sexy.
For me, sexy is something that comes from within and shines out in their confidence and other atributes.
As bj said, if someone can make me laugh, they are certainly well on their way to being sexy to me (oh, and a nice voice/accent also does it for me) redface
sexy can also be the ability to dance... the ability to hold a good conversation... the ability to kiss
In fact, sexy cannot exist without the kissing.
Nope. No way.
It can be all of what you suggest - but only if they are manifestations of psychological connection.
A smile which is unfeeling - unsexy
A husky voice that is disinterested - unsexy
An intellect that is vicious - unsexy
A 'perfect' body that has the wrong language - unsexy
A wit that is cold - unsexy.
Turn these the other way and you've got sex!!!
It is so many things.. their smile is always a winner. I love a smile that transforms the face.. the kind of smile that you yearn for as you know when you have it is a real sign that you 'please' them.
I love wit and intelligence. The first is more important than the latter.
Sexy, is about the person being comfortable in their own body and knowing that even with their quirks that they are attractive. There is a certain lady on here that makes me weak at the knees and there were witnesses at the Munch that I was at where I made a total ass of myself. She still makes me blush and wobbly.. it is about her smile and the way that she carries herself. Worlass met her on cam and was in hysterics about the effect this woman had on me. I can't quantify it. It is just there.
With women I have a harder time quantifying what makes them sexy to me. I know that I am a breast woman and wouldn't look twice at those who have a flat chest. (shallow, but I have chest blindness wink )
With men... they have to be witty, sure of themselves. They have to have some life experience. I have nothing to say to young men. ummm and I find a man that works manually hugely sexy.. they tend to be more 'graceful'.. umm how can I explain that.. they know how they fit together with the stuff they work with and tend to know how to fit together with you. ... redface
Certain voices and accents also do it for me. I love a singer who has a gruff, rough, sexy voice, and that really makes me go weak at the knees.
these two just do it for me -

OOhh, I need a cold shower after that!
That made me think Nola. I see sexiness in all kinds of ppl but can't always out my finger on it. I can see one type of "sexyness" in one person and another kind of "sexiness" in someone else. An example: No offense intended, just my preference, but I'm not one for going for the BBW. However I think Beth from Dog the Bounty Hunter is sillyhwoar: I think what makes me tick with Beth is her accent, how she talks and her big boobies :rascal:
There's a lady in her early 40s who comes into the chat and she's :phwoar: Met her socially quite a few times and it's her personality that makes me tick, along with her friendlyness. She's also a very attractive lady, yet I don't really go for ladies in their 40s.
I can't really explin the answer to ur question hun but I think what Im trying to say is what I find sexy and lady a) may not be the same in lady b)
In generalised terms, I think it has to be the personality overall.
Miss Cream xxx
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
.... the lingering looks, ...

You noticed ... :shock:
Quote by splendid_
With men... they have to be witty, sure of themselves. They have to have some life experience. I have nothing to say to young men. ummm and I find a man that works manually hugely sexy.. they tend to be more 'graceful'.. umm how can I explain that.. they know how they fit together with the stuff they work with and tend to know how to fit together with you. ... redface

Sorry for snipping stuff splendid, but this just resonates with me. Part of my hand 'thing' is the fact that I adore it when I meet a man who works with his hands. Partly it is a mental thing - I know that he can make and do things with those hands, and they're strong and purposeful and they usually handle me in much the same way wink - and then partly it is simply a physical thing... workmen's hands are the digital equivalent of a pierced tongue... :rascal:
yep, works for both of us. The starting point is no fags and then let's go from there!
Quote by Sixfootsix
Is there a certain quality that a person possesses that gives them that sexy appeal to you?
A smile?
Their voice?
Their lntelligence?
Their body?
Their wit?
For me, it's intelligence and wit, if you've got that, then it's most of the hard work complete!
What about you fine folks?
Quote by noladreams30
With men... they have to be witty, sure of themselves. They have to have some life experience. I have nothing to say to young men. ummm and I find a man that works manually hugely sexy.. they tend to be more 'graceful'.. umm how can I explain that.. they know how they fit together with the stuff they work with and tend to know how to fit together with you. ... redface

Sorry for snipping stuff splendid, but this just resonates with me. Part of my hand 'thing' is the fact that I adore it when I meet a man who works with his hands. Partly it is a mental thing - I know that he can make and do things with those hands, and they're strong and purposeful and they usually handle me in much the same way wink - and then partly it is simply a physical thing... workmen's hands are the digital equivalent of a pierced tongue... :rascal:
a woman who works with her hands is rarer but has much the same ability. Umm I tend to not know about a woman's occupation until after I know she is good with her hands surprisedops:
Quote by noladreams30
.... sexy and attractive do not always match up.

I reckon sexy and attractive do match up.
But as Angelica pointed out to me once, sexy and pretty don't always match up.
Jeez I'm a picky b**t**d aren't I?

I find it in different ways in different of the woman i have met have someone about them which is sexy.
Could be the way they smile, talk, look at you, even the way they walk.
Just watch and you can see it in a woman, you pick it up and when it registers in your brain you get that wow feeling.
Whst is sexy?
Can be any number of things: a nice smile, an accent, a fantastic body, scent,eyes, saying the right thing at the right time.....well thats a few things i find sexy anyway redface
For me, I find it so incredibly sexy knowing a woman has dressed with the sole intention of looking great for you and that she knows how sexy she is. That's incredibly flattering.
Other than that, a great, original imagination and the confidence along with it. Can't beat it
Sex God
My perception of sexy keeps changing....
What I didn't find sexy last week I may well find sexy next week....
No wonder my luck is crap.......I keep moving my own goalposts :lol2:
Quote by Whipsnspurs
online it usually starts with how someone posts.

Does "Hi, I really like your profile. Please check mine out and let me know what you think?" count? lol
Is this where I've been going wrong? :lol:
Sex God
Quote by splendid_
Sexy, is about the person being comfortable in their own body and knowing that even with their quirks that they are attractive.... redface
I think that sums it up, splendidly.
...but not just body comfortable, confident in mind as well.
Sexy to me is someone who doesn't know it.
I can't abide people with a high opinion of themselves.
Turn on's for me are the mind. There are a few men in here (and the odd lady.. redface ) who have me very intrigued because of that.
I also like eyes and thighs. Doesn't matter to me if a man has a bit round the equator or nothing on the north pole as long as his thighs are strong enough to hold me :haha:
Sex God
Quote by jaymar
Sexy to me is someone who doesn't know it.
I can't abide people with a high opinion of themselves.
Turn on's for me are the mind. There are a few men in here (and the odd lady.. redface ) who have me very intrigued because of that.
I also like eyes and thighs. Doesn't matter to me if a man has a bit round the equator or nothing on the north pole as long as his thighs are strong enough to hold me :haha:

Your just trying to make me feel good aint ya ;-)
Quote by Steve
Sexy to me is someone who doesn't know it.
I can't abide people with a high opinion of themselves.
Turn on's for me are the mind. There are a few men in here (and the odd lady.. redface ) who have me very intrigued because of that.
I also like eyes and thighs. Doesn't matter to me if a man has a bit round the equator or nothing on the north pole as long as his thighs are strong enough to hold me :haha:

Your just trying to make me feel good aint ya ;-)
rotflmao Having not seen your thighs yet, maybe I was thinking of you when I was referring to the mind.... wink
Sex God
Quote by jaymar
Sexy to me is someone who doesn't know it.
I can't abide people with a high opinion of themselves.
Turn on's for me are the mind. There are a few men in here (and the odd lady.. redface ) who have me very intrigued because of that.
I also like eyes and thighs. Doesn't matter to me if a man has a bit round the equator or nothing on the north pole as long as his thighs are strong enough to hold me :haha:
South Pole dear, you are holding the map up-side down. smile
Sex God
Quote by jaymar
rotflmao Having not seen your thighs yet, maybe I was thinking of you when I was referring to the mind.... wink

I like the use of the word yet :rascal:
*And my thighs are 24" round so should be quite strong* ;-)
Quote by Sixfootsix
Is there a certain quality that a person possesses that gives them that sexy appeal to you?
A smile?
Their voice?
Their lntelligence?
Their body?
Their wit?
For me, it's intelligence and wit, if you've got that, then it's most of the hard work complete!
What about you fine folks?

I would say it is a combination of all of the above.
The smile - very important that your partner smiles. biggrin If their not smiling they are not happy.
The voice - personally I like a woman with an accent, always so sexy.
Intelligence - I don't want to spend time with someone who doesn't stimulate my mind.
Body - probably the least important of all but I'm shallow enough to want to be attracted by it.
Wit - It's important that I smile. :D If I'm not then I'm not having a good time.
Oh and sexy is definitely in the kiss... did I mention that already? passionkiss
Quote by noladreams30
Oh and sexy is definitely in the kiss... did I mention that already? passionkiss

oh gosh, yes it is. c'mere sillyassionkiss:
Quote by splendid_
Oh and sexy is definitely in the kiss... did I mention that already? passionkiss

oh gosh, yes it is. c'mere sillyassionkiss:
Do you know what splendid, I could really go one of those take-your-breath-away, leave-you-reeling kinda snogs... lots of accompanying hair tugging and a spot of biting-of-the-bottom-lip for good measure... :rascal:
You in?