What is the best film of all time...
In recent times new and better technology is allowing for more far fetched and aesthetically pleasing films.
Recently the Transformer films have amazed me with cgi, The lord of the rings and Harry Potter films have been decent book to film conversions, and The Fighter has been a great true to life thought provoking messege delivering film. But the question is what is the best film...
I (Mr Two) am always torn between two films, The shawshank Redemption and The Usual Suspects... The Usual Suspects keeps you guessing all the way through with the big twist at the end, and The Shawshank Redemption is just a well written, thought provoking film with a feel good factor coming at the end, wich i feel just edges it ahead...
So whats your choice?
well..i have to say i have two.
serious film..i go for...
The Killing Fields
or for fun....and for being a totally upliofting feel good movie I go for
Momma Mia
1) Shawshank Redemption, Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman at their best
2) Wall-e for the fun, some excellent CGI which is stunning on Blu-ray and with surround sound, plus look up the 'extras' for the short film about Burn-e the robotic welder on Axiom.
hmm well for me it would have to be.
Jaws for best film
E.T for best sci fi film
and Beaches with bet midler for best weepy.
ooopss forgot to put "but im sure Mrs D would disagree on this" lol
everyone else can stop posting in this thread now...I've just given the correct answer
Got to be Casablanca for me followed by My Fair Lady and possibly dirty Dancing
its got to be ice cold in alex,its got it all, war,spies,man against the desert and a cracking end, an ice cold carlsberg,probably!
Debbie Does Dallas :giggle:
Snow white and the 7 Dwarfs
Land before Time
Stand by me
Lost boys
Fave film of all..... Pulp Fiction!
And i must admit i love watching English films, we have sooooo many great actors/actresses.
for me its shawshank redemption or godfather part 2.
can I choose Spartacus-Kirk Douglas at his best
when it comes to musicals I love all of them (not Mama Mia which is pish)
I absolutely love Wuthering Heights with Lawrence Olivier
On the Waterfront-Marlon Brando is a god, he could of been a contender you know
Jaws purley for Robert Shaw nuf said
To Kill a Mockingbird, loved the book loved the film
Rear Window, Vertigo, Psycho, Hound of the Baskervilles with Bazil Rathbone
Green Mile, again loved the book loved the film
Halloween, Evil Dead and so many of the old Hammer Horror films
Blimey I could go on
I`m not impressed by graphics, dont like car chases or explosions.
I like good scripts and well acted parts
you cant pick the best of all time, so many genres its impossible
You're all wrong, it's "A Weekend at Bernie's" lol
this is a really hard one to answer.. as there are so many films that i think are great, and just depends on my mood.
my top ten at the moment are (in no specific order)
Goonies - because it just takes be back to my childhood
Shawshank Redemption
American Gangster- Denzil Washington & Russel Crowe
Green Mile - Tom Hanks
Spaceballs- John Candy, Bill Pullman, Mel Brooks
23 - Jim Carrey
Monty Python's Life of Brian
Another 48 Hours - Eddie Murphy
Lucky Number Sleven - Morgan Freeman, Bruice Willis
The definitive answer is .
Well, now that's sorted I may as well lock the thread. :smug:
ERASERHEAD ......visually inventive,brilliant editing,superb sound design,etc,just a brilliantly realised piece of cinema.
Apocalypse now
Cabaret/West side story ....I can never decide but one of these is the best musical ever made
Dolls..by Takeshi Kitano ....the most beautiful looking piece of cinema I have ever seen
Taxi Driver...I agree with Brucie about DeNiro but the film belongs to schrader and Scorsese
everything by Kurusawa
many more both recognised classics and personal favourites
And a special mention for Carry on Cleo....infamy!! the best delivered line in any film anywhere by anybody....pure stone cold 24 carat Bubba Ho-tep any film that has a black John Kennedy and a geriatric Elvis battling a cowboy hat wearing egyptian mummy has just got to be good...Bruce Campbell at his best
I am a member of a local film club, over the course of the last 5 years 6 of us have met every two weeks to see a film projected onto the wall of a building at the bottom of the garden (one of the others house not mine). Every session sees one of us turn up with 3 films which we then vote on (we have a 2 hour or thereabouts limit on films 'cos we want to make the pub afterwards, so Kirosawa's Rashomon and Apocalypse Now are unfortunately out). I have seen some brilliant films which I would not have picked to go to at the cinema.
Every year we have a vote as to what the best film was in the previous year and although we have talked about sending a mini Oscar to the director we have not actually gotten around to it yet.
We have seen well over 100 films over the course of the last 5 years and genuinely only 2 I can describe as being dogs.
What is the best film ever? There is no answer to that, it does not exist. Film portrays the human condition, it would be like asking what is the best life anyone has ever lived or the most interesting person ever. Enjoy each film for what it brings to you. Some will live for ever, some for only a few hours. All will change your perceptions. Enjoy them.
I Tweet what we see and a v short review after every filmclub and if you feel like having a look at what we see then follow me at #Wildfire_London
If anyone wants to know what we saw last time it was The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (yes I know it is 2.5 hours but it just crept in) which was great!
Too many films, of varying genre, to mention...depends what floats your boat at the time of viewing.
I paticularly like "Ferris Bueller's Day Off", always warm and amusing.
a really surprisingly good film is "A Midsummer Night's Dream", I couldn't help but have a beaming smile after watching it.
Sorry! you're all wrong it's Last Of The Mohicans :smug:
Good thread this and most of my favourite films have already been mentioned. Taxi Driver, Sparticus... Again for me different films are "best" for different moods
ET - Can be watched just as a good story but like all great films has a message. First film i watched at the cinema so from a personal view is a favourite because of that.
Seven - Best ending i can remember and kept me guessing all the way
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest - Loved the book but Nicholson made the film even better
Brassed Off - A clever way of using humour and the human touch to make a political critique
Many good films mentioned. Might inspire me to watch them again and to watch some films i keep meaning to get round to.
Oh and how could i forget the best film of all time ... Escape to Victory
Love the idea of the film group ... maybe we should set up a film club and talk about the film of the week in the "movie goers" chatroom at a set time each week !