For me, it has to be Bird's Custard Powder. No cheaper substitutes. Sugar of course and milk, semi is ok. It has to be proper thick - opaque, and the pud must be positively drowning in it.
We never had egg custard as a sauce at home, that came in a pastry case with nutmeg on. Not something you would ever pour on a spotted dick.
So what is it for you?
PS. I had cheapo custard powder once - it was awful. I had to add vanilla extract and yellow colour. It was basically cornflour. Never again!
Of the very few things I won't substitute, Kellogs cornflakes top the bill.
Spiced Rum has to be Captain Morgans- nothing else cuts the mustard.
Most things I'll chop & change though.
Beanz Meanz Heinz! :thumbup:
Okay... others are alright, but I can always tell when they're not Heinz.
Beer is served from a pump in a pub preferably by a full breasted attractive does not come in bottles or cans
coffee in a jar has to be nescafe, really hate cheap gravy like u get in stews all the good stuff and good loo roll dont get wet hand or sore lol
soft toilet roll, wont substitute it for the cheap crap (pardon the pun)
oh and tea has to be either Twinnings breakfast or traditional
Fish & Chips from a chip shop
Low fat Mayonaise - devil's puke.
It's thickened with cornflour or the same stuff they fill petri dishes with.
Come on - mayonaise is oil, vinegar and eggs. A bit of flavour but nothing else. Thickener? It's as bad as putting preservative in JAM. (I could have sworn jamming was a method of PRESERVATION!)
Any good branded coffee....cant stand cheap coffee
Yorkshire tea ....Ill drink other tea but will only buy yorkshire tea
Skimmed milk...(I know people hate it but I cant get enough)
I don't know if they are about much these days but Epicure produce a great range of products.
Bubble making fluid. You can't make this yourself, you always have to buy the original.
KFC can't be copied. They must have a unique breed of herbs.
Pie mash and liquor. The liquor is supposedly a great secret.
Milk... Not the god awful, already devoid of flavour stuff you buy in the shops, but the stuff straight from the cow.
I prefer, and buy, Nescafe Gold Blend, but am grateful for whatever is on offer when out visiting. I wish regular Nescafe didn't smell like Bovril (or any other branded beefy drink for that matter) but beggars can't be choosers, and coffee is coffee. I use Nouvelle toilet tissue as I fail to see the merits in flushing virgin paper products down the loo and they seem to be the kindest of their type. Brown sauce is Daddies although I personally don't eat it. I refuse to buy bolognese-type sauces, I always make them from scratch with value chopped tomatoes and fresh vegetables. Shampoo etc. is anything but Pantene (because it leaves my hair smelling less attractive than I'd like). Otherwise, I buy whatever makes the most economic sense without hiking up the sugar salt and other additives unnecessarily, usually a shop's own brand. I favour Morrissons (although I often end up using Tesco since I have about 500 kids and they cater better for bulk purchases) but wish I could afford to use real butchers and greengrocers more.