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What moderates are online at the moment?

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6 replies
1 watcher
Warming the Bed
How can you tell what moderators are online at the moment?
If they choose to make their online status known, then their names appear in green at the top.
They show in green or brown in the list of names at the bottom of the main page or top of each area of the forum. Why do you want to know?
Warming the Bed
Hi thanks for the help..
I have posted a few topics and a few replies and they keep getting removed etc and no reason given...
For example I put one on reguarding the cold weather, and after about 5 mins in disappeared.
didnt see your thread - but is probably because we already have several weather-based threads running dunno
Sex God
AtomCom I have no idea what you had locked or deleted but Darkfire has just given you the correct answer biggrin
Sex God
Quote by Dawn_Mids
AtomCom I have no idea what you had locked or deleted but Darkfire has just given you the correct answer biggrin

It was me - we have no need of a poll about the weather. Darkfire was correct.
You have had a number of threads deleted or locked recently and need to wonder why!