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What now?

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To get straight to the point i fell in love/lust with our regular swinging partner, its now over (secret meetings i don't need to tell you the details) but i feel we can never swing again as its lost its appeal and thats my biggest loss as well as my/our partner.
I'm not sure what i'm asking all i know is i can't knock on my neighbours door and talk it over but it is getting me down a bit.
I'm the female partner by the way and realise i took it a step way too far.
seems there might be too much we dont know to comment any more , so just a hug for you
My gut reaction is that you shouldn't be making any big, life-changing decisions about swinging when you are down, and being at the messy end of a relationship, you sound pretty down to me.
Maybe given time you'll want to get back into the swing of things, maybe not. I think that either diving instantly into the scene in the hope of shagging yourself happy, or swearing celibacy eternally and then repenting at leisure might not be a good move.
Swinging isn't for everyone - it does take a level of emotional detachment, and a firm understanding of the difference between loving someone and shagging someone. Maybe you'll look back on this episode as your lesson learned the hard way? or maybe it will be the reason you decide it's not for you? Either way, time is a great healer.
I wish you good luck, and hope this all works out for you somehow.
{{{ hugs }}}
can't really say owt to that? can be damn tricky at times though can't it?
neil x x x ;)
Thank you very much, i don't want to go into details and i know that makes it very hard to understand my post. All i can say is we were a very secure couple and in a moment of 'madness' maybe there were some stresses at that time we didn't see nor put aside while swinging.
I have never felt so wretched if thats the right word, i feel we have lost our social life due to my stupidity. I'm not going to make any rash decisions i have just felt very alone for a while in my thoughts.
Thank you for the wise words they make perfect sense its just been a little hard not being able to speak to anyone.
madness happens
it happened to us over a year ago ........thats how we met .
a little madness can do you some good sometimes look to the future and things will sort themselves out for the better , thye always do
especially with friends like we have on here
Personally i feel that when you start having feeling for a person you swing with you should stop seeing them str8 away as the longer you leave it the harder it will be, i think things like this happen quite a lot and to me couple should only go into it if they are in a soild relationship, if you have any problems at all it will be all to easy to fall for someone else, we learn my our mistakes we're only human smile
ouch thats a tough happens!
Don't rush into anything as yet........ give yourself time to adjust both mentally and physically to the changes in your life.
At some stage or other in our lives, we have all been there, in some way, shape or form. It hurts and will take a while to recover from.
Big, big hugs......
equi-princess xxx