Late last year my black tomcat died of cancer. He was a loving gentle old thing and a friend for 16 years.
A month ago miss Keeno and I purchased two young cats from the cat protection league. They're lovely. A cute little black and white mog and a big old tabby.
What pets have you got?
this isn't that funny unless you have a black sense of humour.
I was offering someone a shower stop recently.
when he walked in the hallway he asked what the boxes were. I introduced him to my cats..three of them.
cremated last year and I still haven't scattered them.
I have no other pets.
Well there is a wood louse ...
2 cats and a 3-legged hamster :giggle:
and before some bleeding wag asks, No he doesn;t have only 3 legs because the cats got to him :dry:
my old faithful collie cross , riley - as in life of
she getting on now though
7 gold fish
1 child
2 10 month old tabbies, brother and sister, bloody hooligans they are but i love them
I know someone who has a Rotty to rehome. He rescued it but can;t keep it because of his other pets. I'd love to but my cat would traumatise the poor dog! :shock:
I have
(mad)Max the Labby
Tiny (the fatcat)
Peter the Budgie
2 dogs one as old as the hills and stuburn
2 cats
used to have a degu (but sadly died)
2 Malamute huskies...the mobile throw babies
2 love birds... bloody noisy but cute!
7 large koi...Edmund, Percy, Baldrick, Nursy, Queeny
Flash, Melchy...