I was just talking to a friend about different expressions or words. We got talking about names used for women, where he is from they use duck. Down south they use bird then got me thinking nobody has called me bird, but it is a word I dont like to be called either.
What words or expressions don't you like?
I suspect not really where this is intended to go but I hate it when people call me mate - I'm not your mate and it takes years for me to get to a point where I would consider someone a proper friend! I know it is an acceptable slang term these days but when I go into a McDonalds (rarely) and a spotty oik calls me mate it p***es me off.
Rant over, up too late again!!!!
i hate being called biatch. I love being called bitch mind. I dont like the word whore even if said in jest it just grates.
I don't like being called love or indeed and babe are ok in general terms but it does get annoying when ppl you are not familiar with adopt what can be classed as a comfy term with you.