"we had to bury him upside down as we couldn't get the coffin lid on....at least he died happy in the bosom of his nurse"
This would only work if the grave belonged to a gay person *Here lies Dale Winton, safe in the knowledge that they do let gays into heaven, take that catholics*
p.s not meant to be funny, its just always been a personal anoyance of mine that certain catholics (im saying certain catholics so no catholics here string me up* seem to have a problem with gays, bit silly really since the arch bishop of canterbury is as gay as they come
Right now? It would say 'completely and utterly pissed off'.
"Forever in the best state: stiff"
wouldn't listen , didn't listen, should have listened !
"Her last words were .... Hey y'all, watch this .... "
Haven't read the whole thread, so forgive us if this repeats what has been said before.
Spike Milligan had it right - "I told you I was ill"
Thank you and goodnight