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What's the smallest car you've ever had sex in?

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Before we were married, my wife had a Fiat 600 which we had to use if we wanted any nookie. How we avoided injury I'll nver know lol
Any of you out there got any stories?
Had sex in a phone box on Charing Cross Road once......till the coppers moved us on wink
got to be me old Mini!.......boy did they have good gear sticks in them biggrin
a fiesta,quite amazing considering my size lol
Fiesta for me too, three of us in the back, very cosy hump
ooo once had sex in a metro - blimey that was snug! plus the wheels made a very loud and distracting squeeking sound as the car bounced up n down lol
Smallest was a 1953 Ford Pop.
Largest was a 1955 Humber Hearse (Very roomy inside, lol)
Quote by prags
Fiesta for me too, three of us in the back, very cosy hump

Beat ya. I've done a foursome in a fiesta cool
A bumper car. End of Brighton pier 1975.
a 3sum in the back of my Fiat Panda
Ok passengers seat was removed and drivers shoved fully forwards, but its still the same car
Quote by kristof
a 3sum in the back of my Fiat Panda
Ok passengers seat was removed and drivers shoved fully forwards, but its still the same car

er................ditto lol :lol: :lol:
Mini 1275 gt
on Saturday night, Im too old for this :cry:
The only cars I've ever had sex in was my then boyfriend's Vauxhall Cavalier back when I was 17 in 198*cough* and again (same chap) when he got a Ford Escort redface I remember it being v. uncomfortable!!
a fiat Panda
was my mums, borrowed it while mines was in the garage.
what a nightmare never again!
How about an MG Midget, contorsionism or what? but fun though
Erm all the cars I've had sex in were well sized :shock: datsun, cavalier, escort and beamer smile
Once got highly shocked in the BMW when a nice police knocked on the window :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: redface
i had a shag over a motorbike seat once.. does that count?
A Datsun (Nissan) 100a, which if I recall was about the size of a mini but was a 3 door hatchback so we cheated and put the back seats down rolleyes lol
Quote by bluexxx
Beat ya. I've done a foursome in a fiesta cool

Me too smile
Minx xx
No the smallest, but my first one was a
Ford Consul
Column Change
Bench Seat ( folded down )
Happy days, but better nights
A very old 850 Mini - Got my foor stuck out the rear window (yes it was that old). When we'd finished, she had to wiggle out from under me to help release my foot!! :shock:
Was one of those first little boxy Hondas back in '81. Was also my first threesome (four-, if you count the stick shift). :P
~Reese! surprised
Triumph Herald - that was a two seater wasn't it? confused
Talbort Horizion, if anyone remembers them!!!
Quote by Nomad_Soul
a 3sum in the back of my Fiat Panda
Ok passengers seat was removed and drivers shoved fully forwards, but its still the same car

er................ditto lol :lol: :lol:
double ditto biggrin wink
Toyota MR2 :shock: got a bit cramped but must say that when doing it on the outside of the car the (i can't think what its called redface ) raised bit on the back that looks like a shelf was just the right height for me to sit on wink
Ok, I'm going to confess! :shock: I'm a car virgin! redface
I have never had sex in a car and I now feel left out! :cry:
Guess what's on my to-do list for the near future! :twisted:
One of the wee smart cars.
double jointed ? you have to be......had bruises for days afterwards.