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whats your middle name?

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Quote by jlebbon

The choice of my middle name was given to my sister, who at the tender age of 3 landed me with ********* rotflmao It was the "groovy" 60's and she thought it was a funky name confused

go on Tracy ya can tell me i wont laugh!.. remember mines the one with George!
Nope! Not gonna tell EVER EVER EVER :!: :grin:
Jon won't tell either after the threat of NO SHAGS FOR A WEEK!
I would've said a month but I can't wait that long either redface
There's nothing wrong with George. It's quite popular these days (in the over 60 age group) wink
mine's GULLIBLE :giggle:
Mrs RSAB2 xxx :angel:
one of my sons has George as his middle bit too!!
Quote by RedHot
There's nothing wrong with George. It's quite popular these days (in the over 60 age group) wink

cheers makes me feel really popular!!!!!!!!!!!
Seven kids in our family and I'm the baby, so by the time they got to me, my parents had well and truly run out of good ideas (in fact they did on child number 1)
So, as if my first name isn't bad enough (no offence to other "T"s redface ) my middle name is S........ S.......... nope - just can't do it :shock: :cry: :cry:
Quote by heandtr
My middle name is sadly GEORGE. (hense the G in the initials!!!!)
but when i gt the piss taken out of it, i just reminde them its the name of our great flag!!

George is a great name biggrin fact I liked it enough to give it to my son for a middle name!!!
It is streets ahead of "Stanley" anyway!!!!
i feel really guilty makes fun of Stanley now!!!!
i fuly retract the statment!
Quote by JudyTV
If you don't like your middle name then change it. Your name can be whatever you want it to be. So many people are not happy with any of their names so they change them. Its quite legal, a lot of people cant be bothered with all the officialdom and contacting all the necessary bodies so they just put up with their name. Its amazing how quickly people adapt to someone who has changed their name and it really is very easy to do.

This is true. You don't even have to do it by deed-poll. All you have to do is tell everyone your new name.
I changed my daughter's surname to include my own as well as her father's. He wouldn't agree to it being changed throught the courts, but my solicitor says I can call her what I want - I just have to tell everyone. So I did!
The school, doctor, dentist, etc all use her 'new' name although the snotty cow that is the school receptionist argued the toss about changing it on the register.
My middle name is Whoateallthe.
mine is Dave. Cant get better than that.
My middle names:
Oliver Bennett
Mainly because my parents couldn't agree on which one to use, so they used both of them...
My middle name is Frisky.
So,it says FFF on my monogrammed quilted satin smoking jacket.
mines simple its louise too smile
My parents were horrible, lol.
My full name is Jonathan Thomas Wilson... and for the younger of you... John Thomas is old speak for the toilet!
Remind me not to speak to my mum again for the amount of ribbing I had as a child, lol.
Quote by piercedJon
and for the younger of you... John Thomas is old speak for the toilet!

No it's not, dearie - it's another penis pseudonym.
LOL... your mum was wicked, cock.
I use my middle name as my first name because i,m not sure i like it confused it,s Elizabeth, so i like to be called Ann, when i wasa child Elizabeth always got shortened so my mum just kept calling me ann and it,s stuck with me. smile But it gets confusing when i go to the Doctor,s or hospital they shout for Elizabeth and i forget to answer !!!!!!!
dunno blink rolleyes :haha: