Who else would have me skipping arm in arm down a street in Blackpool at lunchtime, and we weren't even pissed at the time.
You will always get the odd pm off me, ( add to list to do, remember to pm WBB at leastonce a month)if you swing or not, so have fun in what you do, and keep in touch
I have never met you or the Tongue, but I hope you both continue to enjoy the social side of SH. The community spirit of SH is the best part of it for me.
Long may you continue to post!
Awwww WBB and Tonguey!!!!! I consider both of you to be really good friends and will never forget the Sex Maniac's Ball and what a laugh we had that night......
Whether you swing or not makes no difference to me......I just hope you both continue to go to Munches so I can give you both big squeezies there......
You fit in perfectly,you have to stay around as your two of the people that make this place what it is.
Hope you enjoy discovering each other a bit more.
What am I gonna do with ya hun
of course im going to come over and hug and chat to you.........you n tongue are friends and it dosent matter wether you swing or not.
Your a great couple and I enjoy your company, we have had great laughs together and I hope they will continue long into the future
besides wouldnt be the same at Munches etc without you both there
I wish you both every happiness in the future and look forward to loads of hugs as well as a good chat
Love ya both
Vicky xxxxxxxxxxxx
hi WBB and Tongue
We will always come over and say hi to u2 ace people. ever yr swinging or not. u2 are still the same folks to us2
Babe1 and Tbone