Ok now i know i may take some flack for this, but this year, while out working, i do travel about the local area a fair bit, i have found that there havnt been the same amount of fine looking ladys enjoying the fine weather in the North Derbyshire and South Yorkshire areas as one would usually encounter. Where have they all gone? it does take the fun out of working,
Where have they moved to?
The NW, South, The North East, Mind theres always been a fine stock of ladys in the North East.
Any ideas anyone?
Ah a dig from the Black country, Ah mind i do remember a beauty from Walsall, many years ago hmmmmm
they are all beauties in the black country, perhaps thats one of the spots they have moved to, cant see it myself though because we would be in beauty overload then.......
Oh sorry Wilki, I'll try get out more :mrgreen:
Wilki gets out his AA road atlas, but dispair... He just cant find " On me Ass" That damned AA.
not sure they are all beauties
Well at least one of them is here
its in the eye of the beholder ,
you need to get out and meet more of the sh fem population there are plenty of lovely looking fems amongst their ranks
Mrs Bushy gone to Disneyland with the kids