Never heard of her-so looked it up on t' 's a pretty fine woman,lovely chunky thighs and she's with a woman who keeps tigers as a pet is cool with me 8)
By the way it was 1978 according to my source,does that make you feel old???
Can you imagine The Sun? - Swingers are so sex crazed they even want to do it with cartoon characters and TV puppets!
Quote by bluexxx
Talking of tigers - what about He Man and the Masters of the Universe - that was a pretty impressive tiger! He Man was far too muscly to be sexy though
Quote by jfelidae
Betty Rubble was truly sex and I suspect amazing in bed, why else do you think Barney always had that lobotomized smile on his face. .
Quote by WilmaFlintstone
Betty Rubble was truly sex and I suspect amazing in bed, why else do you think Barney always had that lobotomized smile on his face. .
Quote by Fran & Stu
I was just about to shove the kids in the car and come and kick your arse..... grrrrrrr :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
THEN....I read the last line, and Wilma I hope to god you meant me, or else I am going to have to open a can of whoop ass on you :lol: :lol: :lol:
Love Fran
PS....Oh shit the shotgun is out for your