am new here - tho have been in lifestyle on/off for awhile - why does everyones ad - strenously claim they are not "hardened" swingers? is it british thing? not being shown to be too keen
thanks for the welcome
I guess it because no one wants to seem too eager or like they are at it all the time -
FYI - thank god the snow has gone
yes - i guess even people who are swingers dont want to seem to be crazy perverts! funny that
thanks for welcome
I think "hardened swingers" might seem to be not regarded as too keen, but rather as sort of "seen it all, done it all" types who don't show enough enthusiasm.
eughhh..the old rind on the stilton..thats gross..u have one filthy mind..what could be worse than that! theres a challenge
thanks for the welcome
i think the word soft in connection with sex is always a bad idea
I guess some people could have had a handful of swinging partners and be 'hardened' in attitude and others could have been with dozens but still have the sense of wonder about it, and still be eagerly excited and enthusiastic about meeting new playmates.
Ah - now i know !
have to go - thnks for the welcome
What exactly is a 'hardened swinger'?
agred - it could be the number of people you have me or the number of years -
its just funny that no one says " yeah, am totally jaded hardened swinger" hehe
thanks for welcome lucy/mike - dont worry 3 extra men doesnt make you hardened. sorry to read that you are from Yorksha
Lucy&mike - I didnt mean that - you obv have guilty conscience - ha!
It's if you're seen it all done it all bought the t shirt type or not!You can have been with lots of partners but not be that it's still special to you, if you still marvel at the beauty of it all and it's done in a fun way and with a sharing, caring spirit then it's not 'hardened' be it with one person or a dozen at once lol!
hi blondie
you are woman of mystery - ur profile says nothing about you
thanks for the welcome
thats the great thing about this forum - everything is explained -