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Why Am I Still Single?

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Warming the Bed
This has been a really puzzling thing on my head for a while. why am i still single. I do my best to look good. fit in with the crowd, but just don't seem to be getting anywhere.

Quote by Crazy_Jamez_2004
This has been a really puzzling thing on my head for a while. why am i still single. I do my best to look good. fit in with the crowd, but just don't seem to be getting anywhere.

Step one - find girlfriend
Step two - convert said girlfriend into a fiancee
Step three - convert said fiancee into wife
sorted - you are no longer single lol
Sex God
wife?!?!? Thats taking it a bit too far mal!!! I wouldn't have one of them if you paid me!!! rotflmao
Sorry Devil, can't mention payment, you could end up being punished for that :twisted:
He could always change his name to Warwick - there's three of him ,so they're never single!! :lol2:
Cardinal mal
Warming the Bed
The problem is, is that i don't know how to ask a girl out. soon as I get up to ask one I can't manage to say anything.
perhaps one of your problems was your second comment...... "fit in with the crowd" i don't know about anyone else i but i love individuality..... that is why i fell in love with nige...he is an individual...a one off... try to be you and not what other people expect you to be!
soph and nige
sing ....................... 3 is the magic number!!
Sex God
Quote by Crazy_Jamez_2004
The problem is, is that i don't know how to ask a girl out. soon as I get up to ask one I can't manage to say anything.

Well, you know when you're just talking to a mate? Chatting to a bloke at the pub for the first time, cuz no-one else is in there, maybe?
It's just the same. Truly. Just be yourself and don't try to be what you think they wnat you to be. Trust me - a good 90% of the time, you'll have goddit wrong. 'Sides, if you make out you're summat you're not, eventually the real you comes out and it all goes a bit Pete Tong.
Be yourself. Don't try to impress. Before you know it, you'll have made a mate, and most burds won't even consider touching your shoulder unless you're a mate first.
Quote by shireen-steve
You are trying too hard...

Ah, yes but since I stopped trying... I'm still single :shock: rolleyes confused :!:
Sex God
Quote by xxdevil69
wife?!?!? Thats taking it a bit too far mal!!! I wouldn't have one of them if you paid me!!! rotflmao

No no no ... you've got it all wrong. I'd love a wife, someone to wash cook clean. keep house, look after kids, support me by holding down a couple of jobs and will still put out at the end of the day ....
You have to get a wife.
Warming the Bed
Well, you know when you're just talking to a mate? Chatting to a bloke at the pub for the first time, cuz no-one else is in there, maybe?
It's just the same. Truly.

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Don't do it Jim. Its a trap.
Warming the Bed
Its a tricky one mate. Just going up to a girl you have never seen before and know nothing about and just striking up a convosation isnt easy. In my (limited) experience try to stay away from one-liners and corny chat up lines unless they are genuinely very funny and you are confident of getting a giggle. Regular bars and clubs arent really the best either as by the time you have had a couple of pints of dutch courage you run the risk of being the 10th guy that night to ask to buy her a drink when she was only out for a boogie with a few friends anyway.
Girls are a mystery wrapped in a conundrum, and usually dont respond well to "Did ya see Tyson knock fuck outta the other guy last night?" type comments that your mates would be into.
For me the workplace has always been a good environment to get to know the opposite sex but again that carries its own risks such as office gossip.
A simple nice smile can work wonders and some girls really like shy men.
At the end of the day "if ya dont ask ya dont get" and as long as you are polite you are very unlikely to get a slap in the face.
A girl saying no may bruise the ego, but when a girl smiles back or accepts the drink you offer to buy her or whatever you wont even remember how many said no to you before that.
Be nice, be yourself and dont lower your standards just because you think you are on a losing streak, remember girls can smell desperation from a hundred paces.
Fair heart ne'er won fair maiden.
Good luck.
Stop looking. It works for me. When I'm not looking, everyone wants me (you can take that several ways!).
Desperation is not an attractive trait.
Sex God
Quote by Omar The Wünderhorse
This should help as I put this on earlier:
What do you think & read the other posts as well.
Am starting to think that this Site should have a support group for us GENIUE MALES so we can talk & bond.

That is a brill reply on the other thread.
I know we're very lucky, but we leapt thru fire to have the kind of relationship you crave. We knew when we first 'met' that we had to be together. It prolly worked all the more as we had no idea what eachother looked like, what eachothers bank balances were, or other unimportant things like that.
So we met on the 'net. Left our respective spouses, relocated our lives and got happy. Of course, neither of us are in our teens or twenties... all things come to those that wait.
Quote by Omar The Wünderhorse
Am starting to think that this Site should have a support group for us GENIUNE MALES so we can talk & bond.

We have - it's called The Cafe!!! Not forgetting more specifically the GFZ (Girl Free Zone, open every Friday!)
Cardinal Mal
What's wrong with being single??
You get to do what u want, there's no arguememnts/discussions/disagreements, plenty of space in the bed and nobody snoring keeping you awake, less dishes etc etc etc I could go on for hours!
If you're lacking in a little company well get on here more often.
I always used to worry about not having someone in my life but after the last couple of relationships I realised I'm much better off on my own. Sure I get a little lonelly at times and have next to no sex life but I do have peace and my sanity
I just want somone to cook lovely meals & take them out to places that they might not know & introduce them to my love of:

Any ladies that do really understand this please cum to Nottingham & we shall be together doing it in Warp Speed 9.4
Sex God
Quote by xxdevil69
wife?!?!? Thats taking it a bit too far mal!!! I wouldn't have one of them if you paid me!!! rotflmao

I think I need therapy ... when I look at your top picture in your ad, I can't help but wonder what the two statues/figures are of on the mantlepiece/shelf ... that's me being nosey and curious!
Quote by Omar The Wünderhorse
I just want somone to cook lovely meals & take them out to places that they might not know & introduce them to my love of:
Any ladies that do really understand this please cum to Nottingham & we shall be together doing it in Warp Speed 9.4

On 2nd thoughts ... Omar, YOU need therapy :lol2: ... I always quite liked Major Kira Nerys.
ps: Resize your pics will ya?
You've answered your own question in the first post you made.
Do NOT try to fit in with a crowd. Be yourself. Can you imagine a girl saying "Oh, I really like that guy... he's never willing to offer his own opinion, and he tries to blend in with the crowd."
Just relax, be yourself, be honest.
The only down side to being single is you no longer have sex on tap.....Oh no wait...didn't have that when I was married either. Let's try this one again. The only down side to being single is...Oh bugger, blast and blasphemy I'm having a happily single day today. Sorry, can't empathise with you.
Quote by Libra-Love
The only down side to being single is...

Nobody to hug. Nobody to talk to about your day, nobody for support in life's twists and turns, nobody to say "hey, you're doing the right thing". And nobody to hug.
Even if you're crap at asking girls out, being able to flirt and be cheeky to girls is a great benefit of being single.
Also allows you to find out exactly who you are and what you want in life.
I'm single and miss the sex and intimacy (including companionship) quite a bit - I'm not good enough at asking girls out (and sometimes even just getting past 'hi') to be able to keep the sex life interesting. But it can get too easy to forget all the things you can do being single that you can't (or shouldn't) when in a closed relationship - like flirt/more with attractive girls you meet anytime anyplace, go when and where you like and not having to wait hours for them to be ready (sorry, too of much a generalisation).
Agree on comments about desperation. Complement them but don't overdo it, be willing to take the mick a bit (nicely) and don't hang on their every word, just like you would with your mates actually. Practice just smiling at random ladies you walk past if they catch your eye, and other ways to improve your confidence. Starting up conversations with random ones you don't fancy in random situations (not just the pub) - far easier.
Quote by Lil_Bunny
What's wrong with being single??
You get to do what u want, there's no arguememnts/discussions/disagreements, plenty of space in the bed and nobody snoring keeping you awake, less dishes etc etc etc I could go on for hours!
If you're lacking in a little company well get on here more often.
I always used to worry about not having someone in my life but after the last couple of relationships I realised I'm much better off on my own. Sure I get a little lonelly at times and have next to no sex life but I do have peace and my sanity

Yet again, Bunny takes the words right out of my mouth! Could we be telepathic?
Warming the Bed
Quote by Crazy_Jamez_2004
This has been a really puzzling thing on my head for a while. why am i still single. I do my best to look good. fit in with the crowd, but just don't seem to be getting anywhere. duel

sorry said it the wong way. I try my best to stand out of a crowd but all i seem to get is pushed back in again. it's not easy being shy and it's not something you can get rid of easily.
I'm Single and loving It!!
the last few months for me have been the best in a while, and no Girl freind in tow!
Quote by Marya
What's wrong with being single??
You get to do what u want, there's no arguememnts/discussions/disagreements, plenty of space in the bed and nobody snoring keeping you awake, less dishes etc etc etc I could go on for hours!
If you're lacking in a little company well get on here more often.
I always used to worry about not having someone in my life but after the last couple of relationships I realised I'm much better off on my own. Sure I get a little lonelly at times and have next to no sex life but I do have peace and my sanity

Yet again, Bunny takes the words right out of my mouth! Could we be telepathic?
I think we'tre twins who were split at birth Marya lol
Ive been single on and off for 3 years since i split with the wife, the only problem is that in this world as a single its harder to get invites than if you were in a couple. Stick with it if you can find a swinging partner as i hope someday then you will have a world of fun.
Quote by Crazy_Jamez_2004
sorry said it the wong way. I try my best to stand out of a crowd but all i seem to get is pushed back in again. it's not easy being shy and it's not something you can get rid of easily.

In many ways I am very outgoing & I can stand up for myself, but in others I am quite shy, & I could no more walk up to a woman in a pub/bar etc & ask her out than fly in the air. So I empathise deeply. And I would love a girlfriend, or even just a swinging partner. confused Just in case anyone thinks I whinging... just stating a fact.