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Why do people rush TO work?

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This morning I was actually overtaken IN a single lane exit coming off the A38. The guy came pelting in at about 90mph and I had to cross the rumble strip just to stop him ploughing into the back of almost hit the car 10 yards in front of me as well.
I was a little bit put out by his reckless driving to say the least but took the philisophical approach and didn't even pass some non-verbal communication his way,even if he deserved more.
Now that withstanding, it turned out he was working in the same place as me and I was able to have a 'chat' (quite civil I'll have you know) with him in the car bothered me more that as well as killing himself he could kill and seriously injure other I asked him why he did it he just said that he always does it and wanted to get to work.
What I didn't understand was that he was in plenty of time and wasn't going to be late by any stretch of the imagination.
It got me thinking about things,apart fom his lack of do people rush into work?Me, I try to avoid it when possible.
I can understand possibly when it involves long distances,travel times etc but I get passed by a lot of speeding cars going to work.
And NO I do not drive at 30 mph either before I get lot are doing in excess of 80 mph.
WHY?They must be getting paid a lot bloody more than me or have got sh1t-hot jobs!!!!
Sorry about the long post.
That's nothing compared to the frenzied atmosphere late on a Friday afternoon when they're all rushing home with the weekend to look forward to! :shock: :shock: :shock:
I work in the dockyard Steve, so drive thru road raged in Union Street after swopping some verbals with a guy who was driving in just that manner.
ES,I can understand wanting to leave work not going to _j with the new traffic calming(?) in the centre of town it has made people more stressed so I avoid Royal Parade and Union Street and know exactly what you mean.
Not supposed to say this but you can drive fast and still be safe, but not in built-up areas of course.
We live just up from the broadway, wish they would put some traffic calming outside my house.
yeah I know what you mean about royal parade, but I leave for work at 7:30 inth emorning and am going thru Granby at 7:50 without rushing.
At night I go thru Millbay, and around the Barbican to Exeter Street then cut thru Coxside and out onto Billacombe Road that way.
I get into my car at about in the morning and join the Rat Race for the drive across Reading to work.
My major gripe is with people who drive too close behind me when I am driving at or near the speed limit. They do not dictate to me how fast I drive!
Its a waste of life- the time before you get to work isn't it? I mean My missus takes 2 hours to wake up and get ready... Me 15 minutes. Coffee in a plastic beaker on the dash... gives it time to cool down whilst i'm driving and having a shave (Electric.. wet blade is too dangerous.. speed humps Etc.). Get to work. WHAM BAM.
... 6 points on the licence. recently nicked at v naughty speed....... Going to lose it for a month or so..... Fuck. I should have driven slower... At least the camera didn't get me cleaning my teeth whilst shaving and drinking my coffee.
I'm generally at least an hour late for work but I never rush; my life is much too important for me.
Strangely, everyone else in my office is not only there on time, but choose to work late most nights (no overtime) and really love being at work. Weirdos.
Roger,nice to know it ain't just me.
Can't for the life of me ever think why I would want to rush to things to to work but don't want to.
On the M40 on the way into London near the junction with the M25 you pass a huge banner in a field next to the motorway proclaiming the very pertinent question - "WHY DO YOU DO THIS EVERY DAY?" Now that is depressing as you're stuck in a 5 mile tailback on a wet Monday morning.
Just to add my whinge!!
I have to go round a major roundabout every morning on way to work, and every single morning, at least one person is in the wrong lane and it pees me off incredibily cos usually its me they cut up!!! And yes it's usually a woman so before anyone says anything.
I am a woman and a blonde, but I get in the right lane!!!!!! In fact I must be the only blonde woman that is a perfect driver!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
Goodtimez (Mrs)
I know what you mean.I have been finding recently that there are a lot more aggressive young women drivers on the sure if it's a ladette thing or not.
No idea why people rush, one day I expect to get seriously hurt because of it. I do the M25 every day, cars swapping in and out of lanes, ignoring the speed limit signs, lorries on my tail (about 3 - 5ft away at 60 mph) as I slow due to the flashing warnings and they want to carry on regardless...
No wonder so many people get killed, and it not always the twats...
Worst thing, it not all about how fast they go, but how close and badly they drive, and you dont get that on a speed camera!
Quote by PlymstockSteve
This morning I was actually overtaken IN a single lane exit coming off the A38. The guy came pelting in at about 90mph and I had to cross the rumble strip just to stop him ploughing into the back of almost hit the car 10 yards in front of me as well.
I was a little bit put out by his reckless driving to say the least but took the philisophical approach and didn't even pass some non-verbal communication his way,even if he deserved more.
Now that withstanding, it turned out he was working in the same place as me and I was able to have a 'chat' (quite civil I'll have you know) with him in the car bothered me more that as well as killing himself he could kill and seriously injure other I asked him why he did it he just said that he always does it and wanted to get to work.
What I didn't understand was that he was in plenty of time and wasn't going to be late by any stretch of the imagination.
It got me thinking about things,apart fom his lack of do people rush into work?Me, I try to avoid it when possible.
I can understand possibly when it involves long distances,travel times etc but I get passed by a lot of speeding cars going to work.
And NO I do not drive at 30 mph either before I get lot are doing in excess of 80 mph.
WHY?They must be getting paid a lot bloody more than me or have got sh1t-hot jobs!!!!
Sorry about the long post.

i only ever used to rush after my final warning :shock: terrible but true couldnt risk losing my job back then but obviously didnt value my life or other roadusers and realise how stupid i was :cry: smile
Know what you mean welsh I used to be like that but then I deliberately spent a week not breaking the speed was hard but very liberating.I've found it has changed my view on a lot of other things.
Maybe a road to damascus type moment!
Cor blimey.......reading these posts makes me glad that I am just a humble pedestrian!! LOL
My only problem is that I have a full time job with no pay,no thanks,no holidays,no sick time and absolutely no chance of resigning......yep,being a mum....that'll teach me....shoulda been a nun like I always wanted to be!!! Hehehehehehehe
OK,maybe not...........I'd miss you fella's too much xxxx
Luv Cuddles xx
:inlove: :P
Quote by cuddlebunny
Cor blimey.......reading these posts makes me glad that I am just a humble pedestrian!! LOL
My only problem is that I have a full time job with no pay,no thanks,no holidays,no sick time and absolutely no chance of resigning......yep,being a mum....that'll teach me....shoulda been a nun like I always wanted to be!!! Hehehehehehehe
OK,maybe not...........I'd miss you fella's too much xxxx
Luv Cuddles xx
:inlove: :P

's nice cuddles,you're job is a lot harder than mine and in the long run more rewarding as how upset Libra was in another thread when she was worrying about her lad.
Hope you are well and avoiding all us mad drivers in Devon.
biggrin :D :D
Hi Plymstock Steve
Yeah I'm fine sweetie and have managed to avoid any collisions with mad drivers so far!! Anyway,no-one would dare to try and run me over....I'd dent their sodding car (being a big girl 'an all!!) LOL
As for kids....they drive me mad (especially during long holidays!!) but I love 'em to bits..... someone has to!! (Only joking XX)
Cuddles xx
:inlove: :inlove: :inlove:
You know, a lot of the time, unless it's long distance (like a couple of hours or more), it really doesn't make all that much difference 'cos you get slowed down by traffic and lights and stuff. I've done it myself, been late, trying to catch a train where the next one's not for ages and you're worried about the job: rushing in traffic gets you nothing but more risk and pisses off the other drivers.
If you can plan ahead at junctions and get lucky with lights, keep up a steady speed for a good length of time, that's when you make the difference in time. Hitting 60 to catch up with the car in front then braking back down to 30 will very rarely ever get you anything but a lower mpg. You'll find the people behind that you rushed so much to overtake or get ahead of will catch up and be a car behind you at the next lights or turning often enough. Which is.. what - 5 seconds?
Sometimes the luck flows and you can save a few mins but it's not worth it for the increased risk of it taking a few hours/weeks/months/ever too (ie. crash and maybe hospital or even death).
Quote by EagerSlut
That's nothing compared to the frenzied atmosphere late on a Friday afternoon when they're all rushing home with the weekend to look forward to! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Truckers excepted of course?? wink