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Why do women allow themselves to be abused?

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In reply to Easy's comments, I know from personal experience that what happens in your childhood can have an effect on how you deal with relationships in later life redface .
As we are all born with a tabular rasa (clean slate), our behaviour is learnt from those who teach us (i.e. our parents/guardians) and the culture that surrounds us.
My step-dad was an emotional and mental abuser :cry: and a lot of my own insecurities derive from that. My mother was aware of the situation, but for a quiet life, she pretended it never happened mad . When you are told things that you are or are not and spoke to and treat in a certain way, you start to believe it is true and act accordingly. As I had grown older and flown the nest, two long term relationships later and after a lot of soul searching, I realised my own worth and started to live accordingly. When my own children were born, I had made a mental note not to act/behave that way towards my children and ensure their safety and happiness at all times.
I broke the cycle of abuse but that is not always easy to do.
Its impossible to answer as the question is too huge . Fact is before you discussed it you would have to have the posers definition of abuse . Since everyones perception of it differs , and many would argue that if the individual perceived their experiences as abuse then that is what they are .
Its worth remembering that what for many women in society would be perceived as abuse would for many of the women here at SH be looked upon as a good night out !
Very true if you want and need to dissect it, but the stories told here are cases of abuse without question, and the replies here pertain to this kind of abuse, as do the answers. smile
Abuse = Harming someone physically and/or mentally against thier will.
Simple really.
Unless you want to get into cases of people who are being abused but are not ........
Ok, I`m going to have to burn you now :huh:
LOL i hear the sizzle.
Nope i dont want to discuss any of them , in fact im not qualified or motivated to do so . I certainly wouldnt suggest that the people here havent been abused , in any event they all perceive that they have been so by either definition they have been.
I just think its such a very very complex subject that it almost certainly needs discussion on an individual level and since any decent human being would have the basics of what 'absolute abuse ' consists of ingrained in their psyche then any general discussion is almost inevitably bound to be a fruitless round of collective agreement.
Peace x
Yes there is a common scenario shared by many victims and thier abusers. Enough is known about it to make for a valid discussion I feel. Perhaps not a discussion which would highlight every facet, but a valuable one nonetheless.
I believe Crosspatch has been given insights he did not have previously, and that kind of awareness is invaluable. smile
G pauses not wishing to be burned again , and goes quiet for some moments to re-read the thread and check for insight .
BRB xx
Quote by easy
I have a quick question for the people that have been in these relationships if they don't mind answering it?
While you were with your abusive partner did they try and isolate you socially ie try and reduce the amount of contact you had with friends and family?

Yes. Basically.
I started typing out my life story but deleted it!
I wish smeone would tell me how to quote from different posts in my post. There's so many things I want to comment on!
Try and make sense of my responses to the above posts;
Hmmmm yes..... I agree .... you're right ..... yes ..... I know! .... etc etc!!
Aww, I`d never want burn you smile
But I shall if you reply whilst I`m editing again! rotflmao
Marya too if she replies when I haven`t quoted! :doh:
Quote by Silk and Big G
LOL i hear the sizzle.
Nope i dont want to discuss any of them , in fact im not qualified or motivated to do so . I certainly wouldnt suggest that the people here havent been abused , in any event they all perceive that they have been so by either definition they have been.
I just think its such a very very complex subject that it almost certainly needs discussion on an individual level and since any decent human being would have the basics of what 'absolute abuse ' consists of ingrained in their psyche then any general discussion is almost inevitably bound to be a fruitless round of collective agreement.
Peace x

i'm sorry but you have completely lost me on both posts?
erm . . yes . . if i define your behaviour as emotional and physical violence, then . . . erm . . it's violence no? cos i live in my head and if i see it as violence and abuse then that's what it is? we agree on that much, but what are you saying? or am i being particularly dumb tonight? it's possible? but i've read both posts several times and still have no clue what your point is? dunno
neil x x x ;)
i have no idea when youre editing , my multiplicity of talents do not extend to psychic ability . If you wanna burn me , then mind your fingers cos im teflon !
OK ill accept that its possible yer man may be able to take some insight from what has been said . I also accept that the people posting are doing their best in every way to voice their own experience , but truth is - as youve said in not so many words yourself in the thread- they probably dont know their reasons really themselves.
You use the word dissect like its an insult , but surely a question of this magnitude requires at least some level of dissection otherwise its redundant . To say that individuals put up with such treatment because they are ' in love' has no more real worth than just saying they put up with it because they 'like it' .both statements can only be of worth in his understanding if he can appreciate what each and every individuals definition of those words is (and a thousand years of poetry and prose has failed to define at least one of them) .
I hope he did learn something , or at least someone did . I suppose if nothing else we all learned a little about how people answer questions .
Slightly Singed but not Bowed
G xx
Quote by neilinleeds
LOL i hear the sizzle.
Nope i dont want to discuss any of them , in fact im not qualified or motivated to do so . I certainly wouldnt suggest that the people here havent been abused , in any event they all perceive that they have been so by either definition they have been.
I just think its such a very very complex subject that it almost certainly needs discussion on an individual level and since any decent human being would have the basics of what 'absolute abuse ' consists of ingrained in their psyche then any general discussion is almost inevitably bound to be a fruitless round of collective agreement.
Peace x

i'm sorry but you have completely lost me on both posts?
erm . . yes . . if i define your behaviour as emotional and physical violence, then . . . erm . . it's violence no? cos i live in my head and if i see it as violence and abuse then that's what it is? we agree on that much, but what are you saying? or am i being particularly dumb tonight? it's possible? but i've read both posts several times and still have no clue what your point is? dunno
neil x x x ;)
Nope ....or yes .
So it's down to ones definition of abuse? Bullsh*t! Does the abuse alway have to be extreem (in most cases it is pretty severe) before it's recognised as abuse?
Well one example would be the `vunerable` person who doesn`t see they are being abused. If they don`t see it as abuse, is it abuse if they don`t feel abused? Then the person who dishes out abusive behaviour, but isn`t aware it`s abuse, is it abuse if they are not meaning it as such............
I know, that doesn`t actually explainanything, but it is an icky subject that is out there!
How about people who are into serious and sometimes harmful S&M, sometimesit can be a product of early abuse, should this be rectified? Or is the sexual outlet an acceptable way of dealing with these issues?
Or the person who sends a PM with the words `I`ll kill you for that` in big red bold writing. Ones persons abuse, anothers term of expression!
But as I am stepping into `armchair psychology` territory and don`t wish to be flamed, I`ll shuddup now! :uhoh:
Quote by VenusnMars
Well one example would be the `vunerable` person who doesn`t see they are being abused. If they don`t see it as abuse, is it abuse if they don`t feel abused? Then the person who dishes out abusive behaviour, but isn`t aware it`s abuse, is it abuse if they are not meaning it as such............
I know, that doesn`t actually explain anything, but it is an icky subject that is out there!
How about people who are into serious and sometimes harmful S&M, sometimes it can be a product of early abuse, should this be rectified? Or is the sexual outlet an acceptable way of dealing with these issues?
Or the person who sends a PM with the words `I`ll kill you for that` in big red bold writing. Ones persons abuse, anothers term of expression!
But as I am stepping into `armchair psychology` territory and don`t wish to be flamed, I`ll shuddup now! :uhoh:

Yep, thats what I said. smile
Sex God
If the person being done too isn't fully consensual to the action then it is abuse ... simple!
Quote by VenusnMars
How about people who are into serious and sometimes harmful S&M, sometimes it can be a product of early abuse, should this be rectified? Or is the sexual outlet an acceptable way of dealing with these issues?

You know what ... I struggle so very much with this issue. Having been abused for 6 years both mentally and physically and overcoming it ... I have a real leaning towards S&M and D/s .... to the point i had to stop and really heart search .. was I doing it because I craved abuse or because I enjoyed it, and if this was the case how much did I contribute to my own abuse????
Eventually I quit examining it and started enjoying it .... I'm now quite and extrovert, with a fairly dominant personality .... but I really enjoy being submissive in a sexual way ... i am very cautious about this and other men though .. I need to trust and rely on that person before I will ever consider it.
I still don't know the answers to my questions but being with man I can trust and understands my boundaries and background helps ... it is less and less like abuse.
Thankfully I was never abused sexually ... i think this is helpful to me in that I have no strong memories to deal with .. otherwise it may be a different story.
Can someone please explain to me how a person abusing another person could not know they are being abusive?
I get the bit where you can be abused by not recognise it as abuse (been there). So please explain the above to me and them I'm not coming back to this thread. I fear if I do I'll be on the next plane back to SA to take out a whole generation!
Sex God
Quote by Libra-Love
Can someone please explain to me how a person abusing another person could not know they are being abusive?
I get the bit where you can be abused by not recognise it as abuse (been there). So please explain the above to me and them I'm not coming back to this thread. I fear if I do I'll be on the next plane back to SA to take out a whole generation!

I can see it to a degree ..... for example my daughters dad was a bit of a wuss ... let me walk all over him in an effort to please me ... all it led to was me being more and more demanding to make him actually take notice of me and actually talk to me about his feelings. I can definitely see that if I hadn't left then I would have become the abuser - trying harder and hard to provoke some sort of reaction.
I agree though in terms of serious spousal abuse, sexual or physical, how someone could not know they were abusing is something I can't get my head round.
Quote by Silk and Big G
i have no idea when youre editing , my multiplicity of talents do not extend to psychic ability . If you wanna burn me , then mind your fingers cos im teflon !
OK ill accept that its possible yer man may be able to take some insight from what has been said . I also accept that the people posting are doing their best in every way to voice their own experience , but truth is - as youve said in not so many words yourself in the thread- they probably dont know their reasons really themselves.
You use the word dissect like its an insult , but surely a question of this magnitude requires at least some level of dissection otherwise its redundant . To say that individuals put up with such treatment because they are ' in love' has no more real worth than just saying they put up with it because they 'like it' .both statements can only be of worth in his understanding if he can appreciate what each and every individuals definition of those words is (and a thousand years of poetry and prose has failed to define at least one of them) .
I hope he did learn something , or at least someone did . I suppose if nothing else we all learned a little about how people answer questions .
Slightly Singed but not Bowed
G xx

My edit was to correct my misreading, nothing sinister!
I do however disagree with a couple of your points. Many of those who have posted and have come out the otherside, probably do know and understand (excuse the assumption, I don`t know the realities of people here) the `why` and `whatfors` of thier own experiances. Coming through issues like these creates strong and very self-aware people. With that, yes, I do feel that dissection would be a little insulting to the people who shared their experiances here, because of this thread is valuable because of the insights they shared, without that dissection becoming a necessity.
My words which you read as ` they probably dont know their reasons really themselves` don`t actually refer to those who posted here, but to many of those who have not yet managed to change thier lot.
I won`t take defining `staying through love`, because 1. Mars is reminding me that it`s his go on the PC, and 2. I know that those who posted will post a much more articulate answer than I, and yeah, my brain hurts!
However, I will take a moment to say, that regardless of grey areas etc, abuse is unnaccpetable whatever form form it takes, and I am in no way shape or form demeaning the hardship it causes.
I have the greatest admiration for those who have posted here.
Thanks for that Calista. But as you point out, you recognised your behavior as abuse. Good on you for finishing it before it exculated. Even children have the savey to know when they're being abusive (bullying).
Aarrrgggghhhhh.... :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Now I'm off for a stiff drink before my head explodes!
Sex God
Quote by Libra-Love
Can someone please explain to me how a person abusing another person could not know they are being abusive?
I get the bit where you can be abused by not recognise it as abuse (been there). So please explain the above to me and them I'm not coming back to this thread. I fear if I do I'll be on the next plane back to SA to take out a whole generation!

My ex thought he was being 'the man of the house'. He laid down silly rules and was extremely jealous. He would enjoy the power of 'letting' me have a night out with the girls, then on the actual evening, once I was ready to go out the jealousy would kick in. He didnt like to see me excited about something that didnt involve him. So I wouldn't be allowed out.
I don't think he saw himself as being abusive, it wasnt all the time, not that often at all compared to some. I was also not one to back down at the start ........ so asked for what I got in his eyes. He would wallop me (I never ever hit first) so I would do it back. It always ended the same way tho, eventually I would have to go like a rag doll so he would eventually stop. Then he would cry, absolutely horrified at what he had done. I would sit there holding him, all battered and bruised and tell him it wasn't his fault it was mine, he would agree by saying I should have just backed down after the first hit to stop it going further.
The most ironic thing about it all was his favourite saying, he said it lots of times, but the one time that got me was just after he had run away from a fight in a pub. He started the fight, he didn't think the bloke had seen who done it (long story but the whole pub was bluddy fighting, like out one of then westerns confused ). As soon as my ex realised he ran away :shock:
His favourite saying ..................... "I would rather be a live coward than a dead hero"
He never considered himself abusive. He believed it was my fault, and led me to believe that I asked for it as I never backed down straight away. That is a little bit of my side of the story. I'm sure his would be different.
Despite the fear of digging a bigger hole for myself, you deserve an answer Libra (but please know I am a nice person who doesn`t want to upset you surprised )
I`ll use a statement I used earlier in the thread, and turn it around some.
Quote by VenusnMars
Often people need to learn to love themselves first. To the abused, it`s often the only `love` they have ever known.

And sometimes it`s the only `love` they learn to give, hence the pattern of abuse repeating in families. It is in fact a pattern of control which some abused can crave. They just don`t always recognise it, many choose not to (so deserve everything they get).
An abuser I once spoke with who`d come out the other side, once told me `My blood father taught me how to abuse women, my step-father taught me how to abuse chilldren.
He is not in a good place right now, and he didn`t recognise his abuse until much too late. I`d have liked to have heard him take more responsibility, there are many out there who have broken the circle. He did..........eventually. Too little, too late. He was responsible for that at the very least. He should have broken it before he hurt people.
But then come the questions of `if some of the abused can`t break the circle, why is it not acceptable that some of the abusers can`t`
But that is a grey area I don`t want to acknowledge just yet. I`m happier with my condemnation.
It is a huge subject though, one which I won`t pretend to understand completely.
I really hoped that helped, cos I hate digging holes for myself.
Not an expert and I don't want this to be seen as sexist but there is a lot of focus on physical abuse in the media, which is more obvious and easy to evidence than psychological abuse.
Recently I saw a statistic that 16% of men in relationships suffered abuse. Quite frankly I think if psychological abuse was properly reflected I think that stat would be much higher judging by what I see in the office every day.
Sex God
Exactly Venus!
People say there is no excuse to abuse, and they're absolutely right ......... But often there is a reason behind it.
Lame example but, my ex was 'the man of the house' in the only way he knew how - by acting like his father.
Good point TE. I think that 16% is probably a low estimate, as, even in this day and age, it is still not taken as seriously as women being abused - so men don't come forward. What gets my heckles up is women that are constantly abusive towards their partners. Then when the guy defends himself she runs off telling everyone that he hit her and then plays the victim. They have no idea what it's like to be abused and are just playing on the sympathy and drama of it all!
I have never been or have never abused so don't really know what it's like to be in that situation.I can imagine though and it must be terrible.
I find it hard to imagine why someone who loves someone else can do that sort of thing though.I would never and have never imagined raising my hand to Clare,i love asnd cherrish her,thus all i want for her is the very best,so why would i ever want to hurt her.
I know this adds nothing to this debate or explains why people do it,i just wanted to put that.
Sex God
Funnily enough my ex is still drinking heavily as well Heather....

You been following me, Shireen? :beer: :cheers: :silly:
Well Crosspatch what a thread you started here. The replies are really amazing and powerful. I'm sitting here shaking. The experiences of some of you folk would be so valuable to anyone suffering from an abusive partner. Thank you for sharing them with us. There's also a wealth of deep thinking amongst you all.
Ive never understood the need to hurt anyone myself, but the other half does enjoy playing at being abused in "the nicest sought of way". Don't know the psychology of that and she doesn't either but does that make it just a bad as the real thing ?
Warming the Bed
I have been away overnight and am staggered by the (generally) sensible and sensitive response that my thread has provoked…… When I have had time to reread everything and got my further thoughts together, I will post again.
In the meantime …… When constructing the hypothesis, I was fully aware that I was taking a very simplistic approach to a very complex problem, and indeed I stated as much ….. Nevertheless, I will still maintain that the victim has a choice whether or not to remain in a violent relationship.
I equally accept that it may take a long time, an outside catalyst or a number of other factors before it actually dawns on the victim that he/she has such a choice …… But more later, with luck today.
Quote by Marya
Firstly, I'd like to say well done to crosspatch for raising such a sensitive issue. I know you feel very strongly about and were very concerned not to offend or upset anyone.
I can only speak from my own experience and those of the people I knowpersonally who have been in a similar situation ...

Well said Marya. kiss
As some of the posters here pointed out (male and female) there is a choice, those who posted took it. However, until that strength and understanding is reached, which you rightly point out, that choice is simply not there for the victim. I think it should be emphasised how unavailable this choice is to those who are isolated and abused, for suggesting otherwise could seem to some to be suggesting it`s asked for. I know that`s not what you are doing Crosspatch, I`m just pointing out how careful one should be with the wording.
Think of it as say, discovering electricity, it`s always been out there, but until it was harnessed, noone used it. Did these people choose not to use it, or were they simply unaware?