I vote because I can.
It'd be rude not to when so many women in the world still cannot have their opinion counted by the government that 'rules' them.
Quote by Dirtygirlie
Cause women fought long and hard to give us that right.
And if I don't vote I don't have the right to complain and I'm a woman... I like to complain! :mrgreen:
Quote by flower411
I have no party loyalty. I am afraid these days I vote for the party that I believe will do the least damage. I am a floater :shock:
I do believe that one should vote so at least one can say I did my bit to improve our lot. To not vote undermines our voice imho, if we can't be arsed to make our views known with a vote we can't really critiscise when we get the dross we get.
Next stop lobbying my mp...now thats real democracy...make the buggers accountable
Quote by niceguysdoexist
Cause women fought long and hard to give us that right.
And if I don't vote I don't have the right to complain and I'm a woman... I like to complain! :mrgreen:
Quote by flower411
This is a point often brought up by people who vote for the sake of it.
To be honest I think that voting for the least bad option just so that you can say you have voted, is the thing that undermines our voice.
The people that receive your vote are encouraged into thinking that they are doing it right because you voted for them.
If all of the negative voters abstained and told their politicians that they had done so because they are all a useless bunch, maybe, just maybe some of them would actually think about what they were doing and listen to the electorate.
To vote "because I can" or "because it`s my duty" is the lazy option, it seems to exonerate you from any blame from all the shit that`s going on.
Quote by Staggerlee_BB
Until the repeal of clause 4 of the labour party constitution I voted labour since then I have spoiled my ballot paper as I refuse to vote for any of the tories on offer
I vote (spoil the paper) because it is my duty as a citizen of this country.
As has been mentioned I believe there should be a box to register an abstention... I also believe voting should be compulsory.
It is the duty of any electorate / population to police their government....failure to do this leads to despotism , tyrants and dictators exist because the masses allow them to ; our method of policing government is to hold elections ,falling turnouts at the ballot box are already bringing us closer to a police freedoms are being eroded because of our apathy and I don't want to be responsible for the failure to prevent this
Quote by Dirtygirlie
In one way it's a shame women got the vote ...now I won't get the chance to see you chained to some railings :twisted:
Quote by foxylady2209
Until the repeal of clause 4 of the labour party constitution I voted labour since then I have spoiled my ballot paper as I refuse to vote for any of the tories on offer
I vote (spoil the paper) because it is my duty as a citizen of this country.
As has been mentioned I believe there should be a box to register an abstention... I also believe voting should be compulsory.
It is the duty of any electorate / population to police their government....failure to do this leads to despotism , tyrants and dictators exist because the masses allow them to ; our method of policing government is to hold elections ,falling turnouts at the ballot box are already bringing us closer to a police freedoms are being eroded because of our apathy and I don't want to be responsible for the failure to prevent this
Quote by foxylady2209Which is why we should be able to officially abstain, thereby telling the candidates we don't want any of them representing us. Spoiled papers don't quite have that effect because nobody knows for sure WHY a particular paper was spoiled. A properly registered abstention leaves no room for candidates to pretend we made a mistake and 'spoiled' our papers accidentally. People who deliberately spoil their papers do so because it's the only way to try to register their dissatisfaction. The other option of not turning up at the polling station implies you don't care, so until there is a "None Of The Above", the democratic voice will not be fully heard.
Spoiled papers are totally disregarded.