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Why I won't be going to the after munch party!

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Recently I received a PM from Marcuso the organizer of the Notts post-munch party. It reads as follows:
Quote by bi_curious_man123
Hi LC.
I've been asked to take your name off the list for the after munch party.
I'm really sorry to have to tell you like this, but there's never an easy way.
Will buy you a pint at the munch to try to make it up to you.

I was surpried by this coming out of the blue like that and wondered if it had anything to do with the post munch party I had attended in the NE (as it turned out I was correct in assuming this, as you shall see). I responded with a request:
Quote by Lovecommando
Dear Marcuso
Is there a particular reason for this? I understand this might be awkward for you to give the reason. Have I offended anyone for example?

Marcuso's reply is as follows:
Quote by bi_curious_man123
I can't really give you a reason as it would betray the trust of the people that have asked me to take you off the list, but hope you enjoy the munch anyway

Now at this point my mind went into paranoid overdrive. Who were these people (or person) who did not wish me to be at the party? Above all, what had I done that had made them decide they did not require my presence? Was this anything to do with the party I had attended in the NE? Or was it nothing to do with that, was it do do with some grudge someone held against me? I really couldn't figure it out! If it was anything to do with the NE party then I had no idea. The party had gone well, except for the fact that I lost my moblie phone somewhere and couldn't figure out where or when it had gone missing (ok, I'd had a few drinks). The following day I left, said farewell to everyone and I believed all were on good terms. So it couldn't be anything to do with those people who had attended, could it? So what and who the hell was it?
Then I began to think that others would wonder why I had been dropped from the list. That I would have no reasonable excuse to offer them. Then the thought that others would find out the reasons, yet I would have no knowledge of what was being said behind my back. And if people did not find out the reasons then they would start to speculate. It occurred to me that I may not get invited to other parties because of what was being said about me or because of what I had supposedly done! I needed to know the answers and wrote back to Marcuso.

Quote by Lovecommando
Dear Marcuso
Well I am most upset at this turn of events. I really feel I should be given a reason as I have no way of defending myself. I guess you will not disclose who has had me removed from the list but I feel they should face me and try to sort out whatever issues they have instead of behaving in this underhand way. I'm sure you'll understand why I feel this way.

The following day Marcuso wrote back to me with a fuller explanation. Here is the denouement:
Quote by bi_curious_man123
Sorry you are upset at the way things have turned out.....Maybe I could have worded the original message a little me try again.........I have now spoken to a few people who were at the party. Some mentioned that most joined in with the conversations and messing around etc except for you. It was also mentioned that there was concern that you didn't bring any alcohol with you, or contribute in any way.
In the PM I sent out about the party it was stated that it would be a bring-a-bottle party. As the party was being held at the house of a single parent who is also a student, I'm sure you will agree that there should have been some contributions by everyone.
I have the final say over who comes to the party and if you feel that you should fall out with anyone then that person should be me.I sincerely hope you won't fall out with me, as I hate the thought of anyone falling out, but I feel that this time, it's better that you don't come to the party.
I hope you take this in the way it's meant. And the offer of buying you a pint at the munch still stands.
Take care

Well at last I had the reasons and it was something of a relief to know that I had not committed some kind of swinging faux pas. I wrote several PMs back to Marcuso, covering the points raised which I shall give here.
Firstly, I did 'bring a bottle' to the party in the form of a bottle of Los Clavels white wine which I bought at M&S. I recall handing it to the party hostess and we had some problem getting it into the fridge as it was very full. Taking drink to parties is a given and I don't need reminders by PM to do this. I always take drink with me to parties let it be known.
As it happens I believe that the bottle of Los Clavells was not opened at the party and remained in the fridge. I did not check on the day I left, but if it was still in the fridge I left it there with the intention that the party hosts would enjoy it on another occasion.
Secondly, as regards not contributing '"in any way". Not sure what is meant here? Let me say this though. I am generally a quiet and shy person, not always, but often. I'm an introvert by nature and I tend not to 'join in' if I don't feel like it. I find a room full of people intimidating sometimes and tend to sit quietly and let others get on with it. Yes, maybe I had been a bit subdued, unlike others. The fact that I had lost my mobile phone preoccupied my mind and certainly put me in a down mood. Nevertheless I did join in with the conversations with the people I knew who were there.
I think it is unfair to judge anyone on the basis that they did not join in with party games or whatever. I believe that in swinging circles or at any other party for that matter it is a given that there is 'no obligation to play'. I feel this issue is the most hurtful as I feel that I have been unfairly judged on my personality and purely on the basis of one evening. I will not pretend to be something or someone just because it is expected of me. I am who I am and I expect people to respect that, as I respect others for the same reasons. It's not too much to ask, is it? I was given to believe that the mood here at SH one one of acceptance of peoples differences, no matter what they are, as long as you respect other people for who they are then you can expect the same. For the most part, the people here are in accordance with that belief and this is what gives this site its strength. If you cannot do this, then I ask, why are you here?
Finally the reasons I have gone public with these issues is so that my voice is heard. If people are spreading rumours about me that I don't 'contribute' at parties 'in any way', then these are totaly unfounded and predjudiced accusations. I have no idea if these slurs on my character were going to go no further than those involved. However I cannot take that chance and I that is why feel I must address these issues publicly.
Well I was at the NE after munch party and never noticed anything untoward by all!! I don't understand why anybody would say that you didn't join in because it was mostly a social affair and apart from the few conversations that were going on there was nothing to join in with.
Yes I agree you're a quiet guy Lovecommando but then again so am I. I'd hate to think that somebody could be thought ill of for not being the life and soul of a party otherwise I'd never get invited anywhere.
I thought you were fine mate. I've no idea what or who's behind what's happened but I'd be quite happy to invite you along again.
LC, I am very glad you have decided to go public with this. As I was not at the same party that this series of "problems" arose I cannot comment on those. However, I can vouch for your behaviour at my party last month. You behaved in every way (to my knowledge at least) like a perfect gentleman throughout the party. You spent a good couple of hours with us before the party as your train was early. You offered to help me organise things before the party, and although everything was more or less sorted before you arrived the offer was noted as being a polite gesture. You did not know us and we did not know you yet you made an effort to make conversation and Satin and I both thought that you were a polite, all round nice guy (sorry if that sounds patronising in any way!). You brought two bottles of wine with you, one for the party and one for my own pleasure as it was my birthday. I believe I remember you offering to get more if it was needed? (it wasn't, we had plenty!). Throughout the party you continued to be polite and a full participant in the activities. The following morning I believe you offered to help me tidy away the debris from the night before - mainly condoms and bottles - ewwww! wink I had absolutely no problem with you in any way, and I would gladly let you stay over for Satin's party if you would like to stay. If there had been any problem with your behaviour at all at my party I would not offer this again.
I have no idea what the truth of this very strange tale is, but what I can't understand is the way it has been handled. Maybe I am speaking out of turn here, but I feel that the person/people who had the problem with LC in the first place should have confronted him personally at the time. To me it seems cowardly and childish to have approached the situation in this way. At very least LC deserved a full explanation from the beginning.
Oooo I hate things like this, it undermines the friendly and good natured structure of these forums.
It does worry me thou as my hubby and I are fairly quiet at times until the right moment arises (yes i can be dancing on the bar with my knickers on my head along with the rest of em), but would this cause problems at future events? Would this make us appear unapproachable, i hope not! rolleyes
Im sure you are a gentleman LC, maybe this is a case of chinese whispers or some misinterpreted conversation?
Hope this is all sorted soon hun :rose:
LC kiss
That's awful.
The question now would be....
Do you really want to be with people who will have you pulling knives out of your back?
I'm left very dumbfounded by this as when we met you,you were a genuinly nice bloke.I find it very bad that people would be like this to a fellow muncher.
If we were holding the party we wouldnt try and stop you coming,but we arent which is a shame.
I hope this hasnt left you in any way stuck or not wanting to come to the munch.
Hey LC...I don't know you personally and I haven't attended a munch as yet...but I have read your contributions to the forums and you seem an all round decent kinda guy to me...good luck in getting this sorted mate
Well I'm gobsmacked..... :shock:
I have never met you but can hazard a guess at you being a very thoughtful and articulate man from reading your posts....
I agree with Libra-Love, best stick to being around people that haven't got any knives handy...
I would just like to add that I believe that parties are there for people to enjoy themselves in their own way..... At my party, and at Satin's to come, I would not want to people have felt obliged to join in with anything they didn't want to - either sexual or social. Some people are naturally reserved and should not feel that they should have to be a total extrovert to be liked! Believe it or not, I am quite a shy person until I get to know people and sometimes I come across as very quiet. Other times I am loud and outgoing, it all depends on the situation and how comfortable I feel with the people there. I would feel very uncomfortable indeed if I felt that I was EXPECTED to behave in a certain way to be liked! Satin is also quite a shy person til he gets to know people and if anyone could have seen how nervous he was before he went to his first munch you will know what I mean! I think judging someone just cos they're quiet is more and more distasteful the more I think about it. The fact that LC lost his phone probably didn't help but come on folks, give us all a break.... is this really enough of a reason to ban someone from a party???? I got my phone stolen at a club last year and I probably was not a barrel of laughs at all... I was gutted cos I lost a load of work numbers... Anyways, that's beside the point.... the pont is, this is judgemental in its extreme. At Satin's party, it won't matter if you're quiet or loud, we will make you welcome and try our best to make you feel at home and at ease. If you want to go and chill out on your own for a bit you won't be thought badly of! If you want to just watch and have a laugh, that is fine too. Swinging is about trust, respecting other people's diversity and being grown up about issues that may arise along the way. Now I really have said enough.... I never know when to shut up but I am pretty annoyed about this! rolleyes
u get my vote after meeting u at blues party and will look 4ward to meeting u again at blues
LC, you have always come across as a great bloke, and the eloquence of your post in defence here underlines how much of a decent chap you are. Then again I wasn't even invited (no real surprise there) but the way you were blown hot n cold is frankly just plain wrong, you deserve an unreserved apology IMHO.
I really hope you go to the munch as one of the sites old hands (I mean that in a positive way) I was hoping to meet you along with a number of others, if the other posts on here are anything to go by you would be badly missed.
Please still go mate, don't let anyone get you down...
Oh one more thing while I'm on a roll (come on I might as well have my FULL say! rolleyes wink )... if LC had been a woman instead of a single guy would he have been treated in the same way????
OK, OK, maybe that's below the belt but it does beg the question! confused :? :? :?
Quote by bluexxx
Oh one more thing while I'm on a roll (come on I might as well have my FULL say! rolleyes wink )... if LC had been a woman instead of a single guy would he have been treated in the same way????
OK, OK, maybe that's below the belt but it does beg the question! confused :? :? :?

I think we all know the answer to that one blue to be honest.... Which makes it all the more annoying.... mad
Quote by shireen-steve
Oh one more thing while I'm on a roll (come on I might as well have my FULL say! rolleyes wink )... if LC had been a woman instead of a single guy would he have been treated in the same way????
OK, OK, maybe that's below the belt but it does beg the question! confused :? :? :?

I think we all know the answer to that one blue to be honest.... Which makes it all the more annoying.... mad
Agreed :x
LC all i can say is that im disgusted that youve been treated that have also let it be known that whoever has said this is NOT welcome at our munch anymore.
Please don't think about not coming to the munch,if your not there then we will be seriously gutted and i mean that.
When i met you at the last munch,you were a perfect gentleman,and dont let anything that whoever has said get you down,our judgements for you havent changed one little bit!
Quote by bluexxx
Oh one more thing while I'm on a roll (come on I might as well have my FULL say! rolleyes wink )... if LC had been a woman instead of a single guy would he have been treated in the same way????
OK, OK, maybe that's below the belt but it does beg the question! confused :? :? :?

OK LC I guess we've found the person to take it to the boxing ring for you ... now dare the other party stand up ? In the blue corner we have Bluexxx .....
.... kiss for Bluexxx . Im sorry to laugh but your frustration is so obvious and is exactly how I feel right now
Hi Love Commando, you have all my sympathies. I have been to several munches, and will be there on Saturday, but I have not been to any of the parties. I don't think I ever want to go to any either, if some people are "evaluating" others on the quiet. It's worth emphasising to those who might not realise that the munches are entirely separate from any parties which are organised for afterwards. At least everyone can still be entirely at ease during the munch!
Quote by Clare_Lincs
.We have also let it be known that whoever has said this is NOT welcome at our munch anymore.

And we mean let our feelings known and think it's fucking aweful to treat anyone like this mad :x
Well I'm utterly gobsmacked :shock:
From what you've said there, I find it incredible that someone is refusing to attend a party with you there ......... because you're quiet :shock: And to feel they have the right to put a third person in the middle like that, it's extremely unfair on Marcuso.
It certainly makes me feel like I would definitely think twice about going to a party, as although I can be quite loud and fairly boisterous - I'm not one you will ever see on a dance floor or for party games etc. And I think that to expect everyone to be like that is preposterous!! This site is for anyone with a broadminded outlook, so people should expect a huge variety of people at events, not a load of clones!
LC I know you're a pretty sensitive guy, but please don't get down about this ok. Not gonna go on about how brill you are cos it would embarrass you and it's not why you put this thread up.
But you're brill cool
Id just like to say that we will be having drinks in the hotel bar after the munch if anyone wants to join us,EVERYONE is welcome biggrin
This is a difficult discussion to see in here.
I know LC having met him as a friend and am saddened by this. However the after munch party is a private party and it is up to the host who attends. What I feel is wrong is that LCs name was publicly on the after party list for a number of weeks before it was removed. This is maybe something that after munch organisers need to think about in the future. It is your rightto decide who can come into your own homes but this will leave a sour taste for people who publicly put their names down in the lets meet up or cafe.
On the plus side, the munch IS the main event which is what everyone is going to (through clear selection criteria).
I hope this is sorted out in a way that does not mean anyone feels they are obliged to invite people that they dont wish to have at their own parties - that has to be personal choice of numbers at the end of the day. BUT if that is the case then people should get personal invites rather than going for public requests for people to attend and not giving clear selection criteria if you are told later you cant attend.
I am sorry this has gone public as I think Marcuso is also a really nice guy and would hate to see that anyone takes sides in what I think should have been a very private conversation.
I hope it gets sorted. I am aware that LC's name is down for Marcuso's own house party and is still there so this is NOT about Marcuso either.
Quote by MikeNorth
It's worth emphasising to those who might not realise that the munches are entirely separate from any parties which are organised for afterwards. At least everyone can still be entirely at ease during the munch!

Thats too bloody right,weve tried to include as many as we can for the munch,and havent listened to certain people who have asked us not to let other people attend.
As Judy has said, you are MORE than welcome to join us after the Munch, we could do the same as after the NW Munch and talk til dawn....
Alternatively we could think of something else to keep us entertained, come to think of it Judy did mention her make-up bag (sorry suitcase) needed sorting out. lol :lol:
Hugs mate
maz xxx
Quote by bluexxx
Oh one more thing while I'm on a roll (come on I might as well have my FULL say! rolleyes wink )... if LC had been a woman instead of a single guy would he have been treated in the same way????
OK, OK, maybe that's below the belt but it does beg the question! confused :? :? :?

No its not at all Blue. Not that we will ever have the chance to attend a munch as they are held up north as a rule, but your question does bear merit!
I guess it all comes down to who was complaining really........
Silky xxxxxxxx
I certainly do not want to get involved in this argument - it's nothing to do with me for a start - but I would like to say, that regardless of the reasons, anyone having a party in the privacy of their own home should be well within their rights to revoke invitations as they see fit.
I've got no argument with Clare or Steve, either, but if you then revoke the Munch invite for the person/people concerned, aren't you then behaving in the very same manner you are condemning?
smile hi lc
being new here ,and never been to munch or after party, I can look at this in totally neutral way,
you seem to have loads of support, so i take it your a nice guy
my advice would be too go to munch enjoy yourself as off yet none of your accuser,s
have been able to justify there actions
the genuine people there will make you welcome as for the rest are they worth knowing anyway?
doubt they will look you in the eye
feelings seem to be running high hope i dosn,t create a bad atmostphere and evey one enjoys themselves
thats my two pennys worth hope it makes sense to someone wink
as an aside ..... there seems to be a lot of people heading back to the hotel bar afterwards ... as they are a hotel they are entitled to keep the bar open as long as is required without needing an extension licence (as far as I am led to believe). Would it be worth warning them that there will be more than a handful of us, so they can adequately cover it.
They may say no we close at a certain time which they are within their rights to do also.
Just a thought ....
Yes, of course people have the right to invite whoever they want (or not, as the case may be) to their own houses and private parties. My problem with this is how it has been handled throughout. At the very least, LC should have been provided with the full facts of the matter by the person making the complaint - from the outset. Even if there was a genuine problem, the way it has been handled (through a 3rd party with reluctance to provide even an explanation at first!) has meant that the problem has been lost in translation. It reminds me of the way problems were solved in the playground and I am dissappointed that I have encountered this situation on swinging heaven.
Marya we don't want the person who has accused LC of this coming to the munch as we don't want accusations flying around after,its something that everyone can simply do without to be honest.
Quote by Calista
as an aside ..... there seems to be a lot of people heading back to the hotel bar afterwards ... as they are a hotel they are entitled to keep the bar open as long as is required without needing an extension licence (as far as I am led to believe). Would it be worth warning them that there will be more than a handful of us, so they can adequately cover it.
They may say no we close at a certain time which they are within their rights to do also.
Just a thought ....

Weve just phoned the hotel and the bar shuts at 2am