We are relativily new to the site and dont post in the forums very often but this morning i have spent time reading some of the post which i might add are peeps moaning about the site free members paying members and god knows what else to do with the site.
Fisrtly non paying members who cares, When you joined the site you did you email the admin to see if all peeps payed no you didnt you got out your debit card payed your money and entered then you started to moan, where i come from thats called shutting the door after the horse has bolted, also we have made some great friends on this site you know who you are and even tho you have met them you feel a sense of trust, Not i wonder if there paying members, Also you have to remember there are people from all walks of life on this site and no matter what you have going on in your life if you need help some where on here there will be people who can help for instance approx 2 month ago i was having problems with my local copper i didnt know what to do so i asked in a chatroom for advice with in 2 minutes a person who is a friend and will remain anonamus whispered me and said i know who you need to speak to they are a friend of mine ill contact them for you that friend then whispered me and helped me out, So instead of looking at what problems you can cause look at what the site gives you and the help and support it provides.
Secondly admin mods and op's they have a job to do and yep not everyone likes what they are doing but live with it, 99% of peoples that use this site have no idea what would go it to running a site of this size, or type instead of shouting and arguing with admin ask your question put forward your suggestions but remember what is easy to say isnt easy for admin to do, if you think you can do a better job then start your own site write the site with everything you want, and a guarentee you will be back realising it isnt easy.
Critasism in a good way is constructive critasism in a bad way is deconstructive you have to decide if you wanna help or destory.
st3v3 i think you and your team do a great job at maintaining and upgrading the site keep up the good work.