and there was I thinking this was an open letter to the BBC's Points of View.
They probably recieved a lot of postcards too.
now, I may be wrong (It has been known) but the Current Affairs Forum was created not all that long ago in an attempt to keep a lot of the (at the time) threads of that nature from appearing in the |Cafe| (I don't know how those<<< bars appeared, but I like them and they're staying!)
There had always been a number of thise contencious threads about, and very lively they could be too.
However, in the months preceding that forum segregation certain 'type' of "link n post" style had developed. This style, in my view, provoced reaction in the first instance as they seemed ill informed, and not the views of the poster. Merely something (intentional or otherwise) set to gain reaction. When reaction is given, some may feel they are under personal attack and then react in a defencive and atagonistic manner.
The spiral tightens.
I like the "IDEA" of the Current Affiars Forum.
However, at present, I don't like the way that threads can start (in some, not all circumstances) and be allowed to descend into chaos and bickery.
It doesn't take much for this to happen, and I don't believe it wold take all that much to put measures in place which would 'help' to prevent it.
Perhaps tighter "rules"?
I'm not a great one for RULZ, but when common decency and respect for the opinion of others appears a dificult concept to grasp for some, measures can offer a strong pointer towards acceptable behaviour.
some, by no means all of the active posters in CR seem unable to voice without fear for the strength of thier convictions, and before thought is allowed its moment have already shaped up for a fight.
how much is postage these days... and have I left room for the stamp?