The first time I posted a question I was told it had already been done before.
The trouble with being new on this site is that somebody else has already had your idea. But here goes anyway.
Can anybody explain why so many photo ads are from up north and not in the South and South West. We are just as horny down here, in fact if you believe the papers, we're healthier and got more money. But I think that must be everybody else.
Why oh why??
(I'm sure somebody will tell me that I'm a pratt again and should have checked some directory somewhere)
Hi Facilitator,
Just ask any of the mods on this site for an official adoption application form any time:
Adopt-A-Southerner (SH charity of the year 2004)
Now where could I get a huge throbbing cock from so that I can take a picture.
I think I may have opened a can of worms with that one
Judy thanks for the offer.
Are you sure about this 'cos I thought we were all southern softies.
I suppose you're not talking just about phone numbers being exchanged.
Thanks guys for all the wonderful advice.
I suppose I could move north, but then I wouldn't be able to understand anybody, would oi moy luvver.
Sgot a job to undstan wot's goin on ere let alone up thar
We live in Somerset.
But I work up north.
Every day I commute to Bath.
Oooooo whooshman.....even better hehehe Shall we draw up a strategic plan of action??
Hey, Im in Bristol Bath is a lovely place to work (mmmmm far more than the area I work in anyway).
Will have to come visit me one Saturday lunchtime, then. (only day I get a lunch break, that's a half hour, too!)