We are now proud to announce (finally! ) our latest (and last!) new arrival.......
Will junior was born on Tuesday October 17 at 13:25. He weighed in at a very impressive 8lb 11oz (:shock
Sappho (God love her :inlove:) was absolutely incredible. Apart from a few puffs of gas and air (which was VERY nice when I tried it! ) she had no pain relief at all and remained pretty calm and composed. Mind you, she did squeeze my hand quite hard and admitted afterwards that it 'stung a bit!'
Joking aside it was obviously f*@k@*g painful and I am now trying to ensure that she takes it easy for a few days until we get everything under control.
Any other guy who has been through this cannot fail to be amazed at what our partners go through. Our family is now complete (there will be no more announcements like this from us, I am afraid) and we will try and keep you up to date with progress.